Vellamo name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Finnish
Usage: Finnish and Swedish
Meaning: Surging
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What does Vellamo mean?

Used specifically in Swedish and Finnish, Vellamo is rooted from Finnish used as a girl name, Vellamo means "Surging".

Variants of Vellamo


How popular is the name Vellamo?

Vellamo is an uncommon name probably limited to Finland. As per our estimate, over 60 babies have been bestowed Vellamo around the globe.


Vellamo in Nordic countries

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Here's what numbers has to say about Vellamo

You don't have to struggle to get the things you want because you are born under a lucky star. Nothing escapes your eye, your sense of smell is highly developed, such as your sense of touch. You are dominant and leadership comes out naturally for you. Not having all the things you wanted in life has taught you how to appreciate what you have today. Your career and personal progress are your priorities in life.

Other names similar to Vellamo

  •  Vejne - Boy name Vejne is chiefly used in Finnish and Swedish. Vejne is Swedish equivalent of Veine
  •  Teea - Widespread girl name Teea is commonly used in Finnish and Swedish is of Latin, Indoeuropean and English origin. Teea is Finnish form of Tea
  •  Jenniina - Girl name Jenniina is mostly used in Finnish and Swedish. Jenniina is Finnish cognate of Jennina
  •  Vesteri - The popular and classy boy name Vesteri is used in Swedish and Finnish. Vesteri is Finnish cognate of Vester
  •  Muisto - Unisex name Muisto is specifically used in Swedish and Finnish and is rooted from Finnish, meaning of Muisto is "Memory"

Famous people named Vellamo

We could not find any notable namesake.

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