The list of words or names that rhyme with Milani. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Milani.
AalaniGirl Bird Name, A Wren is a Small Brown Songbird, Sweet Smelling, Jasmine Flower, Fragrant Flower, Flower, Jasmine
AhlaniGirl Lily, Form of Susan, Noble, Form of Adelaide, Noble and of Kind Spirit, Noble Minded, Decoration, Friday, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Delicate, Slender, Refined, Gentle
AilaniGirl Lily, Form of Susan, Noble, Form of Adelaide, Noble and of Kind Spirit, Noble Minded, Decoration, Friday, Beautiful, Gorgeous, Delicate, Slender, Refined, Gentle
AlaniBoy/Girl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic, Universe, Not Fixed, Wavering, Intelligent, Complete, Total, Hawaiian name, meaning: Orange, a girl's name.
CalaniGirl Born of the Right Hand, Diminutive of Benjamin, Son, Blessed, Son of the South, Son of My Old Age, A Musical Instrument
DalaniGirl Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname
DaylaniGirl Hollow, Valley, Rhyming Variant of Waylon, A Historical Blacksmith with Supernatural Powers
EllaniGirl God is My Oath, Stone, All, Completely, God is Perfection, God is Wow, Order, Beauty, Harmony, Hazel, Cardamom Tree, Earth
EvalaniGirl Prosperous in War, Joyous, Prosperity, Battle, Rich Gift, Strife for Wealth, Rich in War, Goddess Parvathi, Close to God
IwalaniGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Resolute Protector, Strong Helmet, Diminutive of Wilhelmina, Safe, Peace, Well Born, Noble, Will Helmet, Protect, Air
KaelaniGirl Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Jove's Child, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
KahealaniGirl Victory of the People, Diminutive of Dominick, Lord, Abbreviation of Nicholas, People's Victory, Child Born on Sunday, Victorious Person, Good
KamalaniGirl Heavenly Child, Jove's Child, Youthful, Born of the Lotus, The Garden, Goddess, Born of a Lotus, Desirous, Beautiful
KanoelaniGirl Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, A Flower Name and Place Name, Rowan Tree
KaylaniGirl Pure One, Form of Catherine, Clear, Summer Forest, Abbreviation of Katherine, One Possessed with Many Qualities, Pure
KeilaniGirl Pure One, Form of Catherine, Clear, Summer Forest, Abbreviation of Katherine, One Possessed with Many Qualities, Pure
KelaniGirl God is Gracious, Abbreviation of Names Like Joanna and Josephine, It is also Used as a Prefix in Compound Names Like Jobeth and Jolisa, He will Enlarge
LailaniGirl Warrior Chief, Noble, Chief, Regal Hill, Brave King, Golden, One from the Meadow, From the Royal Fortress Meadow, Chief War, Armlet, Noble or Brave, What
LaylaniGirl Crowned with Laurels, The Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, From Laurentian, The Bay, Laurel Plant
LealaniGirl He will be Praised, Form of Judith, Admired, Jewish, A Women from Judea, Praise, Music, Rhythm, Decline, Tranquillity or the Lull After Destruction or the Deluge, Musical Rhythm, Beautiful, Unique, Special
MaelaniGirl Furthest Point, Illusion, Intoxication, Form of Madeline, Woman from Magdala, From Mathilda
MeilaniGirl Lady, Mistress of the House, Mistress, Dedicated to Mars, Fish, Descent from the Matsya Avatar, Precious Stone, Starling, Heaven, Glass
MelaniGirl Pearl, Greek origin, meaning: the black, dark. Popular in Germany since the late 20th century. Namesake: Melanie Griffith, American actress.
NaelaniGirl Laughter, He will Laugh, Form of Isaac, Laughing One, Rare, Unique, Blessing, Living an Enjoyable Life, To be Contented, Ease
NahlaniGirl From the Wealthy Man's Mountain, Mountain, Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery, Hope, Generous
NeilaniGirl Sea Nymph, Daughter of Nereus, In Greek Mythology the Nereids were Mermaids and Deities of the Seas, Peacock, Shiva, Amrit, Pure Water, Dew Drops
NeolaniGirl Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, Derived from the Greek Helen, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Form of Cornelius, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Diminutive of Eleanor, Diminutive of
NialaniGirl Woman from Magdala, Woman from Kynthos, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Fat, A Mixed Caste
NoelaniGirl Heavenly Mist, Woman from Magdala, Woman from Kynthos, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Fat, A Mixed Caste
NohealaniGirl Rest, Comfort, Peaceful from Noah, Wandering, Peace, Mist of Heaven, Consolation, Form of Noah
NohelaniGirl Wealthy Guardian, Sanctuary, Voice, Call, Born of Sunday, Consisting of Water, Juice, Liquor, Ploughed Field, Of the Loom, Part of God
NolaniGirl Rest, Comfort, Peaceful from Noah, Wandering, Peace, Mist of Heaven, Consolation, Form of Noah
ShalaniGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy
UalaniGirl Thunder Ruler, Puller, Follower of Thor, Stubborn, Derivative of the Scandinavian God of Battle Tyr, Tuesday was Named for Tyr
UilaniGirl Heavenly Beauty, Thunder Ruler, Puller, Follower of Thor, Stubborn, Derivative of the Scandinavian God of Battle Tyr, Tuesday was Named for Tyr
UlaniGirl Thunder Ruler, Puller, Follower of Thor, Stubborn, Derivative of the Scandinavian God of Battle Tyr, Tuesday was Named for Tyr