Middle names for Felisitas

Here is the best list of middle names that goes with Felisitas. The list spans from popular middle names to unique and daring trendy second names, from cute and single syllable middle names to long vintage names.

Popular middle names for Felisitas:

  • Felisitas Eliane

    Eliane is used majorly in English, Danish and Swedish languages, meaning of Eliane is "God is My Salvation or My God is Yahweh" has origin in Latin and Hebrew.

Familiar middle names for Felisitas:

  • Felisitas Kirstin

    Kirstin means Anointed, Disciple of Christ or Christian and is rooted from Latin is used largely in English, Faroese and German.

  • Felisitas Amiah

    Amiah's meaning is Amy or Aliyah has its origin in Latin, used in English .

Short and cute middle names for Felisitas:

    Bold and unique middle names for Felisitas:

    • Felisitas Caleah

      Caleah is rooted from English-American, meaning of Caleah is "A Known Beauty". Caleah is resultant of Calia. .

    • Felisitas Karianne

      Infrequent Karianne particulary is used in Norwegian and Finnish and originated from English-American and Old Greek, Karianne means "Pure or Abbreviation of Katherine".

    New middle names for Felisitas:

      Common middle names for Felisitas:

      • Felisitas Hermandeane

        The Hermandeane has origin in Old Greek, Hermandeane means "Love and Spear Ruler". Hermandeane is resultant of dina. .

      • Felisitas Vineke

        . Vineke is Nordic equivalent of Wineke.