Utu name meaning

Gender: Boy
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What does Utu mean?

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How popular is the name Utu?

Utu is a familiar baby name in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, India and Nigeria. At least, 1000 people around the globe have been given the name as per our research.


Utu in Nordic countries

First NameSecondary NameFirst NameSecondary Name

What numerology tells about Utu?

You are a lucky person and you know it. You like to enjoy all the pleasures life has to give such as alcohol, music, food, sex, and sleeping. You are efficient, dynamic, and always look at the big picture instead of collecting the small pieces and wonder where they fit. You are always there to help people in need with a good advice or do something that would ease up their situation, or at least make them feel more comfortable in their own skin.

Other names similar to Utu

  •  Adiputeri - Used in Malay, Adiputeri means "Daughter or Princess" and is given to girls came from Malay
  •  Lokamaya - Unisex name Lokamaya is especially used in Hindi and Hindi, meaning of Lokamaya is "A Form of Godess Durga"
  •  Phirun - The boy name Phirun means "Rain" is originated from Khmer language is principally used in Cambodian
  •  DeMonte - The commonly accepted boy name DeMonte means "Mountain" majorly used in English is rooted from French language. DeMonte is derivative of Demont.
  •  Anne-Charlotte - Anne-Charlotte's meaning is Robust, Strong or Gracious is of German and Hebrew origin

Famous people named Utu

We could not find any notable namesake.

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