Norwegian girl names starting with

Updated: April 10th, 2024

Here are 4506 norwegian girl names that starts with .

Form of Elizabeth, My God has Sworn, God's Promise
Rebellion, Wished-for Child, Star of the Sea, Little Mary
Attendan, Helper to the Priest, Honorable Births, The Perfect One
The Stone, The Rock
From the Wide Island, Originating In Sidon, Denise
Gentle Strength, Loving, People, Helper to the Priest
Struggle, To Endure = Not Enduring, Lifted
Dove Bright As Day, Turtledove
Messenger of God, Angel
Made Famous in Battle, Saint Joan of Arc, From Lorraine, Laurel
Christian, Follower of Christ, Anointed
God Adds, Form of Joseph, He (God) Will Add
The Word Adin Which is of the Meaning Slender Delicate, Ornamented, Decorated, Gentle
Mercy, Gracious, Graceful, Favour
Lime-Wood Shield, Lime, Linden, Fame
Form of Persian Esther, Saved the Jews from Annihilation in Persia, Star, Myrtle Leaf
Oracle, Prophetess, Sibyl, Priestess of Apollo
The Lovely, Root of Larissa End, Seagull
A Ruler, Bitter, Industrious, Native of Magdala
Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Free-born, Honorable Births, Acolyte
Gracious, Elisabeth, Liese, Hello
Cardamom Tree, Daughter of Manu, Sword Tip, The Earth
Flower, Spice, Date Tree
Sea, From the Hill By a Lake
Helmet, Offered to the Lord, Composition, Will
Renowned in Battle, Born At Daybreak, Feminine of Louis, Pearl
The August, Variant of Augustine, Helpful, Dignity
Diminutive of Anastasia, Prosperous, Giving Fruit, Surrender
The Pure, Girls
Variant of Georgia, Farmer, Earth Worker, Earthworker
Beloved, Moon, A Plant Name
Pledge, Variant of Carlene and Charlene, Eagle, Early
Calf, Gentle, Wife, Companion
Woman from Lydia, Womanly, Beautiful
Diminutive of Letitia, Delight, Allesse, Joy
Bright Red, Fruit Garden, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Land
Give, Son, Oak, Lord
Protect, Desire, Will, Helmet
Follower of Christ, Anointed, Nickname for Katherine, Pure
Dedicated to Allah, My God is Abundance, Joy, Variation of Elizabeth
Ana, Lou
Born on Christmas, Born on Christmas
Jewish, Admired, Praise, Form of Judith
Essence, Hunter, Theresa, Harvester
Modern Female Version of John and Jon, The Lord is Gracious
Protect and Man, Defender of Men, Manly
Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Has Shown Favor, Well-born
Prosperity, Love, Long Life
Roofers, Maker of Bricks, Tiles, Inspired By a Family Name
Maria, Isabel
He (God) Beholds
Christian Woman, Follower of Christ, Anointed
Precious Stone, Follower of Christ, Ice, Brilliant Glass
Gentle, Fragility, Beautiful Serpent, Pretty
The Graceful, High Status, He was Ibn Harithah Alaslami, Daughter of Abu Bakr
Sea of Bitterness, Wished for Child, Rebelliousness, Admirable
My King
The Humble, Weak
Country Meadow, Bright Grassland
Lily, Beauty, My God is Perfect
Huge, Immense, Universal, Big
Victory of the People
Truthful, Of Noble Figure, Nobel, Small Winged One
Name of the Herb, Bitter Rose
From the High Tower, Lena, Magdalena, Variant of Marlene
Form of Cynthia, Little Ash-girl, From, Way
Light, Daylight Babies, Born at Daybreak, Shining
Child of Light, Daisy Flower, Pearl
Grace, Easy to Love, Anna, Lovable
Irish Form of Cecilia Blind, Slang Term for Woman
Mother, Rebellion, Wished-for Child, To Increase
-Nelia, Moon Elope, -Nella, Cornelia
Sea of Bitterness, Drop, Beloved, Wished-for Child
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
God Gifted, Yahweh is Gracious, A New Birth, Slavic
The Tiara, Crown, Life, Royalty Jewels
The Mogra, Queen, Owner, Necklace
The Word Serenus Which is of the Meaning Serene Clear Bright, Peaceful, Joy, Quiet
Anna, Grace, Elisabeth, Mercy
Jove's Child, Illustrious Roman Family, From the Name Julia and Anne, Downy-bearded Youth
The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Bitter, Of Italy, High Tower
Variant of Vivien, Life, Alive, Lively
Contented, She who Gives Pleasures, Queen, Liberated from the Need
Female Version of Charles, Free Man, Manly, Strong
Strong Counsel, True Image, Advice, Wise Ruler
Skill, Form of Sonia, Wisdom
My God is Abundance, My God has Sworn
Honeyed Sweetness, All Honey, Palombe, New Leaves
Drained Lake, Rebellion, Bitterness, Daughter of Mary
Traveler, Son of Harry, Dweller by the Pear Tree, Traveller
My God has Sworn, God's Promise
Composition from Mild, Gentle Adviser, Milde, Thryd
Daylight, Divine, Variant of Diana, Elder
Queen, Dawn, Bright, Light
Be Satisfied, Content, One and Only, Lamb
Good Victory, Victorious
The White, White, Beautiful
The Pure
Good Voice
Loveable, Supreme, Of Good Company, Affectionate
From Mount Olympus, Sacred Mountain Where the Greek Gods Rested
Lady, Mistress of the House, Woman
God is Perfection, Beautiful
Voyager through Life, Bringer of Joy, Auspicious, Happy
A Native of Mauritania, Dark-skinned, Wished-for Child, Moorish
Of a Noble Kind
Religious Gathering, Black, Dark
Form of Catherine, The Pure
Gift, Form of Dorothy
God is My Oath, Variant of Anne
Eithne, Joy, Rejuvenation, Pleasure, Bliss
Lily, From the Name Susan
God is Merciful, Female Version of John
Christian Woman, Follower of Christ
Lime-Wood Shield, Lime, Beautiful Rose, Fame
Bella, Anna, Graceful
Wish, Longed for, Desired, Variant of French Desiree
Love, Melissa, Dark Beauty, -Inda
Wonders, Magnificent, Mirabilis
Goodness of the Lord, Yahweh is Good
Welcoming, Power of Zeus, One who is Famous, News
Female Version of Norman, From the North, Rule, Carpenter's Square
Star of the Sea, Bitterness
God's Gracious Gift, God is Merciful
Tender Beauty, Honey, Serpent, Noble
Doctor, Like, Little Hawk, Similar to
Peace, The Trustworthy, Desire, Safety
Thriving, Growing
Free, French Man, The Element Francesco Which Means Frenchman, Little Frenchwoman
The Sabines were Tribe Living in Central Italy, Sabine
English and American Place Name, Resembling a God, Bard, Perfect
Yahweh is Gracious, Variant of Joan
God is Fullness
God Adds, He (God) Will Add
Goddess of Woods and Hunting, Celestial Hunter, The Element Deiwo with the Meaning Light Deity, Daylight
Mother, Shortest Name for Goddess Parvathy, Reputation, Flax
Bitterness, Drop, Sea
Song, Melody, Music
Small Fire, Eithne
Lily, Fleur De Lys
Renowned in Battle, Pearl, Light, Famous Warrior
Council, Melody, Born Again, Of the Sea
Petronella, Blue, Cornelia
Full of Sunshine, Bright Disposition, Of the Sun, Cheerful
Man, Husband
Pain, Pain, Sorrows
Acute, Acer, The Saxon
Guest, Very Hospitable, Welcoming, Wisdom
Yew, Young Archer
Offered to the Lord, Belonging to the Lord
Man, Husband, Strong, Womanly
Brotherly, Sister, Warrior, Diminutive of Mary
Honor, Light
The Pearl
The Ancient
Soul Life, Purity, Spirit, Quiet Woman
Yahweh is Gracious, Born of Yew, Young Warrior, Right Handed
Perfectly Healthy, Helmet of God, Sacrifice, Safe
Queen of Palmyra
Yahweh May Protect, Has Shown Favor, Son of Jack, One Who Supplants
Female Version of Charles, Husband, Man, Melody
Night-less, Grace, Compliance, Variant of Anne or Agnes
Speedy, Adorning, Brings Rain, Embellishing
Yahweh is Gracious, Female Version of John
Incision, Form of Catherine, Beloved, Katharina
Fertile, Productive, Risen One, Resurrection
Heros, Lady, Mistress, Period of Time, Army
The Name of a Gemstone, Jasper-stone, He who Guards the Treasure, Whoever Comes to See
Defence, Warlike, Warring, Form of Marcia
Strength and Shield, Fight, Might
Lord Exists, Glorious Praise, Gods Gift, He (God) Beholds
Defender, English and American Place Name, Bard, From Devon