Viitti name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Norse
Usage: Finnish
Meaning: Arn, Vidr, Eagle Tree and Forest
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What does Viitti mean?

Viitti is variant of Arviitti. Arviitti is Finnish form of Arvid.

Variants of Viitti

Arviitti, Arvid, Arppa, Arviðr, Arvidh

How popular is the name Viitti?

Viitti is an extremely rare name around the globe.


Numerological analysis of Viitti

You get easily depressed from time to time because of how people live and the ugly things they're capable of. You are the one of the most sensitive person but it doesn't mean you are weak. Although you are all about balance, inner peace and harmony, reaching these things seem hard when you are surrounded with negative people. You actually believe that everyone deserves a second chance but they don't, especially not the people who've hurt you on purpose once.

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Famous people named Viitti

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