The list of words or names that rhyme with Cane. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Cane.
AhzhaneGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing, Globe, World, Humankind
AjaneGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic
AjhaneGirl Solitary, Adviser, Nun, Wish, Desire, Aristocratic, Individual, Little, Giver, Lady, Alone, Wise Guardian, Will, Helmet, Protection, Just One, Noble One, Name of a God, One who Brings Victory, True Image, Severe, True, Faith
AkaneGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic, Someone You cannot Stop Loving, Brilliant Red
AlexaneHe Who Wards Off (Other) Men
AlexianeHe Who Wards Off (Other) Men
AlleaneGirl Wise Counsellor, Name of a King, Counsel from the Elves, Elf, Magical Counsel, Supernaturally Wise, Elf Counsel
AneGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes, He (God) Was Gracious
AnnjaneGirl Noble, Female Version of Albert from the Old German, Bright, Noble Famous, Gracious, Grace, Offering with Both Ends
ArianeGirl Gentle Music, Brings Rain, Man, Pledge, Feminine of Arien, Melody, From HadriaMost Holy Woman
ArrianeGirl Defender, Nobility, The Supreme Spirit, Mother, Noble Kind, True to All, Swift, Speedy, Ornament, Decoration, Brings Rain, Embellishing, Adorning, Decorative, Answered Prayer, To Pray for, Warrior, Army Man, Soldier
AshaneGirl Grace, Favoured, God is Gracious, God has Shown Favour, Diminutive of Ann Frequently Used as an Independent Name
AsianeGirl Fortified Hill, Hill, From the Army Hill, The Barberry Tree, One without Sorrow, Mercury, Limitless, Wealthy
AurianeMaybe The Golden
AymaneOn The Right Side
AzhaneGirl To Open, April Month, Opening Buds of Spring, French Version of April, The Month Name, Opening Up
BaneBoy Blessed, Fortunate, Lucky, Happy, Felicitous, Son of Jacob, King, Mighty, Powerful, Strong, Mighty King
BettyjaneGirl Majestic, Dignity, Grandeur, Great, Magnificent, Worthy of Respect, Holy, A Old Monk, Brother of Rama
ChadyeaneGirl Place Name, Farmer's Settlement, Man, Stupid Person, Idiot, Unintelligent Person, Free Man, Farmer
ChaneBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure, Name of a God, Dependability
CharleaneGirl Place Name, Near the Castle, Of the Dark Ones, Little and Womanly, The Dark One, Man, Good
ChloejaneGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure, Blissful
DarleaneGirl The girl name is originated from Old English Darlene meaning "Little Darling, Tenderly Beloved, Beloved or Dear" which was one of the popular name during mid-century. The respelling doesn't performed well on charts
DayzhaneGirl Hollow, Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon, A Historical Blacksmith with Supernatural Powers
DeajaneGirl Hollow, Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon, A Historical Blacksmith with Supernatural Powers
DelianeIn addition to the form of Delia (meaning: the light coming from the island of Delos).
DeneaneGirl Virginal, Unblemished, Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Attendant for a Temple
DequaneBoy From the Valley, Place Name, Valley, Occupational Name, Church Official, Combination of Deana and Dina
DianeGirl Divine, Heavenly, Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness, Greek Goddess of the Moon, Celestial Hunter, Virgin Goddess, Light
DuaneBoy Descendent Of DUBHÁ, N, Dark, Form of Wayne, Wagoner, Swarthy, Hair, Little Dark One, The Little Dark One
DushaneBoy Green Valley, Variant of the Surname Danvers, From Anvers, Capital City of the State of Colorado in the Usa, Dane Crossing
ElaneGirl Wealthy Guardian, Rich Benefactress, Guardian of Riches, Guardian of Prosperity, Earth, The Earth
ElianeGirl Nobleman, Chief, Leader, French name of Latin origin, meaning similar to a Roman name gender.
EmilyjaneGirl God is My Oath, God's Promise, Consecrated to God Abbreviation of Elisabeth, Spanish Form of Elizabeth Consecrated to God, Dedicated to God
EulaneGirl One with the Good Reputation, Favourable Speech, Well-spoken, Well Regarded, Sweet Spoken
EvajaneGirl One with the Good Reputation, Favourable Speech, Well-spoken, Well Regarded, Sweet Spoken
IvaneGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, God's Promise, Laughter, Salvation of God, The Lord Helps Me, Variant of Elizabeth, Pledged to God, A Lord, Strong-willed
JaneGirl Jehovah has been Gracious, Gracious, God is Merciful, The Lord is Gracious, Yahweh Is Gracious
JasmaneGirl To Sing, Old, Decayed, Female Offspring, Absorbed in Singing God's Praises, In the Name of God
JeaneGirl Supplanter, One who Supplants, Variant of Jacob Supplanter, Feminine of James, Pet Form of James Used as a Woman's Name
JineaneGirl Down-bearded, Youth, Youthful, Jove's Child, Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
JolaneGirl Ivy Plant, Climber, A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant, Valuable Coral Beads, Ivy Tree
JumaaneBoy Born On Tuesday, Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Friday, Holy Day
KaikaneBoy Brave, Alert, A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc, Similar to the Irish Name Casey, Vigorous, Powerful
KaneBoy Praised, Tribute, Warrior's Son, Bright, Battler, Golden Man, The Eastern Sky, Beautiful, Little Battle
KiwaneBoy Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LaquaneBoy Attractive, Fair, Good Looking, Little Rock, Rock, Comely, Light, Buoyant, Float, Buoyant or Float
LaraneGirl Derived from Lacey which is a French Nobleman's Surname Brought to British Isles After Norman Conquest, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman, Cheerful One
LaurianeGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman, Laurel
LazhaneGirl He will be Praised, Form of Judith, Admired, Jewish, A Women from Judea, Praise, Music, Rhythm, Decline, Tranquillity or the Lull After Destruction or the Deluge, Musical Rhythm
LianeGirl Youthful, Daughter of the Sun, Diminutive of Eliana, Bond, To Twine Around, Lily, Short Form of Juliane, Vine, To Bind
LilianeGirl Lily Flower, Pure, The Flower Lily is a Symbol of Innocence, Name of a Saint, Diminutive of Lily, Maybe Lily
LisianeIn addition to the form of Lise and Elisabeth (meaning: my God is perfect).
LoaneMaybe Light
LorianeGirl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, Pledged to God, God's Promise, God is My Oath, Laurel
LouaneMaybe Light
LucianeIn addition to the form of Lucia (meaning: the daylight babies, also: the Shining).
LysianeIn addition to the form of Lisanne.
MadelaneGirl Son of the Mighty Warrior, Woman from Magdala, Tower, Maiden, Young, Unmarried Woman, From the High Tower, Of Magdala
MarianeGirl Variant of Mary Bitter, Bitter, Beloved, In addition to the form of Marianne, feminine form of Marianus or Marius (meaning similar to an ancient Roman family name bearer. Mariana Sirbu, Romanian violinist.
MauraneThe One From Mauritania
MaximilianeVery Great
MckaneBoy To Increase, Kinswomen, Mother, Bitter, Diminutive of Mary, Wished-for Child, Rebellion, Great, Fifth Month of the Year, Old Arabic Name, Scottish Form of Margaret Pearl, T
OraneFrench form of Orania (meaning: the Heavenly).
OrianeGirl Pet Form of Mary, The Perfect One, Bitterness, Sorrow, Star of the Sea, Life Giver, Leader, Giver of Life, Commanding, Affectionate Nickname for a Grandmother, Cedar Tree, Well Spoken, Reverent, The Colour of Olive, Named for Bona Dea, Life Giving, Friend, Gold
OshaneBoy Adviser, Solitary, Alone, Unique, A Wise Counsellor, Saint, Nun, Timekeeper, Noble, Aristocratic, Nike
PennylaneGirl Noble Woman, Diminutive of Patricia, Patrician, St Patricia was a 7th Century Patron Saint of Naples, Sacred, Lovely, Softness
RayaneBoy Ewe, Lamb, Female Sheep, Contented, Queen, Short Form of Ourania, She who Gives Pleasures, Wise, Mature, Conscious, Pious, Righteous, Rightly Advised, Rationale, Pretend, Intelligent, Brave, Radha, Morality Like Sun, Source of Light, Maybe Beautiful
RedouaneSatisfactionMaybe Satisfaction
RoaneBoy Ruler, Peaceful Ruler, Dominant Ruler, Brother, Strong Power, Lucky, Powerful, Brave Ruler, Abbreviation of Richard, Female Version of Eric, Ruler Forever, Rich, Interesting
RoshaneBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Sweat Heart, A Star, Another Name of River Narmada, One who Snares, Lakshmi
RoxxaneGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working
RubyjaneGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working
ShalaneGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
ShamaneGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Praiseworthy, Sun, Light, A Flame, Silk-cotton Tree
ShaneBoy Form of Sergio, Attendant, English name, feminine form of Sean, , In addition to the form of Shan, a boy name.
ShaquaneBoy/Girl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Moon, Light, Shine, Heaven, Goddess of the Moon, Peaceful, Courteous, Fennel
SharaneGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy
SloaneBoy/Girl Form of Roland, Famed Throughout the Land, Nobleman, Leader, Famous Wolf, Wolf Fame, Renowned in the Land, Earl, Descendant Of Sluaghadhán
SofianePureMaybe Pure
TaimaneGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful
TerraneBoy Smooth, Old Form of the Roman Clan Name Terrance, Tender, Gracious, Good, Polished, Instigator, Rub, Turn, Twist
TheophaneGirl To Endure, Patience, One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation, Enduring, To Suffer
TraneGirl Temperance, One of the Qualities Adopted as a First Name by the Puritans After the Reformation, Moderation, Self Restraint
TyaneGirl Pure, Short Form of Katrina, Diminutive of Catriona, A Scottish Gaelic Variant of Catherine, Clear, Innocent, Goddess Parvati, Good, Pleasing, Grass, Bright
TyraneBoy Watch Tower, Lives by the Tower, From the Craggy Hills, Victory, Castle, Triumphant, Conqueror
TywaneBoy Stony Meadow, From the Stony Village, Water Drops, Hero, Pal, God, Snow, Fine Drops of Water, Cold Water Droplets, Winter, Frost, Swift
WaneBoy Bitterness, Rebelliousness, Form of Molly, From Mary, The Perfect One, Female Version of Paul, Little, Small