The list of words or names that rhyme with Dai. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Dai.
AbishaiBoy God Remembers, Variant of Zachariah and Zachary, Deer, Wolf, The Lord is My Father, Gift of God, Yahweh is My Father, My Father is a Gift
AdalaiGirl Purposeful Peace, Will-helmet, Will, Desire, Bright, Famous, Hospitable, Welcoming, Prayer, Form of Worship
AddaiBoy Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel, Form of Edgar
AdlaiBoy Army Guard, Protecting Army, Defending Warrior, My Witness, Refuge of God, My Ornament, Maybe Yahweh Is Just
AhkaiBoy Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel, Leader, First, Beyond Comprehension, Beyond Knowledge
AjanaiGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Peace
AlaiGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic, Noble, Kind, Adornment, Jewel, Indestructible, Special Star, Gold, Rich, Defender of Man
AlicaiGirl Wise Counsellor, Sage, Counsel from the Elves, Elf, Magical Counsel, Spanish Form of Alfred, Elf Counsel
AmaiGirl Visiting, Noble, Nobility, Reward, Present, Helper, Rest, Peace, Comfort, Distinguished, Returning, Visitor, Returning (a Guest or Someone who is to Return)
AmberleighGirl From the Old Town, Ella's Town, Peace, Wishes, Aspiration, Belief, Faith, Road, One who Shows the Path, The Sky
AmichaiBoy My People Are Alive, Protector of Man, Man's Defender, Feminine of Alexander, Helper and Defender of Mankind, To Defend, To Help
CenaiGirl Place Name, Farmer's Settlement, Man, Stupid Person, Idiot, Unintelligent Person, Free Man, Farmer
ChaiBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChantaiGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChiBoy/Girl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CyBoy Victory of the People, Young Boy, Abbreviation of Nicholas People's Victory, Young Creature, Victor, Cub, Pup, Dove, Oak Meadow
DajaiGirl Victory of the People, Young Boy, Abbreviation of Nicholas People's Victory, Young Creature, Victor, People's Victory, Cub, Pup, Dove, Oak Meadow
DajanaiGirl Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname
DakaiBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname
DonyaiBoy World Ruler, Form of Donn, In Mythology the Irish Donn was Known as King of the Underworld
GaiGirl God Gives Strength, Heroine of God, Strong Man of God or Messenger of God, God's Able-bodied One
HanaiGirl Valley, Valley in the Mountains, From Glen, Glen is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Halo Around the Moon, Plough, Great, Dazzling, Sweetness, Girlfriend, Glorious, Lunar Halo, Glory, Golden, Female Friend, Outline of Brightness Surrounding a Full Moon, Gentle, Patient, Sympathetic, Mild, Humane, Of Happiness
IsaiBoy Bright One, Sun Ray, Shining, The Ancestor of the Hellenes, A Son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, Music, Maybe Gift
IzaiBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper
JacaiBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper, God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain
JachaiBoy Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, God's Promise, Laughter, Salvation of God, The Lord Helps Me, Variant of Elizabeth, Pledged to God, A Lord, Strong-willed, Great, Cute, Clever, Restorer, Comforter, Consolation
JahdaiBoy River, Name of a Country, Body of Water, Land of the Indus (River), A War Raid, From Kikuyu, To Wander, A Kind of Reed, Mountain Goat, Light of the Universe, Light of the World
JahmaiBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper, God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain
JahsaiBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper, God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain
JaiBoy Variant of Names Like Jason and Jacob, Victory, Conqueror, A Kind of Flute, Defeater, The Victorious One, Victorious
JamaiBoy Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, One who is Not Respected
JannaiGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Resolute Protector, Strong Helmet, Diminutive of Wilhelmina, Safe, Peace, Well Born, Noble, Will Helmet, Protect, Air
JhanaiGirl River, Name of a Country, Body of Water, Land of the Indus (River), A War Raid, From Kikuyu, To Wander, A Kind of Reed, Stream of Water, Life
KaleighGirl Laurel Tree, Keeper of the Keys, Descendant of Caollaidhe, Beautiful, Lovely, Slim and Fair, Slender
KaraiGirl Modern Variant of Candace, Ancient Hereditary Title Used by Ethiopian Queens, Fire White, Glowing White
KarleighGirl Pure, Joyful Song, Gust of Wind, Curly-haired, Female Version of Charles, Carl, Form of Katherine, Strong, Feminine, Strong or Feminine
KeyontaiBoy Ciar's People, Fair, Blessed Poetry, Black, Home, Banner, Flag, Pure Gold, Mark, Sign, Dwelling
KordaiBoy Follower of Christ, Nickname for Christopher, Frontiersman Kit Carson, Anointed, Christian, Nickname for Katherine, Form of Catherine, Pure
LashaiGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LataiGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LaurelaiGirl Rare Excellence, Precious Stone, A Gem, Play Thing, Delight, Jewel, Joy, Small Creeper, Sweet Like Flower
LeighGirl Dweller Near the Wood or Clearing, From the Heather Meadow, Pasture, Meadow, Fair-haired Courageous One, Meadow of the Bulls, Field, Weary
LeviBoy United, Combined, Attached, Possibly Governor, Guide, Joined, Governor, Adhesion, Joined to, Crown, Garland, Life, Maybe Joined To
MaasaiBoy Crowned with Laurels, Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, The Bay, Laurel, Light, Little and Womanly, Variant of Helen, Skilled
MacaiBoy Crowned with Laurels, Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, The Bay, Laurel, Light, Little and Womanly, Variant of Helen
MakhaiBoy Noble, Righteous, Glorified, Innovator, Glorious, Great, Honourable, Magnificent, Another Name for the Quran, Sea Monster, Blessed
MalaiGirl Maiden, Housefly, True Record, True Hope, Heaven and Earth Conjoined, Tree, Mountain, Peak, Garland, Pleasant Evening
MarshaiGirl Combination of Maria and Magdalene, Form of Marilyn, Bitter, Small Falcon, Little Hawk, Blend of Mary and Lynn
MataiBoy Mars, The Roman God of War, Form of the Latin Marcellus, Hammer, Little Warrior, Young Warrior, Form of Marc, Warlike, Dedicated to Mars
MccaiBoy Prosperous in War, Joyous, Prosperity, Battle, Rich Gift, Strife for Wealth, Rich in War, Lucky, Moon, Lord Chandra, The Black God
MehkaiBoy To Increase, Kinswomen, Mother, Bitter, Diminutive of Mary, Wished-for Child, Rebellion, Great, Fifth Month of the Year, Old Arabic Name, Scottish Form of Margaret Pearl, T
MekhaiBoy Warlike, Of Mars, The Roman God of War, Servant of Mars, Form of Martin, Like Mars, Roman God Mars
MelakaiBoy Woman from Magdala, Bitter, High Tower, Of Italy, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Chief, Mayor, Leader
MicaiBoy Bitter, Sea of Bitterness, A Combination of Marie and Anne, Rebelliousnesses Wished for Child, A Blend of Marie Star of the Sea and Anne, Star of the Sea
MordechaiBoy Follower of Marduk, Warrior, Queen Esther's Cousin who Advised her on Saving Jews, Servant Of Marduk
NashaiGirl Adviser, Solitary, Alone, Unique, A Wise Counsellor, Saint, Nun, Timekeeper, Noble, Aristocratic
NehoraiBoy From the Wealthy Man's Mountain, From the Mount of the Rich Man, Mountain Belonging to the Ruler, Of the Mountain, From Montgomery, Plains, A Medieval Spanish Kingdom
NicolaeBoy Lovable, Diminutive of Amabel, Worthy of Being Loved, Sweet, Admirable, Aristocratic Lady, Wonderful, Quiet Song, Myrrh, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree, Sweet Ointment, Honey, Beloved, Butterfly, Divinely Precious, Victory Of The People
NitaiBoy Giver, Gift of God, Form of Nathan, Given by God, Seventh Note on Indian Musical Scale, Name of Gauranga's Disciple, Name of a Scholar
OdaiBoy From the Wealthy Man's Mountain, From the Mount of the Rich Man, Mountain Belonging to the Ruler, Of the Mountain, From Montgomery
SaiBoy Always Smile, Flower of Love, Everywhere, Lord Shiva, Sai Baba, Swami, Flower, Friend, Natural, The Loved One, Strong, God
SamuraiBoy Guards Wisely, Strong Defender, Protecting Hands, Decision Protector, Red, Red Haired, King, His Name is God
SanaaiGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Moon, Light, Shine, Heaven, Goddess of the Moon, Peaceful, Courteous, Fennel, Peaceful, United, Goddess Devi
SannaiGirl Son of Alexander, Defender of Mankind, Musical, Music, Flute, Gift, Oblation, Moment, Moment in Time, Radiant, Brilliant, High, Exalted, Harmony
SaraiGirl My Princess, A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, The Moon
SeraiGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink
ShadaiGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink
ShakaiBoy Village the Manor House, Willow Farm, Willow Settlement, Of the Manor House Farm, Famous, Pride, The King, Shah, Emperor
ShalayaGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
ShantaiGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
SismaiGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Moon, Light, Shine, Heaven, Goddess of the Moon, Peaceful, Courteous, Fennel
SkaiGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Moon, Light, Shine, Heaven, Goddess of the Moon, Peaceful, Courteous, Fennel
SkyeBoy/Girl The Isle of Skye, Water Giver, Sky, A Nature Name Referring to the Sky or Cloud, Sheltering
SlyBoy Form of Roland, Famed Throughout the Land, Nobleman, Leader, Famous Wolf, Wolf Fame, Renowned in the Land, Earl
SolaiGirl Area Covered with One Type of Tree, Flowers, Maancholai means Mango Plantations, Pooncholai means Flower Garden
SrisaiBoy Sun Child, Bright Sun, Respect, Richness, God, Radiance, Diffusing Light, God Lakshmi, Money, Bright Light
SujayBoy Listening Intently, She who Hear, God has Heard, One who Hears, Beauty, Moon-glow, Name of a Star, Canopus, Handsome, Brilliant, Victory
SundaiGirl Shining Meadow, Bright Grassland, Country Meadow, Bright Meadow, Bending, Decreasing, The Sun, Obedient
SuyaiGirl Follower of Saint Denys, From Sidonia, Beloved, Talented, Wonderful, Cute, Adorable, Lovely
TajaiBoy Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful