The list of words or names that rhyme with Janeane. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Janeane.
AineGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic, Fire
AlayneGirl Get Fat, Wanderer, A Slavic Name for the Tribal Group, Vandals, Look Healthy, Open Area, Abundance, Fortunate, Prosperous
AlleaneGirl Wise Counsellor, Name of a King, Counsel from the Elves, Elf, Magical Counsel, Supernaturally Wise, Elf Counsel
AndreneGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
BaneBoy Blessed, Fortunate, Lucky, Happy, Felicitous, Son of Jacob, King, Mighty, Powerful, Strong, Mighty King
CainBoy Acquired, Craftsman, Warrior's Son, Spear, Archaic, Lance, Beautiful, The Crop Grower, Oldest Child of Adam and Eve, Maybe Spear
ChadyeaneGirl Place Name, Farmer's Settlement, Man, Stupid Person, Idiot, Unintelligent Person, Free Man, Farmer
ChaneBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure, Name of a God, Dependability
CharleaneGirl Place Name, Near the Castle, Of the Dark Ones, Little and Womanly, The Dark One, Man, Good
CharmainGirl Heavenly, Moon, Of Sky, Goddess of the Moon, Divine, Similar to Celia or Selena, A French Pirate Name is Celine Le Beak
CharmaineGirl Song, Variant of Charles Manly, Little and Womanly, Female Version of Charles, Charm, Bountiful Orchard, Sing
CharmayneGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChayneBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
DarleaneGirl The girl name is originated from Old English Darlene meaning "Little Darling, Tenderly Beloved, Beloved or Dear" which was one of the popular name during mid-century. The respelling doesn't performed well on charts
DeneaneGirl Virginal, Unblemished, Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Attendant for a Temple
DuaneBoy Descendent Of DUBHÁ, N, Dark, Form of Wayne, Wagoner, Swarthy, Hair, Little Dark One, The Little Dark One
ElaneGirl Wealthy Guardian, Rich Benefactress, Guardian of Riches, Guardian of Prosperity, Earth, The Earth
ElayneGirl Wealthy Guardian, Rich Benefactress, Guardian of Riches, Guardian of Prosperity, Earth, The Earth
HassainBoy From the Stag's Ford, Magnificent, Destroys Evil, Force for Good, Generous, Great Grandfather of the Prophet, Honour
HussainBoy Forest, Wood, Son of the Unspoiled Forest, Islamic Thinker, Saint, Good, The Founder of Shiite Islam was Named Hussein
IreneGirl French form of Irene (meaning: the Peaceful). Namesake: Irène Joliot-Curie, French scientist.
JaneGirl Jehovah has been Gracious, Gracious, God is Merciful, The Lord is Gracious, Yahweh Is Gracious
JasmainGirl Fragrant Flower, Modern Variant of Jasmine, Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
JayneGirl The Lord is Gracious, Has Shown Favor, Gracious, Merciful, Female Version of John, One who Increase Victory, Joy, Victorious, God is Gracious, Yahweh Is Gracious
JazmaineGirl Fragrant Flower, Modern Variant of Jasmine, Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
JeaneGirl Supplanter, One who Supplants, Variant of Jacob Supplanter, Feminine of James, Pet Form of James Used as a Woman's Name
JineaneGirl Down-bearded, Youth, Youthful, Jove's Child, Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
JourdainBoy Medieval Male Name Adopted as a Feminine Name, A Member of the German Tribe, The Gauts, Joyful, Happy, The Descending
JumaaneBoy Born On Tuesday, Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Friday, Holy Day
KaneBoy Praised, Tribute, Warrior's Son, Bright, Battler, Golden Man, The Eastern Sky, Beautiful, Little Battle
KristainBoy/Girl White Wave, Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer, White Spirit, Race of Women, Fair, Smooth, White and Smooth, Soft
LarayneGirl Sorrowful, From Lothair's Kingdom, Sea Bird, The Bay, Laurel, Plant, Land of the People of Lothar
LareineGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LauraineGirl The Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree, Symbolic of Honor and Victory, The Bay, Laurel Plant, Land of the People of Lothar
LochlainnBoy Blend of Lily and Ann, Variant of Lillian, Symbol of Innocence, Purity, Beauty, Lily Flower, Lily
LorainneGirl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, Pledged to God, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LorrayneGirl Crowned with Laurels, Variant of Laura or Lora Referring to the Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree
MacleanBoy Waterfall, Lake, A Cascade, Variant of the Irish Gaelic Word Lann, House, Church, Form of Linda, Pretty
MeghanneGirl Woman from Magdala, Woman from Kynthos, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Fat, A Mixed Caste
OraneFrench form of Orania (meaning: the Heavenly).
RaynBoy/Girl Most Beautiful, The Little Finger, Pink Coloured, Sweet, Pinkish, It is the Name of a Gate of the Heaven
RayneBoy/Girl Strong Counselor, From the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar, Queen, Wise Guardian, Form of Regina
RomainBoy Form of Roland, Famed Throughout the Land, Nobleman, Leader, Famous Wolf, Wolf Fame, Renowned in the Land, Earl, The Roman
RomaineBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, The Roman
ShalaneGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
ShaneBoy Form of Sergio, Attendant, English name, feminine form of Sean, , In addition to the form of Shan, a boy name.
SharmayneGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink
ShelaineGirl Supplanter, A Gift, Fairy Palace, Admirable, Hawk-like, God is Gracious, Eagle, Sharp, Hawk Like
StephaineGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess
TremaineBoy Stone Settlement, Farm with a Stone Monolith, From the Stone House, Town Built with Stone
ViolaineFrench name, meaning: violets.
ZainBoy Swords, Excellent, Happy, Beautiful, Good Looking, Variant of Zane or John, The Lord is Gracious, Good Light