Yom name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
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What does Yom mean?

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How popular is the name Yom?

Yom is a rare baby name in United States, chances of it being still in use are very slim as it was last seen in 2006. But Yom is a popular baby name in South Sudan where every 1 in 600 have the name as well as in, Cambodia and Thailand.

According to our estimate, over 40000 babies have been named Yom globally.

[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Numerological analysis of Yom

Others need you in their life, but you don't need anyone. You can smell a great opportunity from miles. You are the most sensitive person is what number 11 reveals about your personality. You sleep a lot because it's your way of escaping reality. You are a disciplined person is what number 8 as your expression number as to say about you. You learn from your mistakes faster than others. You always thrive to accomplish the greatest things, be the best at what you do, and impress yourself instead of impression others.

Other names similar to Yom, for would be moms

  •  Frigge - Frigge means "Ruler or Loving Wife" is prevalently used in Nordic
  •  Geelke - The Geelke is used largely in Frisian language. Geelke is equivalent of Geela or Gela in Frisian language
  •  Reunan - Reunan's meaning is Little Seal
  •  Gobbo means God
  •  ElilArasi - Used commonly in Hindi and Tamil, ElilArasi bestowed upon baby girls, ElilArasi means "Beautiful or Queen of Beautiful"

Famous people named Yom

  • Yom Tov Tzahalon, student of Moses di Trani and Moshe Alshich
  • Yom Tov Asevilli, medieval rabbi and 'Halakhist' famous for his commentary on the Talmud
  • Yom Tov of Joigny, French-born rabbi and liturgical poet of the medieval era
  • Yomi Perry in Crash as Actress
  • Yomary Cruz in Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction as Actress


  1. Social Security Administration, https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/index.html
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