Yujun name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
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What does Yujun mean?

Meaning of Yujun is not available this time. Please visit after sometime.

How popular is the name Yujun?

[1] Source: Social Security Administration


What numerology tells about Yujun?

If you have letter N as your capstone, you like to think outside the box. In fact, you don't even know where the box is. You get disappointed when you realize that most people worry more about social appearances rather than personal growth. But once they get to know you better, they see that you are nothing like presented. Your focus is on your family, true friendship, inner peace, love, and maintaining the good relationship you have with yourself.

Looking for a name like Yujun? Please go through the following names

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  •  Pakima means Sweetest used for both sexes is especially used in Hindi and Hindi
  •  Eltjo - Eltjo's meaning is Royal or Noble used for boys is commonly used in Hindi and Frisian
  •  Nhee - Meaning of Nhee is Our Little One is used as a baby girl name has origin in Vietnamese. Nhee is derivation of Nhi.
  •  Veshadana - Meaning of Veshadana is Song of the Flute used for both boys and girls is especially used in Hindi and Hindi

Famous people named Yujun

We could not find any notable namesake.


  1. Social Security Administration, https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/index.html
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