Names that rhyme with Nick

The list of words or names that rhyme with Nick. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Nick.
AaricBoy Rule with Mercy
AarickBoy A Driver, Wheel Maker
AdrickBoy Father, Pain, Lipless, Judge, Honest, Just, Equal, Derived from Adeline
AericBoy From Hadria, Dark
AerickBoy Little Fire, Born of Fire
AidrickBoy From the Afton River, Place Name
AirickBoy Father, Priest, Lord, My Ruler
AlaricBoy Ruler Of All, Noble Ruler, Highborn Ruler, All-powerful Ruler
AlarickBoy Fair, Handsome, Both a Diminutive of Albert
AlbericBoy Rules with Elf-wisdom, Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey De Vere, Elf Ruler, King of Elves
AldricBoy Old, Wise Ruler, Old Leader
AldrickBoy Old, Aged and Wise Ruler, Old Wise Leader
AlericBoy Old Leader, Sage
AlfredrickBoy Form of Alexander, Helper and Defender of Mankind
AlhrickBoy Sacred Ruler
AlicBoy From the Farm by the Spring, From the Well Settlement
AlickBoy Wise Counsellor, Sage, Counsel from the Elves, Elf, Magical Counsel, Spanish Form of Alfred, Elf Counsel
AlikBoy Nobility
AlldrichBoy Old Leader
AllricBoy Old Leader
AlricBoy Ruler of All, Highborn Ruler, Rules All
AlrickBoy Old Leader
AlterickBoy From the Noble's Home, Place Name, Noble One's Settlement, From the Old Manor
AndranikBoy Will Helmet, Resolute Protector, Will, Son of William
AndricBoy Manly, Brave
AndrickBoy Courageous, Brave, Female Version of Andrea, A Man's Woman, Warrior, Manly
AndrikBoy Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance, Brightness, Height, Exalted, Battle
AngelicGirl Mother, God-like
AngelickGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing
AnnickGirl Combination of Anna and Belle, Beautiful, Graceful, Easy to Love, He (God) Was Gracious
AricBoy Ruler of All, Sacred Ruler, Rule with Mercy, Noble Leader, Ever Ruler, Alone-Ruler
ArickBoy Ruler of All, Rule with Mercy, Ruler, Noble Leader
ArikBoy Ruler of All, Sacred Ruler, Noble Leader, Ever Ruler, Alone-RulerLion Of God
ArricBoy Meadow of the Hare, Place Name, Hare-meadow, From the Long Field
ArrickBoy Ruler of All, Rule with Mercy, Ruler
AtrickBoy Defender, Nobility, The Supreme Spirit, Mother, Noble Kind, True to All, Swift, Speedy, Ornament, Decoration, Brings Rain, Embellishing, Adorning, Decorative, Answered Prayer, To Pray for, Warrior, Army Man, Soldier
AudricBoy Old, Wise Ruler, Old Leader
AudrickBoy Noble, Bear, Rock, Noble Strength, Stone
AurickBoy Noble Leader
AverickBoy Season Name, The Fall Season, Autumn
BaldricBoy Bold, Brave, Brave Ruler
BaldrickBoy Brave Ruler
BardrickBoy Axe-ruler
BarekBoy From the Birch-tree Meadow, Meadow of Birch Trees
BarricBoy Grain Farm
BarrickBoy Grain Farm
BenedickBoy Similar to Benedict, Blessed
BericBoy Grain Farm
BerwickBoy From the Barley Grange
BickBoy From the Hewer's Ford
BraderickBoy Bright, Shining, Place Name, Where Birch Trees Grow
BradrickBoy The Archer
BrannickBoy Beverage Brandy, Name of a Liquor, Brandy Drink
BrennickBoy Burning, Raven, Black Haired, Stinking Hair, Sword
BrickBoy Bridge, Form of Brice, Quick-moving
BrikBoy Bridge
BrodderickBoy Bridge, Form of Brice, Quick-moving
BroddrickBoy Form of Britannia
BrodericBoy Brother
BroderickBoy From the Broad Ridge, Renowned Ruler, Surname, Brother, Form of Roderick
BrodricBoy Honorable, Strength, High, Noble, Virtuous, Hill, Hill Place, Brave
BrodrickBoy Proud, Firebrand, Sword
CarrickBoy Irish name meaning: rock.
CeddrickBoy Melody, Song, Form of Carol, Manly, Female Version of Charles, Carl, Darling, Song of Joy
CederickBoy Bringer of Peace, Box
CedricBoy Maybe Beloved
CedrickBoy War Leader, Gift of Splendor, Maybe Beloved
CedrikBoy From the Villa by the March, Swampy Dwelling, Maybe Beloved
CerdicBoy Name of a King
ChaddrickBoy Song of Joy, Song of Happiness, Womanly, Form of Carolyne
ChaderickBoy Huntsman
ChadricBoy Bright Fame, Famous One
ChadwickBoy Dairy Farm Belonging To CHAD, Place Name, The Fighter's Settlement, From the Warrior's Town, Variant of Chad, Protector, Defender, Warrior, Chad's Dairy Farm
ChaswickBoy Huntsman, Hunter
ChedrickBoy Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CheickBoy Church Official, Chancellor, A Gamble, Good Fortune, Contraction of Chancellor
ChicBoy Little and Womanly, Manly, Female Version of Charles, Carl, Strong, Free Man, Small Beauty
ChickBoy Man, Form of Charles
CorderickBoy Girl
CormickBoy Cord-maker
CorrickBoy From the Ravine, Hill Hollow, Variant of Corey Hill Hollow
DaivikBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname, Religious, Godly, Divine
DandrickBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname
DanekBoy Used as a Virtue Name by the Puritans, Merciful, Mild, Gentle, Giving Mercy, Gentle and Merciful, Variant of Clementia
DaricBoy Eye of the Day, Day's Eye, Lord, Wealthy, Possessing Goodness, Also a Character in Shahnameh, Charitable, Son, Oak
DarickBoy God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel
DarrickBoy Ruler of the Land, The People's Ruler, Strong, Oak-hearted, Ruler Of The People
DatrickBoy God is My Judge, Form of Dana, From Denmark, To Give, Gift
DeadrickBoy Beloved, Son of David, David's Son, Dear One, Feminine Form of David
DeandrickBoy Beloved, From the Biblical David, Beloved, Friend, Darling
DeatrickBoy Divine, Valley
DectrickBoy Bright, Proud, Day-bright, Shining One
DeddrickBoy Strong and Womanly, Blend of Deanne and Variants of Andrea and Sandra, Protector of Man
DederickBoy Hidden Spot, From the Hidden Place, Hidden Nook
DedricBoy God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel
DedrickBoy Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, Variant of Diederick, The People's Ruler, First of the People, King of Nations
DeedrickBoy Strong and Womanly, Blend of Deanne and Variants of Andrea and Sandra, Protector of Man
DeerickBoy Hidden Spot, From the Hidden Place, Hidden Nook
DeidrickBoy Hidden Spot, From the Hidden Place, Hidden Nook
DeitrickBoy Place Name of a Village in Northeastern Scotland, Used as a First Name Since the 19th Century, From the Dales, The Valley Meadows
DekendrickBoy Beloved, Son of David, David's Son, Dear One, Feminine Form of David
DeldrickBoy From the Cliff Land, Hilly Area, Lands of Cliffs, Slope Land
DelrickBoy Of the Mountain
DeltrickBoy Famous, Bright, Shining, Clear, Diminutive of Clarence
DemedrickBoy A Bee, Form of Deborah
DemetrickBoy Beloved, Son of David, David's Son, Surname
DendrickBoy Aches, Form of Dolores, Lady of Sorrows
DenerickBoy From the Cliff Land, Hilly Area, Lands of Cliffs, Slope Land
DeondrickBoy From the Valley, Place Name, Valley, Occupational Name, Church Official, Combination of Deana and Dina
DereckBoy Ruler of the People, The People's Ruler
DericBoy Proud Friend, Short for Names Beginning with Del
DerickBoy Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, The People's Ruler, First of the People, King of Nations
DerikBoy Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, The People's Ruler
DeroderickBoy From the Valley, Place Name, Valley, Occupational Name, Church Official, Combination of Deana and Dina
DerreckBoy Leader, The People's Ruler
DerrickBoy Ruler of the People, Form of Derek, Ruler, People's Ruler, First of the People, King of Nations
DerrikBoy Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, The People's Ruler
DerrikeBoy A Place in Cornwall, British Town
DerryckBoy Darling, Beloved, Open, Variant of Darrel Open
DerrykBoy Great, Small and Great, Wealthy
DeryckBoy Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, People Ruler, First of the People, King of Nations
DerykBoy Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, The People's Ruler
DetrickBoy Darling, Beloved, Open, Variant of Darrel Open
DettrickBoy Sunny Day, Shining One, Bright Like Daytime, Bright Nobility, Modern
DeverickBoy Riverbank, Derived from Place-name Deverel
DevondrickBoy Fate, Destiny, Certain Fortune, The Mythological Greek God of Fate, One's Fate
DevrickBoy A Bee, Form of Deborah
DickBoy Rich and Powerful Ruler, Powerful, Rich Ruler, Dominant Ruler, Peaceful Ruler, Strong Power, Hardy Power, Powerful Ruler, Brave, First of the People
DiedrickBoy Divine, Day, Daughter of Eineus
DietrichBoy Eye of the Day, Flower Name, Day's Eye, From the South, Ruler Of The People
DietrickBoy Rose, Flower Name, Rose Garden, Fair Rose, Present
DirrickBoy Dexterous, Right Handed, Dyer, Woman Dyer, One who
DomanickBoy Famous, Bright, Shining, Clear, Diminutive of Clarence
DomenicBoy Lord, Child Born on Sunday, Belonging To The Lord
DomenickBoy Named for Saint Denys, Follower of Dionysius, Greek God of Wine, Mountain of Zeus
DominicBoy Belonging to the Lord, Lord, Form of Dominick
DominickBoy Rich and Powerful Ruler, Son of Dick, Richard's Son, Belonging To The Lord
DominikBoy Lord, Child Born on Sunday, Belonging to the Lord, Of the Lord
DomminickBoy Dexterous, Right Handed, Dyer, Woman Dyer, One who
DomnickBoy Of the Mountain
DomonickBoy Eye of the Day, Flower Name, Day's Eye, From the South
DomynickBoy Dexterous, Right Handed, Dyer, Woman Dyer, One who
DondrickBoy Valley, Dean, Vindicated, Supervisor, Avenged, Judgement
DyrkBoy Gazelle, Small Deer
EddrickBoy Prosperous Ruler, Power and Good Fortune
EdikBoy Wealthy Defender, Rich Protector, Wealthy Guardian
EdricBoy Wealth, Fortune, Wealthy Ruler, Rich Ruler
EdrickBoy Wealthy Ruler, Powerful Property-holder
EdrikBoy Wealthy Ruler
EirikBoy Wealthy Ruler, Rich Ruler, Alone-Ruler
EldrichBoy Old Leader
EldrickBoy Old and Wise Adviser, Old, Sage Ruler
ElickBoy Prosperous in War, Joyous, Prosperity, Battle, Rich Gift, Strife for Wealth, Rich in War
ElldrichBoy Old Leader
ElrickBoy The King
EmerichBoy Work, Rich, Powerful Ruler, Brave
EmerickBoy Old and Wise Adviser, Old, Old Leader, Sage Ruler
EmmerichBoy Noble, Aristocratic Lady, Princess, Brave
EmrickBoy Old and Wise Adviser, Old, Old Leader, Sage Ruler
EnrickBoy Elf Strength
EricBoy Ruler, Peaceful Ruler, Ever-powerful, Forever Ruler, Alone-Ruler
ErichBoy Sun Ray, Shining, Form of Eleanor, Variant of Helen, Brightness, Mercy, Torch, Moon Elope, Moon, Alone-Ruler
ErickBoy An Ant, Energetic, Powerful, Alone-Ruler
ErikBoy From the Elder Tree, One's Elder, Alone-Ruler
ErikeGirl Name of a River in South Wales and a Cathedral and Town in Cambridgeshire, Form of Eli, Elevation, The Lord will Help, The Highest, The Lord is My God
ErricBoy Sincere, Serious, Earnest, Fight to the Finish, Determined, Battle to the Death
ErrickBoy True to All, White, Blond, The Fair One, Elf Council, Foreign True, Alert, Trustworthy, All True, Troop, Impartial Judgement, Close, True Friend, Elfin
ErykBoy Old and Wise Adviser, Old, Old Leader, Sage Ruler, Alone-Ruler
EverickBoy Nobleman, Based on the English Title of Earl
FederickBoy Hazelnut, Evelyn, Life, Desired
FedrickBoy Powerful in the Law, Good Worship, Boar Battle, Law-powerful
FenwickBoy Swamp Farm
FinnickBoy Noble, Righteous
FitzpatrickBoy Son of Patrick, Surname, Son of Nobleman
FredderickBoy A Flint-stone, Stream, Place-name and Surname, Flint Stone Produces a Spark of Fire when Struck by Steel
FreddickBoy Prosperous, Field, Headstrong
FreddrickBoy Flowering, In Bloom
FredericBoy Peace
FrederichBoy Free Man, Free Landholder
FrederickBoy Peaceful Ruler, Elf, Magical Counsel
FrederikBoy Free, Diminutive of Frank Free, Frankie is Occasionally Used for Girls, French Man, A Man Form France, From France, Free One, Peace
FredickBoy French Town, Curly Hair, Strawberry, Variant of Fraser of the Forest Men
FredirickBoy Epic, Cool, Awesome
FredreickBoy French Town, Curly Hair, Strawberry, Variant of Fraser of the Forest Men
FredricBoy Prosperous, Flourishing, To Flower in the Sense of a Blossom, Blossoming, Charming
FredrichBoy Free, From France
FredrickBoy Gray, Sacred, Grey Haired, Peace
FredrikBoy Free, From France, Peace
FrickBoy Bold, Brave Man
FriedrichBoy French Town, Curly Hair, Strawberry, Of the Forest Men, Variant of Fraser, Peace
GarekBoy Spear Ruler, Wealthy Spear, Spear King
GarreckBoy Spear-rule
GarricBoy Sunbeam, Fair-haired Courageous One, Fair Warrior, White Warrior, White Champion
GarrickBoy Oak Tree Grove, Spear Ruler, Powerful with the Spear, Spear Power, Grove of Holm Oaks
GarrikBoy Spear-rule
GarryckBoy Spear-rule
GarrykBoy Spear-rule
GerekBoy Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver
GerickBoy White Wave, Race of Women, White and Smooth, Soft, White Race
GerikBoy White Wave, Race of Women, White and Smooth, Soft, White Race
GerrickBoy Frenchman, Free, From France
GodricBoy Power Of God, Rules with God
GodrickBoy Chubby Cheeks, Gift of Bravery, Brave Giver, Puffy-faced
HardwickBoy The male name is of English origin and means "Settlement of the courageous men" and is also used a surname too originated form a place name
HedrickBoy Well of the Stags
HeinrichBoy A Moor, Wasteland, Heath, Home
HendrickBoy Ruler of an Enclosure, Home Ruler, Estate, Mistress of the Home
HendrikBoy From the Hare's Meadow, Meadow of the Hares, Female Version of Harley, Home
HenrickBoy Torch, Sun Ray, Shining Light, Wicker, Reed, Shoot, Basket, Most Beautiful Woman in the World, A Lady Attending on Imogen, The Bright One, Moon, Moon Elope, Home
HenrikBoy From the High Meadow, Form of Henry, Ruler of the Home, House Owner, Lord of the Manor
HenrykBoy Keeper of the Hearth, Mistress of the Household, Home Ruler, House Owner
HerickBoy From the High Meadow
HerrickBoy Army Leader, War Ruler
IzickBoy Archer, Yew, Born Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows
IzikBoy Keeper of the Hedged Enclosure, Cheerful, Happy
JaderrickBoy Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows
JakendrickBoy Victory, Bird Name, A Blue Songbird, Jay Bird, A Blue, Crested Bird
JamespatrickBoy Ivy Plant, Climber, A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant, Valuable Coral Beads, Ivy Tree
JanickIn addition to the form of Johannes (meaning: God is merciful), Danish pet form of Jan. In Germany since the end of the 20th century very fashionable.
JannickYahweh Is Gracious
JannikBoy Climber, A Climbing Evergreen Ornamental Plant, God is Gracious, Lord of Men, Yahweh Is Gracious
JannikeGirl Supplanter, Held by the Heel, Heel Grabber, One who Supplants
JarekBoy Fierce, Strong, Jehovah has been Gracious, God is Merciful, The Lord is Gracious
JarickBoy Jehovah has been Gracious, Gracious, God is Merciful, The Lord is Gracious
JarrickBoy Healthy Child, Yesterday, Harvest, God's Gift, Gift from God, The Lord is Gracious, God is Merciful, Heart or Soul
JedrekBoy Gift from God, Merciful, The Lord is Gracious
JedrickBoy Attractive, From the Initials J C, Based on the Initials J C, An Abbreviation of Jacinda
JereckBoy Attractive, From the Initials J C, Based on the Initials J C, An Abbreviation of Jacinda
JericBoy Strong, Gifted Ruler
JerickBoy Strong, Gifted Ruler
JerricBoy Strong, Gifted Ruler
JerrickBoy Strong, Gifted Ruler, Combination of Gerald and Derek
JerrikBoy Son of Jeffrey
JohnpatrickBoy God is Gracious, Son of Jack, He who Supplants, Diminutive of Jack
JonpatrickBoy Modern Female Version of John and Jon, The Lord is Gracious
JosephpatrickBoy Son of John, From John's Farm
KarrickBoy Hairless, Bald
KeddrickBoy Gift of Splendor, Form of Cedric
KederickBoy Pure, Clear, Form of Catherine, Virginal
KedricBoy Gift of Splendor, Form of Cedric
KedrickBoy Gift of Splendor, Form of Cedric
KeidrickBoy Prosperous, Happy, Hardworking, Work, Labour, Bountiful, God is Gracious, Wise, Blessing
KeithrickBoy Where Hawks Fly, Settlement on the Bank, A Raga, Powerful, A Pilgrimage at Himalayas
KeitrickBoy God is Gracious, Abbreviation of Names Like Joanna and Josephine, It is also Used as a Prefix in Compound Names Like Jobeth and Jolisa, He will Enlarge
KeldrickBoy Prosperous, Happy, Hardworking, Work, Labour, Bountiful, God is Gracious
KenderickBoy Brave Cheiftain
KenderrickBoy Ship, Island, Brave, Victory Ship
KendricBoy Valley of the River Kent, Royal Valley, Surname Referring to Kent in England
KendrickBoy Royal Ruler, Fearless Leader, Son of Henry, Greatest Champion, Royal Chieftain, High Hill, Keen Power, Maybe High Hill
KendrikBoy Royal Ruler, Son of Harry, Royal Chieftain, Surname
KendryckBoy Royal Ruler
KenndrickBoy Just, Upright, Fair, Righteous, Key
KenrickBoy Royal Ruler, Chief Hero, Used More Commonly as a Surname, Royal Chieftain, High Hill, Keen Power, Maybe High Hill
KenrikBoy Royal Ruler, Royal Chieftain, Surname
KeondrickBoy Abbreviation of Kenneth, Surname, Born on Fire
KerickBoy Beautiful
KerrickBoy Royal Ruler, King's Ruler
KetrickBoy Ciar's People, Fair, Blessed Poetry, Black, Home, Banner, Flag, Pure Gold, Mark, Sign, Dwelling
KevrickBoy Beautiful
KindrickBoy Ruler, Cyneburg's Field
KinnickBoy Fair Haired
KirkpatrickBoy Cured Salmon
KitrickBoy Dark Haired One, Ruler, County in Ireland, Dusky, Dark
KubrickBoy Victorious Prince, Royal Victory, Dark Blue, Black
KylepatrickBoy Follower of Christ, Christ-bearer, Anointed
LaderickBoy From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LaderrickBoy Follower of Christ, Nickname for Christopher, Frontiersman Kit Carson, Anointed, Christian, Nickname for Katherine, Form of Catherine, Pure
LadrickBoy Victorious Prince, Royal Victory
LafrederickBoy From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LafredrickBoy Bold War-leader
LakedrickBoy Attendant
LakendrickBoy Derived from Lacey which is a French Nobleman's Surname Brought to British Isles After Norman Conquest, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman, Cheerful One
LandrickBoy He who Holds Christ in his Heart, Carrier of Christ
LapatrickBoy Attractive, Fair, Good Looking, Little Rock, Rock, Comely, Light, Buoyant, Float, Buoyant or Float
LaroderickBoy Attractive, Fair, Good Looking, Little Rock, Rock, Comely, Light, Buoyant, Float, Buoyant or Float
LasedrickBoy Skylark, A Songbird, Song Bird
LazarickBoy Laurel
LazerickBoy Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, Diminutive of Laura
LazerrickBoy Follower of Christ, Nickname for Christopher, Frontiersman Kit Carson, Anointed, Christian, Nickname for Katherine, Form of Catherine, Pure
LederrickBoy Path, From the Narrow Road
LorikBoy Fierce, Strong, Warlike, Ready for Battle
LudovicBoy Crowned with Laurels, Small Sage One, The Laurel Tree, Flower of the Bay, Flower, Laurentun, Lion Strength, Ready for Battle, Loud
LudvikBoy Bringer of Light, Illumination, Loud
LudwikBoy Dearly Loved, Young Wolf, Smart, Loud
LyricBoy/Girl Lyric, Songlike, From the Linden Tree Ford
LyrickBoy Crowned with Laurels, Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, The Bay, Laurel, Light, Little and Womanly, Variant of Helen
MalekBoy Bringer of Light, A Region of Southern Italy, Man from Lucania, Light, Master, King, Owner
MalickBoy From the Linden Tree Ford, Expert, Industrious, Skilled, God
MalikBoy From Matthew's Estate, Club, Domain of Maccius, Weapon, Matthews Estate, Gift of God, Domain Belonging to Maccius, King, Master or Sovereign, Master, Chieftain
MallikBoy Great
MarekBoy Warlike, From the God Mars, Dedicated to Mars, Protector of Man, Martial One, War Like, Defence, Of the Sea, Pr, Warlike, Of Mars, The God of War, Devoted to Mars, Alter, Dedicated To Mars (The Roman God Of War)
MarickBoy Son of the Hero
MarikBoy Combination of Maria and Anna, Latinate Form of Marian, Bitterness, Star, Compound Name Combining Marie and Anne, Star of the Sea
MarrickBoy Bitter, One with Big Eyes
MarvicBoy Lake Land, Famous Land, From the Land Near the Lake
MaverickBoy Independent, Unbranded, An Independent Man who Avoids Conformity, Unbranded Range Animal, Maverick
MavrickBoy Unbranded, When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand his Calves as Other Ranchers did, His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man who Avoids Conformity
MccormickBoy To Increase, Kinswomen, Mother, Bitter, Diminutive of Mary, Wished-for Child, Rebellion, Great, Fifth Month of the Year, Old Arabic Name, Scottish Form of Margaret Pearl, T
MedrickBoy Pearl
MeldrickBoy From the Powerful Mill, Mill Ruler
MerickBoy Armored Ruler, Mill-worker, Chieftain, Handmaiden, Slender, Delicate, Flower Name, Ruler, Sweet Friend, Wife of the Himalayas, Female Parrot, Love, Strong, Intellect, Speech, Woman, Mother of Menaka, The Daughter of Mahameru
MerrickBoy Ruler of the Sea, Famous Power, Dark Skinned, Moor
MerrikBoy Prosperous in War, Joyous, Prosperity, Battle, Rich Gift, Strife for Wealth, Rich in War
MichaelpatrickBoy Blackbird, Shining Sea, Sea-bright, Form of Merle, A Bird
MickBoy Who is Like God, Form of Michael, Diminutive Form of Michael Like God, Who Is Like God?
MonickGirl Happiness, Joy, Grace, Favor, Marcy, Yahweh is Gracious, God has Favoured Me, Gracious, Merciful
MonikeGirl Admirable, Wonderful, She who Must be Admired, Worthy of Admiration, A Prince, Title for Mogul, The Sun, Friend
MyrickBoy A Farmer, Bringer of Light
NarekBoy Admirable, Wonderful, She who Must be Admired, Worthy of Admiration, Father of the Mother, Grandfather
NedrickBoy Sun Ray, Shining, Form of Eleanor, Variant of Helen, Brightness, Mercy, Torch, Moon Elope, Moon, God's Flavour, Emperor, Poet, Arranger, Organizer, Adjuster
NeilpatrickBoy From Near the Mills, Mile's Son
NerickBoy A Farmer, Bringer of Light
NicBoy Lord, People of Victory, Victorious Person, Diminutive of Dominick, Victory Of The People
NikBoy Lord, Abbreviation of Nicholas, Mythological, People's Victory, Champion, Good, Victorious People, Diminutive of Dominick, Victory Of The People
OrickBoy From the Ancient Oak Tree
OrrickBoy From the Ancient Oak Tree
OsricBoy Divine Ruler
OsrickBoy Divine Ruler
PadricBoy Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous
PadrickBoy Divine Bear, Soldier of God
ParickBoy Small, Petal, Humble, Little
PartickBoy Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous
PatickBoy Peacock Town, Patrician
PatricBoy From Paris, City Name, Nobleman
PatrickBoy Nobleman, Patrician
PatrikBoy Bear Like, Ormond's Son, Like a Bear, Nobleman
PatrykBoy Honeyed Sweetness, New Leaves, All Honey, Nobleman
PetrickBoy Rock, Form of Peter
PierrickThe Rock
RafikBoy Ewe, Lamb, Female Sheep, Arabic name, meaning: companion. Namesakes: Rafik Shami, German-Syrian writer.
RaydrickBoy Fifth, Derived from Roman Clan Name, From the Place Owned by the Fifth Son
ReddickBoy Wolf Counsellor, Shield Wolf, Form of Raphael, Form of Rafael God has Healed, Wise Wolf, Healer
RederickBoy A Town, Village, Warrior's Estate, Patrician, Noble, Form of Patrick, Royal, Noble Woman, Settlement of Poega, Peacock Town, Head, An Ethiopian Title, Loved, Desired, Sweet
RedickBoy From Ram's Island, Wild Garlic Island, Sun
RedrickBoy Form of Reed, A Reed, Red-haired
RemickBoy Form of Reginald, Counsel Power, Advice, Decision, Wise Protector
RenickBoy Raven, Benevolent, Edge of a Knife, Tough, Water Lily
RennickBoy Form of Quentin, Born Fifth
RenwickBoy Red Haired Defender, Counsellor, Protector, Wise Protector
RhoderickBoy Speaker, Enthusiastic, Stream, Advice
RicBoy Strong Ruler, Variant of Richard, Ruler, Dominant Ruler, Brother, Powerful Ruler
RickBoy Rich and Powerful Ruler, War Leader, Dominant Ruler, People's Ruler, Power of the Wolf, Brother, All-ruler, Strong Power, Hardy Power, Powerful and Brave Ruler
RiddickBoy Strong Ruler, Glory, Dominant Ruler, Rich and Powerful Ruler, Powerful and Brave, Home Ruler
RikBoy Rich and Powerful Ruler, Form of Richard, Powerful, Old Leader, Dominant Ruler, Powerful and Brave Ruler, Home
RikkeGirl Brave One, Strong Ruler, A Teutonic Name from the European Middle Ages, Dominant Ruler, Powerful Leader, Peace
RoberickBoy Dominant Ruler
RobrickBoy Bright Fame, Shining with Fame
RodderickBoy Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Dweller by the Rye Field, Rye Meadow, Rye Clearing, Descendant of Roghallach
RoddickBoy Form of Reginald, Counsel Power, Advice, Decision, Wise Protector
RoddricBoy Famous Ruler, Variant of Roderick
RoddrickBoy Famous Ruler, Variant of Roderick Famous Ruler
RodericBoy Famous Ruler
RoderichBoy Fifth, Surname, Variant of Quentin Fifth, Dog of the Plain, Fame
RoderickBoy Famous Power, Glory, Fame
RoderikBoy Famous Ruler
RoderrickBoy Battle Cry, To Roar, Rest, Little Rock
RodgerickBoy From the Rock Fortress, Stone Camp
RodickBoy Form of Reginald, Counsel Power, Advice, Decision, Wise Protector
RodricBoy Dweller by the Rocky Spring, Rocky Spring
RodrickBoy Famous Ruler, Variant of Roderick Famous Ruler, Fame
RogerickBoy Brave, Courageous, Valiant, Dweller by the Rye Field, Rye Meadow, Rye Clearing, Descendant of Roghallach
RonderickBoy Wolf Counsel, Red Wolf, Famous Wolf
RondrickBoy Form of Roland, Famed Throughout the Land, Nobleman, Leader, Famous Wolf, Wolf Fame, Renowned in the Land, Earl
RoricBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Sweat Heart, A Star, Another Name of River Narmada, One who Snares, Lakshmi
RorickBoy Honest Image, Strong Counsel, One who Brings Victory, Rose
RorikBoy Descendent of Champion
RurikBoy Variant of Roderick Famous Ruler, Noted Ruler, Famously Powerful
RyanpatrickBoy Rose, Little Rose, Flower Name, Truthful, Kindness, Dew, Famous Guardian
SeanpatrickBoy From the Rose Spring, Horse Mighty, Love, Life, Victorious, Ruler of Hundreds, Lord of Sati, God of Truth, Easily Available
SeddrickBoy Ardor, Ardent, Fiery, Zealous
SederickBoy Sun Child, Bright Sun
SedgewickBoy From the Sword Place
SedgewyckBoy From the Sword Place
SedgwickBoy From the Sword Place
SedgwyckBoy From the Sword Place
SedricBoy From Baron's Estate, From the Town Near the Sea
SedrickBoy Peaceful, Variant of Shalom, Saint, Tranquillity, Peace
SedwickBoy From the Sword Place
ShaddrickBoy Pure, Lady, Excellent, Form of Sarah, Queen, Abraham's Wife, Priceless, Inestimable, Solid, Precious, Best, Star, Happy, Beautiful
ShadrickBoy Severe, River in England, Stern, Strict, Restrained, A Saint's Name
ShadwickBoy Knight, Horseman, One who Rides
ShafiqBoy Defender of Man, Man's Defender, The Embodiment of Service, Soft Hearted, Kind, Compassionate, Tender, Beneficent, Affectionate, Soft, Pardoning
ShaniqueGirl God is Gracious
SharikGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God, Shining Star
SheddrickBoy Small and Wise, Old, Ancient, Wise One, River Name, Old River, River of Wisdom
ShederickBoy Swordsman, Knife, Single Edged Knife
ShedrickBoy Rufus, Red-haired, Red Skinned, Little Red One
SheldrickBoy Form of Sergio, Attendant
SherickBoy From the Ledge Meadow, Clearing on a Bank, Form of Shelly, Meadow on a Hilltop, Little Rock, Ewe, Female Sheep
SherrickBoy Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy
ShondrickBoy Sweet, Pleasant, Gentle, Delicate, Goddess of Sculpture, The God of Destruction, Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, God Shiv
StanwickBoy Dweller at the Rocky Village
TamarickBoy Star, Esther, Stella, Inspiring, Son of the Priest, Divine, Seeker, Another Name for God, One who Longs or Wishes, Sender (of Truth), Student, Lover, The Seeker of Truth
TamerickBoy Praise, Heart, Courageous and Praise, Father
TarickBoy A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, From Tamar, Raft, Heaven, The Saviour of All, Rocky Hill, Morning Star
TarikBoy Sun Child, Bright Sun, One who Crosses the River of Life, Muslim General who Conquered Spain, Morning Star, Neutron Star, Messenger, Path-breaker or Finder, Variant of Tariq, Knocking, He Who Pounds At The Door
TarrickBoy Gazelle, Roe, Beauty, Grace, Roe-buck, Small Deer, Flower, Spice, Date Tree, Palm Tree
TawfiqBoy Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods, Success, Reconciliation, Lord Shiva, Good Fortune, Successful, Divine Help
TeddrickBoy Wide Meadow, From St Denis
TederickBoy Dew, Rain
TedricBoy Gift of God, Abbreviation of Theodore
TedrickBoy Gift of God, Abbreviation of Theodore, Variant of the Old German
TerickBoy Boot Maker, Tall, Surname, Bloodhound
TerrickBoy Lily, From the Name Susan
TheodoricBoy Ruler Of The People, People's Ruler, Ruler of the Army
TheodricBoy God Given
ThorndikeBoy From the Thorny Dike
TodderickBoy Honorable, Form of Timothy, Honoring God
ToddrickBoy From the Fertile Valley
ToderickBoy The Lord is Good
TodrickBoy Follower of Christ, Anointed, Strong, Healthy, By that, With that, Heavenly
TorrickBoy The Lord is Good, From the Hebrew Tobiah Jah is Good, Goodness of God, God is Good
TydrickBoy Loyal One
TyreickBoy Stony Meadow, From the Stony Village
TyrickBoy Tile Layer, Roof Tiler
UlricBoy Power of the Wolf, A Wolf that Rules, Wolf, Patrimony
UlrickBoy Cut in Two, Divided in Two
UlrikBoy The Lord is Good, From the Hebrew Tobiah Jah is Good, Goodness of God, God is Good, Patrimony
UlrikeGirl Mistress of All, Power of the Home, Patrimony
VarickBoy From the City
VeronicGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge
VeronickaGirl Very High Places, From the Marshland, Marsh Land, Lives by a Marsh
VicBoy Victor, From the Village, Form of Victor, Conqueror, Victorious, The Victor
VickBoy Twin
VickeGirl Power, Strong, Healthy, To be Healthy and Strong, Vigorous
WanrrickBoy Fortress
WarickBoy From the Buildings Near the Weir, Leader who Defends
WarrickBoy Fortress, From the Buildings Near the Weir, Leader who Defends
WarwickBoy Dam Farm, Dairy Farm, Both a Surname and a Place Name, From the Buildings Near the Weir
WickBoy From the White Field
YanickBoy Yahweh Is Gracious
YanikBoy Bright, Pure, Name of Colour, Variant of Yannick.
YannickBoy Pasture Town, From Wine's Farm, From the Friend's Settlement, Willow Town, Yahweh Is Gracious
YorickBoy Youthful, Spring Green, Place of Alder Trees, Abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern, Form of Verdi, Spring Like, Discriminating, English form of Yorck.
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M