Names that rhyme with Elinora

The list of words or names that rhyme with Elinóra. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Elinóra.
AdaoraGirl Firm Defender, Mountain Strength
AdoraGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic, Noble, Kind, Adornment, Jewel, Adoration
AldoraGirl Noble
AlloraGirl Resolute Protector, Will-helmet, Will, Helmet, Bold, Brave, Son of will
AlnoraGirl Defender of Mankind, Helper, Feminine of Alexander
AloraGirl Yew Tree Estate, From the Farm of Yew Trees, From York
AlzoraGirl Noble, Of the Nobility
AmoraGirl Noble Friend, Defender
AndoraGirl Mother, God-like
AnnoraGirl Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance, Brightness, Height, Exalted, Battle
AnoraGirl Light, Honor
AroraGirl A Combination of Anna and Belle, Easy to Love, Graceful, Beautiful, Graceful or Beatiful
AuloraGirl Star, Presence
AuroraGirl Majestic, Dignity, Grandeur, Great, Magnificent, Worthy of Respect, Holy, Dawn
AvroraGirl To Open, Opening Buds of Spring
AzoraGirl Bearer of Good News, Modern Blend of Ava and Ana
BarboraGirl Prosperous Guardian, Old Friend, From the Old Meadow, The Foreign
BelzoraGirl Battle Maid, Prayer, Warrior Maid
BoraBoy Lives in a Hut, Dwelling Place, Snow, Excellent, Brave, Hurricane, Foreign, Strange, Stranger
CamoraGirl Born of the Right Hand, Diminutive of Benjamin, Son, Blessed, Son of the South, Son of My Old Age, A Musical Instrument
CassanoraGirl Pure, Modern Variant of Karen
ChicoraGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChloraGirl The Ancient Country, From China, Musical Instrument
CimoraGirl Beautiful Christian, Follower of Christ
CleoraGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CloraGirl Lame, Female Version of Claude, Disabled, Limping
CoraGirl Maiden, Seething Pool
DaboraGirl Baptist of Bible
DebboraGirl Court Attendant, Dweller by the Dark Stream, Court-dweller, Domain of Curtis, From Courtenay, Snub Nosed, Courtly, Courteous, Royal Attendant
DebhoraGirl Daybreak, Sunrise, The First Appearance of Daylight
DeboraGirl A Bee
DecoraGirl Bright, Beautiful
DelloraGirl Virginal, Unblemished, Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Attendant for a Temple
DeloraGirl Sorrows
DelzoraGirl Sorrows
DenoraGirl Sunny Day, Shining One, Bright Like Daytime, Bright Nobility, Modern
DevoraGirl Pinkish Stones, Small Stone, Lady
DinoraGirl Form of Clement, Merciful, Mild, Giving Mercy, Maybe Light
DioraGirl Protector, Divine, From Devonshire, Sound, Thunder, Sound Stages
DiyoraGirl Swiftness of Foot, Attendant of Temple, Attendant for a Temple
DoraGirl Kind, A Gift, Given by God, Gift of God
DvoraGirl Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus, Fear, Raging Woman, Delight, Divine, Swarthy
EdoraGirl Wealthy Defender, Prosperous Protection, Rich Protector, Protector of Prosperity
ElanoraGirl Variant of Helen, Shining, Brilliant
EleanoraGirl Light, Form of Eleanor, Sun-ray, Shinning Light, Variant of Helen
ElenoraGirl Light, Sun Ray, Shining, Form of Eleanor, Variant of Helen, Feminine of Alexander, Defender of Mankind, Sun, The Bright One
EleonoraGirl Shining LightForeign
EleoraGirl God is My Oath, Stone, All, Completely, God is Perfection, God is Wow, Order, Beauty, Harmony, Hazel, Cardamom Tree, Earth
ElianoraBoy/Girl Light
ElioraGirl Powerful, Wealthy, Lord Shiva, Pelican of God, Earth
EllanoraGirl Noble, Glorious, Highborn, Shining
EllenoraGirl Earthy, Born of the Earth, Child of the World
EllioraGirl Noble Leader, Noble Woman
EllnoraGirl Earthy, Born of the Earth, Child of the World
ElloraGirl Clouds
ElnoraGirl Light, Variant of Eleanor
EloraGirl God is Light, God Gives the Laurel, The Crown of Victory, Famous in War, Sun Ray, Shining Light, Foreign
ElzoraGirl Light, Sun Ray, Shining, Form of Eleanor, Variant of Helen, Feminine of Alexander, Defender of Mankind, Sun, The Bright One
EmoraGirl Elf-wise Friend, Variant of Alvin, Elf, Magical Friend, Fair Bow
EndoraGirl From the North, Pattern, Courage, Norseman, Rule, Standard, Female Version of Norman, Ninth
EnoraGirl Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus, Fear, Raging Woman, Delight, Divine, Swarthy, Avenged or Judged and Vindicated, Justified, Decoration, Valley, Spear Ruler, Honor
EudoraGirl Good Gift, Gift without Limits
EvoraGirl Hazelnut, Evelyn, Life
EzoraGirl Strong as a Boar, Passover
FedoraGirl Noble, Born Lucky, Well-born, Woman Known to have Magical Powers, Gift Of God
FeodoraGirl Rock, Iron Strong, Gift Of God
FioraGirl Jehovah Increases, Burning Ones, Fiery, The Lord Judges
FloraGirl Flower, The Goddess of Flower, Form of Florence, Blooming
GenoraGirl Cheerful, Happy, Stranger
GlendoraGirl Hazelnut, Light, Desired, Life-giving, Gives Life, Bird, Form of Evelyn
GlenndoraGirl Cheerful, Happy, Stranger
GlenoraGirl Valley, Valley in the Mountains, From Glen, Glen is a Narrow Valley Between Hills
GleoraGirl Illustrious Pledge, Trusted, Shining Pledge, Bright Promise, Bright Oath
GloraGirl Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver
GlyndoraGirl From Gill's Ford, Ford with Yellow Flowers
HanoraGirl Grace, Favor, Blessing
HonoraGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Honor
IdoraGirl Derived from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius, Of the Garden
IloraGirl Keeper of the Hedged Enclosure, Studious Person, One who Instruct, Lord, A Prophet's Name, Eager Lord, Impulsive, Lord of Fiery, Prophet's Name
IsadoraGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, God's Promise, Laughter, Salvation of God, The Lord Helps Me, Variant of Elizabeth, Pledged to God, A Lord, Strong-willed, Gift Of Isis
IsidoraGirl Fair, Meadow, Ing is Beautiful, Hero's Daughter, Gift Of Isis
IzadoraGirl Archer, Yew Wood, Diminutive of Yvonne
IzoraGirl Rainbow, Flower, Radiance
JaboraGirl Rainbow, Flower, Radiance
JacoraGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Resolute Protector, Strong Helmet, Diminutive of Wilhelmina, Safe, Peace, Well Born, Noble, Will Helmet, Protect, Air
JadoraGirl Climber, A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
JakoraGirl Climber, A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant
JamoraGirl Precious Green Stone, The Most Beautiful Stone, Jade, Green Gemstone, Stone
JanoraGirl God is Gracious, Jehovah has been Gracious
JenoraGirl Son of Jeffrey
JoraGirl Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious
KahmoraGirl Brave, Alert, A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc, Similar to the Irish Name Casey, Vigorous
KamoraGirl Most Beautiful, Lark, Singing Lark, Lively, Idea, Imagination, Fancy
KanoraGirl Mighty Warrior, Stream, Keeper of the Keys, Pure, A Grain, An Atom, Heart of Wheat, Small, Black, Molecule, Seed
KatoraGirl Pure, English Abbreviation of Katherine, Virginal
KeemoraGirl Dear, Darling
KeimoraGirl Pure, Keeper of the Keys, Slender, Fair
KeioraGirl Pure, Form of Catherine, Virginal
KemoraGirl Town of the Keels
KenoraGirl From the Narrow River, River Man, Keel Friend
KeoraGirl From the Spring
KeymoraGirl Jehovah has Given, Gift of God
KeyoraGirl Pure, Unsullied
KhamoraGirl Jehovah has Given, Gift of God, Love
KhimoraGirl Jehovah has Given, Gift of God, Love
KhoraGirl Dark Skinned, Swamp Friend, Little Dark One, Dark, Black
KiamoraGirl Dark Haired One, Ruler, County in Ireland, Dusky, Dark
KimmoraGirl Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Fragrance
KimoraGirl From the Royal Fortress Meadow
KioraGirl Youthful, Downy-bearded, Variant of Julia, Jove's Child, Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Star Crossed Love
KiyoraGirl Pure
KmoraGirl Pure
KoraGirl Land Belonging to Cyneburg, Cyneburga's Land, Cyneburg's Field, Royal Fortress Meadow
KymoraGirl Follower of Christ, Anointed, Christian Woman, Christ Bearer
LacoraGirl Just, Female Version of Justin, Fair, Righteous
LadoraGirl Bold War-leader, Warrior Chief
LamoraGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LanoraGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LatoraGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LavoraGirl He will be Praised, Form of Judith, Admired, Jewish, A Women from Judea, Praise
LedoraGirl Crowned with Laurels, The Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, Old Name with Many Variants, Laurel
LeenoraGirl He will be Praised, Form of Judith, Admired, Jewish, A Women from Judea, Praise
LendoraGirl Crowned with Laurels, The Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, Old Name with Many Variants, Laurel
LennoraGirl God of Fertility and Peace, Beautiful, He who is Foremost, God of Peace and Prosperity
LenoraGirl Shining Light, Sun Ray, Compassion, Like a Lion, Foreign, The Other
LeonoraGirl Torch, Variant of Eleanor, From Helen, Compassion, Spanish Form of Eleanor Light, Bright, Shining One, Foreign, The Other
LeoraGirl Glade, Poet, Plum, Meadow with Coarse Grass, Meadow of the Sheep, The King, Fair-haired Courageous One, Lion-bold, Lion-man, Pasture, Meadow, Clearing, Dweller Near the Wood or Clearing, Wood, Weary, Light
LevoraGirl Shining Light, Bright, Foreign, The Other, Variant of Eleanor
LindoraGirl Lives by the Linden Tree Hill, From the Island of Linden Trees
LinoraGirl Tender Beauty, Variant of Linda Lime Tree, Linden Tree, Beautiful, Pretty
LioraGirl The Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, Old Name with Many Variants, God's Gift of Light to Me, My Light
LoraGirl Crowned with Laurels, Small Sage One, The Laurel Tree, Flower of the Bay, Flower, Laurentun, Lion Strength, Ready for Battle
LudoraGirl Dearly Loved, Young Wolf
LuedoraGirl Fortunate, A Region of Southern Italy, A Sage, The Ample of God
LyndoraGirl Pretty, Linden Tree, Beautiful
LynoraGirl Lily, Blend of Lily, Lily Flower and Ann, Gracious, Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily, Symbol of Innocence, Purity, Beauty, My God is a Vow, Favour
MadoraGirl Dwells by the Torrent, Waterfall, Pond, Pretty, A Cascade, Lake, Pool
MaloraGirl Devotee of Saint Columba, A Dove, Saint Columb's Disciple, Columba's Servant, Queen
MedoraGirl Woman of Magdala, From the High Tower
MelchoraGirl Sword Friend, Polished Chief, Short Form of Melanie Melissa or Melvin
MeldoraGirl Pearl, Child of Light, Latinate Form of Margaret, Daisy Flower
MelioraGirl Better
MellyoraGirl Sword Friend, Polished Chief, Short Form of Melanie Melissa or Melvin
MeloraGirl Highborn Power, Black, Dark-skinned
MoraGirl Bitter, Little Blueberry, PeacockMaybe Blackberry
NelloraGirl Champion, Blue, Lord Shiva (Blue Throat), Engineer to the Gods with Twin Nal Helped Rama Build the Bridge to Lanka
NestoraGirl Female variation of Nestor, The homecoming, In Greek Mythology, Nestor was the son of Neleus (Νηλεύς), wise king of Pylos and Chloris. Nestor is a combination of νέομαι and νόστος meaning go back and one who returns from travel respectively, together meaning "homecoming or traveler." However according to another theory, Nestor can be a combination of נֵס(nes) and תּוֹרָה(tora) meaning miraculous teaching or instruction
NiamoraGirl Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Derived from the Greek Helen, Form of Cornelius, Diminutive of Eleanor, Eyes, Leader, Guide
NicanoraGirl From the New Village, New Town
NooraGirl Woman from Magdala, Woman from Kynthos, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Fat, A Mixed Caste, LightForeign
NoraGirl Sea of Bitterness, Form of Mary, Wished-for Child, Rebellion, Star of the Sea, Bitter, Beloved, Irish name meaning: torch, Irish short for Eleanor or Eleonore (meaning suggesting the other), Latin name, meaning: the Honorable, Arabic name, meaning: bringer of light. In Germany for more than three centuries spread. Widely known through the drama "A Doll's House" (1879) by Henrik Ibsen.
OnoraGirl Adviser, Solitary, Alone, Unique, A Wise Counsellor, Saint, Nun, Timekeeper, Noble, Aristocratic
OraGirl Great, Female Version of Augustus, Introduced to Britain by the Hanoverian in the Early 18th Century, Magnificent, Venerated, Worthy of Respect
PandoraGirl All-gifts, All Gifts
QuimoraGirl Attendant
QuoraGirl Essence
RhodoraGirl Queen, Form of Regina
SacoraGirl Bright Fame, Female Version of Robert, Famed, Shining, Robin, Light, Interest, One who Gives Happiness, Luster, Beauty, Love, Taste, Companion, Friend
SadoraGirl Kind
SafooraGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Pious
SakoraGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess
SalvadoraGirl Guards Wisely, Strong Defender, Protecting Hands, Decision Protector, Red, Red Haired, King
SalvatoraGirl Guards Wisely, Strong Defender, Protecting Hands, Decision Protector, Red, Red Haired, King
SamoraGirl Princess, Lady, Form of Sarah, Noble Lady, Safe, Name of a Friend of Ali, Peaceable
SandoraGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
SanoraGirl Ardor, Ardent, Fiery, Zealous, Maybe Kitten
SecoraGirl Red Haired, Headland, Red, Surname, Wood, Rose, Real, A River, Goddess Saraswati, Flower
SeforaGirl Bird
SemoraGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess
SenoraGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful
SephoraGirl Red Haired, Headland, Red, Surname, Wood, Rose, Bird
ShacoraGirl Princess, Burning One, Serpent, Wife of Abraham
ShadoraGirl Defender of Man, Man's Defender, The Embodiment of Service
ShakoraGirl Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Noted Protector, Similar to Rose, Horse, Fame, Pretty Rose
ShamoraGirl Swordsman, Knife, Single Edged Knife
ShandoraGirl God is Gracious
ShanoraGirl Form of Sergio, Attendant, Peace, Peaceful
ShantoraGirl Combination of Rose and Mary, Name of the Herb, Bitter Rose, Sweet
ShatoraGirl Prayer, From the Saint-maur, Marshy Land Near the Sea, Taylor, Moon
SiboraGirl Sheerer, Servant, Shear Man
SidoraGirl Seer, Oracle
SignoraGirl Darling, Beloved, Dear, A Plain, Flat Pasture
SimoraGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess
SonoraGirl Follower of Saint Denys, From Sidonia
SoraBoy/Girl Sky, From the Hill on the Ledge, Protected Hill, From the Steep Valley
SykoraGirl To Wear a Crown, Wreath, Garland, Crowned
SymoraGirl Star
TacoraGirl Forest, Wood, From the Forest, Unmarried Girl
TammoraGirl Forest, Wood, From the Forest, Unmarried Girl
TamoraGirl Gazelle, Roe, Beauty, Grace, Roe-buck, Small Deer
TeadoraGirl Dew, Rain
TecoraGirl Gazelle, Roe, Beauty, Grace, Roe-buck, Small Deer
TelesforaGirl Lily, Form of Susan
TeodoraGirl Gift Of God
ThedoraGirl To Endure, Patience, One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation, Enduring, To Suffer
TheodoraGirl Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Noted Protector, Similar to Rose, Horse, Fame, Pretty Rose, Gift Of God
ThoraGirl Thunder, Thor's Fight, Thor's Struggle, Thor's Goddess
TimoraGirl Maker of Bricks, Tiles
TiodoraGirl To Fear God, Honoring God, Name of a Saint, To Honor God, One who Honors God
ToccoraGirl God's Gift, Divine Gift, Gift of God
TomoraGirl Gift of God, Supreme Gift
TonoraGirl Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Noted Protector, Similar to Rose, Horse, Fame, Pretty Rose
ToraGirl Graceful Rose, Rose, Thunder
TziporaGirl Follower of Christ, Anointed, Strong, Healthy, By that, With that
TzipporaGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
UdoraGirl True
ValoraGirl Valuable, High Rank, Glory, Prestige, Sea Jewel, Wealthy, Little Bear, Inherited Estate, Wolf Power, Well Spoken, Abbreviation of Eulalie
VandoraGirl Very High Places, From the Marshland, Marsh Land, Lives by a Marsh
VanoraGirl White Wavess, White Wave
VeloraGirl Twin, Lovely, Beautiful, Name of Lord Shanmukha, Begining, Time
VenoraGirl Twin, Lovely, Beautiful
VeoraGirl Strong, Courageous, Healthy, Gods Gift, Blessing, Goddess Parvati
VictoraGirl Twin
VioraGirl Little Violet, Purple
VloraGirl Full of Life, Alive, Lively, Variant of Vivien, The Lady of the Lake in Malory's Mort Darthur, Life
VoraGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
WendlesoraBoy From Windsor
WilloraGirl White
ZikoraBoy/Girl God is Fair, Justice of the Lord, Righteousness of God, From Zedekiah, Strength, Handsome
ZoraGirl Dawn, Aurora, Sea of Bitterness, Biblical Name, Rebelliousness, Pregnant Mother, Star of the Sea, Wished-for Child, Bitter, Sea of Sorrow, Prophetess, Scraped, Rocks, Beloved, Dawn's Light, Eastern European name, meaning: Dawn, Short form of Aurora. Known from Kurt Held youth novel "Die rote Zora" (1941).
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M