Persian boy names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
Gift from the Sun, Gift of the Sun
King and Persian Quart = City, Wise Man from the East
Wisdom, Comfort, God is with us
Comforter, Wisdom, Repairer, Comfort
Mayor, Worthy of Admiration, Leader, Chief
Title for Mogul, Loved, A Prince
The Prophet of Islam, Glorified, Praiseworthy, Highly Praised
Mohammad, Mehdi
Mohammad, Reza
Mohammad, Taha
Warrior, Servant of Marduk, Queen Esther's Cousin who Advised her on Saving Jews, Little Man
Who has Well-Formed Chest, Elevated, Unstained, Goddess of Love
Générité, Rosé, Breeze
A Gentle Breeze, Breath of Fresh Air
Glad Tidings, Best Wishes, Good News
Best Wishes, Glad Tidings, Good News
Good News, Glad Tidings, Messenger of Happiness
Glad Tidings, Best Wishes, Good News
Good News, Best Wishes, Glad Tidings
Desire, Urge to Express Love, Gift
One who Brings Good Things
One who Brings Good Things
Small, Thread, Born to Wealthy Parents, To Adjust
Power, Water, Having Great Strength
Water, Power, Having Great Strength
Divinity of Wisdom
Little Father
Commendable, Fortunate, Happy
Commendable, Fortunate, Happy
Cluster of Stars, Expert, A Star, Noble
Success Name of a Persian King, Luck
Name of a Constellation, Regular Winner, Star, The Pleiades
Fortunate, Happy, Victorious
Commendable, Fortunate, Happy
Fortunate, Happy, Commendable
Successful In Life
Captain, Rich, Chief, Wealthy
Merciful Origin Islamic, Compassionate, Affectionate, 55th Surah of the Quran
Joyous, Successful Women, Obedient, Happy
Judge, A Judge
A Judge, Judge
Acceptance, One who is Content, Resignation, Will
Bright Dawn Light, Happy and Cool, Lightning, Illumination
Bright Dawn Light, Happy and Cool, Lightning, Illumination
Day, Light
Lightning, Illumination, Bright, Shining
Tall, A Hero in Shahnameh, Heroes of Folk Tales from Ancient Persia, Of Enormous Stature
Chief, Shining Like Star, Judge, Leader
Noble Man, Chief, Head, Commander
Sun Prince
Sun Prince
Sun Prince
Sun Prince
Prayer, Unseen Voice, One who Prays
Prayer, Unseen Voice, One who Prays
Founder of the Sasani Dynasty
Symbol of Wisdom and Equity, Chief, Prince
Singer, Marriage, Older Sister, Happiness
Emperor, Shah, The King
Hawk, Falcon, Royal, Tender
Falcon, Royal, Hawk
Lord, The King
Royal Face, Face of the King
King, Friend of the City
Kings Son, Prince
Charming, Alternate Forms Sherinai or Sherina, Very Sweet, Favorite
Intelligent, Worthy, Meriting, Deserving
Possessing Black Stallions
Prince, Dweller from Sind, Lord of Sages
Man with Dark Eyes Origin Persian, A Man who has Dark Eyes
Moon Glow, Star
Famous Persian Prince, Illustrious, Of Shahnama Fame, Ancient Hero
Messenger Angel
Far Sighted, Like the Sun, The Element Kyrios Which Means Lord, Far-Sighted
Heat, Brilliance, Brilliancy, Warmth
Translation of Timur
Fighting with Arrows
One who is Filled with Joy, Cheerful, Joyful
One who is Filled with Joy, Cheerful, Joyful
The Only One
The Only One
The Only One
The Only One
The Only One
Famous Egyptian King, Ruler over Heroes, Hero on Rulers
Very Good Friend, Woodland
Wealthy, Wealth, Lives Forever
To Pray, White Rose, One with Fame
A Flower Name, Jasmine
Jasmine, A Flower Name
Jasmine, A Flower Name
Facilitater, Sweet, Easy Going
Saffron, Derived from Zarparan, Gold Stigma of a Flower
The Golden Star, Golden Camel Owner
The Golden Star, Golden Camel Owner
The Golden Star, Golden Camel Owner
The Golden Star, Golden Camel Owner
Noble, Born Lucky, Well-born
Ruler over Heroes, Hero on Rulers, Famous Egyptian King
Gazelle, Beautiful
The Golden Star, Golden Camel Owner
A Man who Touches the Sky, Smart, Toothy, Spear