Names that rhyme with Dante

The list of words or names that rhyme with Dante. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Dante.
AchanteGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing
AdanteBoy God is Fair, Justice of the Lord, Righteousness of God, From Zedekiah
AlanteBoy Intelligent, Little Fiery One, Name of a Saint, Help, Fiery, Fire, Excellent, More Generous-noble, Generous, Another Name for God
AllanteBoy Defender of Mankind, Helper
AmanteBoy Defender of Mankind, Helper
AmaranteBoy From the Old Ford, Unfading
AnteBoy Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance, Brightness, Height, Exalted, Battle, Puriest, Wind, God of Wind, Immaculate Being
ArmanteBoy Son of All
AsanteBoy Will Helmet, Resolute Protector, Will, Son of William
AseanteBoy Heavenly Messenger, Angel, Messenger from God
AshanteGirl Fortified Hill, Hill, From the Army Hill, The Barberry Tree
AssanteBoy Meadow of Ash Trees
AvanteBoy From the Hare's Meadow
AyanteGirl To Open, Opening Buds of Spring
AzanteBoy Warm, Burning with Enthusiasm
BrianteGirl Beverage Brandy, Sweet Nectar, Name of a Liquor
CanteGirl Unusual Nature Name
CervanteBoy Bold
ChantaeGirl Beloved, Friend, Dear One, Precious Jewel
ChantaiGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChantayeGirl Little and Womanly, Feminine Variant of Charles
ChanteGirl Beloved, Friend, Dear One, Precious Jewel
ChauntayGirl Song of Joy, Womanly, Female Version of Carl or Charles
ChianteGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ClementeBoy Clergyman, Cleric, Occupational Name, Scholar, Form of Clark, The Merciful
DalanteBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname
DamanteBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname
DantaeBoy Eye of the Day, Flower Name, Day's Eye
DantayBoy Dweller by the Rocks, Town Near a Creek, Rocky Spot, From the Farm by the Creek
DaquanteBoy God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel
DavanteBoy Yadav
DeanteBoy Hidden Spot, From the Hidden Place, Hidden Nook
DeavanteBoy Hollow, Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon, A Historical Blacksmith with Supernatural Powers
DejuanteBoy Hidden Spot, From the Hidden Place, Hidden Nook
DelanteBoy Bright, Beautiful
DelvanteBoy Of the Mountain
DemanteBoy Bright Friend
DequanteBoy God of Wine, Feminine of Dennis, Follower of Dionysius, To Advise, Alone, Nun, Solitary
DeshanteGirl Follower of Dionysius, Greek God of Wine
DevanteBoy Of the Mountain, Part of God
DeyanteBoy Riverbank, Derived from Place-name Deverel
DiamanteBoy Of High Value
DianteBoy From the Yew Tree Valley, Rich, Song, Small Valley, Meadow, Bright, Noble, Law Religious, Decree, Custom, Path of Life
DimanteBoy Divine, Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness, Often Depicted as a Huntress
DivanteBoy Rich and Powerful Ruler, Strong Ruler, Son of Dick, Great Congo, Belief, Custom, Religion, Day
DontaeBoy To Endure, Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante, Enduring
DontayBoy To Endure, Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante, Enduring
DontayeBoy To Endure, Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante, Enduring
DuanteBoy Manly, Abbreviation of Andrew
DuranteBoy Enduring, Firm, Endure
DvanteBoy Firm, Enduring, Durable
DyanteBoy Valley, Dean, Vindicated, Supervisor, Avenged, Judgement
EnchanteGirl Noble Friend, Magical, Elfin, Elf Friend or Old Friend
EvanteBoy Helper
FerranteBoy Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver
GiovanteBoy French Form of Julius, Shining Pledge, Servant, Serious, Battle to the Death, A Diminutive of Gillian
IfetayoGirl Prosperous, Happy, Hardworking
JalanteBoy White, Place Name, Beautiful, Green Water, Boar Friend, From the City, Sea Friend, Jewel
JanteBoy From the Glen, Valley, Glen, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Lord of Men
JaquanteBoy God is Gracious
JashanteGirl Gift from God, Merciful, The Lord is Gracious
JavanteBoy Mighty Spearman, Blend of Jar and Darell, Lord Krishna
JevanteBoy Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon
JohntayBoy Spearman, Variant of the French Name Gervaise, With Honor, Spear Servant
JohnteBoy God is Gracious, Abbreviation of Names Like Joanna and Josephine, It is also Used as a Prefix in Compound Names Like Jobeth and Jolisa, He will Enlarge
JovanteBoy God will Add, Feminine of Joseph
JuanteBoy Jehovah has Given, Gift of God
JvanteBoy Victory of the People, Diminutive of Dominick, Lord, Abbreviation of Nicholas, People's Victory, Child Born on Sunday, Victorious Person, Good
KavanteBoy Jehovah has Given, Gift of God, Love
KeanteBoy Pure, Keeper of the Keys, Descendant of Caollaidhe, Princess, Unique
KeshanteGirl Blessings
KevanteBoy Jehovah has Given, Gift of God
KeyanteBoy Fearless Leader, Royal Ruler
KianteBoy Follower of Christ, From the Camp of the Roman Army
KwanteBoy Domain of Curtis, Short Nose, From Courtenay
KyanteBoy Christian, Anointed, Follower of Christ, Small Diamond
LachanteGirl Small and Dark-skinned, Dark, Swarthy, Little Dark One, Black, Little Black One, Black Irish
LadanteBoy Follower of Christ, Anointed, Christian
LaquanteBoy Attractive, Fair, Good Looking, Little Rock, Rock, Comely, Light, Buoyant, Float, Buoyant or Float
LashanteGirl Renowned Land, Abbreviation of Names Like Roland
LavanteBoy Renowned Land, Abbreviation of Names Like Roland
LevanteBoy Lion-bold
LeventeBoy Will Be, Lion-bold, Maybe Being
MontayBoy Famous, Shining Sea, A Bird, Sea Bright, Form of Merle, Sea-bright
QuanteBoy Fortunate, Wealthy
SanteBoy Defender of Man, Man's Defender
SavanteBoy Defender of Man, Man's Defender
SeanteGirl God is Heard, Asked of God, Told by God, Name of One of the King in Bible, Follower of Jesus
ShalanteGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy
ShantaeGirl Princess, Burning One, Serpent, Wife of Abraham, Luck, Good, Natural, Form of Shakshi
ShantayGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Praiseworthy
ShanteGirl Sun Child, Bright Sun
ShauntayGirl Little and Womanly, Man, Free Man, Female Version of Charles, Carl
ShavanteGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
ShawntayGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy
TanteGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods
TashanteGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods, Childlike, Melody
TavanteBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, From Tamar
TayBoy Form of Tea, Tailor
TayeBoy Boot Maker, Tall, Surname, Bloodhound, Fortunate, Prosperity
TevanteBoy Following Thor, The God of Thunder
TianteBoy/Girl Twin
TravanteBoy The Lord is Good, Abbreviation of the Hebrew Name Tobiah
TrevanteBoy Graceful Rose, Rose, A Balance
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M