Volli name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Flying
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What does Volli mean?

The boy name Volli is of Latin origin. Volli is a variant form of Volley. Volley has its origin in Latin, Volley means "Flying".

Variants of Volli

Volley, Vallea

How popular is the name Volli?

Volli is a familiar baby name in Cambodia. As per our findings, over 100 babies have been bestowed Volli around the globe.


What numbers say about Volli?

Stop giving people chances and show them where the door is instead. You are a born artist even if you won't admit it. Your career and personal progress are your priorities in life. You are a good listener but the advice you give is taken by a pinch of salt by others. When it comes to relationships, you don't depend on your partner much because you know that nothing's build to last forever. Number 6 as your soul urge no represents your caring nature.

Other names liked by would be moms that are similar to Volli

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Famous people named Volli

We could not find any notable namesake.

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