Utertunnguaq name meaning

Gender: Unisex, both Boy and Girl
Origin: Greenlandic
Usage: Greenlandic
Meaning: The Returned One
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What does Utertunnguaq mean?

Utertunnguaq is Greenlandic equivalent of Utertúnguaĸ.

Variants of Utertunnguaq

Utertúnguaĸ, Utertoĸ

How popular is the name Utertunnguaq?

Utertunnguaq is an uncommon name around the world.


What numbers say about Utertunnguaq?

You act protectively around the people you love and people who need help. You are a lucky person and you know it. No matter if a person treats you bad today, all you remember is their good sides and how he or she helped you at a certain point in life. You are a carefree and lively creature that's got the love for everyone, even your enemies, although you don't have much of those. Taking into consideration your communication skills and charisma, you won't have a problem to attract attention and spread awareness. Harmony and balance matter to you.

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Famous people named Utertunnguaq

We could not find any notable namesake.

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