Names that rhyme with Yusra

The list of words or names that rhyme with Yusra. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Yusra.
AbbaBoy Father, African name, particularly common in Ghana, meaning: born on Thursday.
AbhaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Theresa, Harvest, Seeker, Virgin, Patron of Housewives and Servants, Flower Name, Little Hope, Small Girl, Little Rose, Shining, Luster, Glorious, Beauty, Lustre, Shine, More or Most Beautiful, More Splendid
AbijahBoy God Remembers, Variant of Zachariah and Zachary, Deer, Wolf, The Lord is My Father, Gift of God, Yahweh is My Father
AbishaGirl Bird Name, A Wren is a Small Brown Songbird, Sweet Smelling, Jasmine Flower, Fragrant Flower, Flower, Jasmine, The Royal Guard, God, Pretty Girl, Lovely, Sweet, Strong, Gift of God
AcaciaGirl The name of thorny and evergreen shrub or small tree. Among the ancients, acacia was considered as a wonderful plant , because of its curative properties, and believed it to be very effective in driving away bad luck, Among the Hebrews, it is called the wood of setim and according to the holy books, it was the only wod used in the construction of the tabernacle, According to Greek mythology it can also mean resurrection and immortality
AdaliciaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing
AdonijahBoy My Lord Is YAHWEH, Will Famous, Resolute, Determined Fame, Bold, Brave, Will Helmet, Protect
AeishaGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic
AengusBoy Black, Dark, Of the Adriatic
AeshaGirl Love, Woman, Life
AgathaGirl River, Clay, War Like, Constant, Christian Woman, Holy, Pure, Anointed, Little One, Follower of Christ, An Instrument, Good, Greek origin, meaning: the Good. In Germany, known for a millennium. Namesake: Agatha Christie, British crime writer.
AhijahBoy Little Fire, Born of Fire
AieshaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Woman, Alive, She who Lives, Life, Lively, Perfect (Women)
AishaGirl Little Female Bear, Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge, From Wine Country, Heroic, Noble, Kind, Adornment, Jewel, Living, Prosperous, Lively, Woman, Life, She is Life, Alive, Wife of Prophet Muhammad, Joy, Happiness
AishahGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Peace, LivelyAlive
AjiaGirl Black, Dark, Of the Adriatic, Quick
AlaaBoy/Girl My Own Meadow, Hermitage in, At the Clearing, Place Name, His Very Own Meadow, Nobility, Excellence
AlbertaGirl Feminine form of Albert, Noble and Bright, Form of Albert, Noble, Majestic Wolf, Noble Famous
AlberthaGirl Noble and Bright, Highborn, Brilliant, Noble, Noble Famous, Bright through Nobility, Bright
AleciaGirl Of A Noble Kind
AleeshaGirl Noble, Nobility, Noble Sort, Variant of Alice
AleishaGirl Olive, Beautiful, Darling Child, Rock, Light and Buoy-any, An Offering, Noble
AleshaGirl From the Farm by the Spring, From the Well Settlement, Of a Noble Kind
AlesiaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
AlethaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing
AletiaGirl From the Farm by the Spring, From the Well Settlement
AliciaGirl Elf Counsel, Elf Strength, Of A Noble Kind
AliezaGirl Son of All
AlisahGirl Defender of Mankind, Helper, Feminine of Alexander
AlishaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing, God Gifted, Protected by God, English Nebenform, Indian name, meaning: protected by God.
AlisiaGirl Noble Kind, Exalted, Noble Sort, Variant of Alice
AlissahGirl Noble and Eager, Eager, Noble, Ready for Battle, Spanish Form of Alphonse, Eager for War
AlitiaGirl Defender of Mankind, Helper, Feminine of Alexander
AlleciaGirl Defender, Nobility, The Supreme Spirit, Mother, Noble Kind, True to All
AllfreddaGirl Elf Power
AlliciaGirl Visiting, Noble, Nobility, Reward, Present, Helper, Rest, Peace, Comfort, Distinguished, Returning, Visitor, Returning (a Guest or Someone who is to Return)
AlohaGirl Son of the Highborn
AlsatiaGirl From Alsace
AltagraciaGirl Noble, Female Version of Albert from the Old German Adelbert, Bright, Noble Famous
AlthaGirl Healer, With Healing Power
AlureaGirl Divine Counselor, With God Like Adviser
AlyciaGirl Infamous, Noble Man, Of A Noble Kind
AlyoshaBoy Noble Friend
AlyshaGirl Noble, Of the Nobility, Of A Noble Kind
AlyssahGirl Noble, Of the Nobility
AmaranthaGirl Unfading, Defender of Mankind, Helper, Feminine of Alexander, The Lamp of Peace, Light of Peace
AmbrosiaGirl Dark One, Rich, Immortal
AmishaGirl Beautiful
AnaliciaGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
AnaliesaGirl Smart, Playful, Nice, Strong, A Jewel, Amber Coloured, Ruler of the Jewel, Combination of Amber and Kimberly, A Jewel-quality Fossilized Resin, As a Colour the Name Refers to a Warm Honey Shade, Name of a Semiprecious Stone, Full of Grace, Graceful
AnalisiaGirl Noble, Female Version of Albert from the Old German Adelbert, Bright, Noble Famous
AnamariaGirl Noble, Of the Nobility
AnastashaGirl Names Beginning with Ed, Form of Edward, Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Defender, Wealth Protector, Wealthy Guardian, Full of Grace and Lily
AnastasiaGirl Resurrection
AnastassiaGirl All-knowing, All Wise
AnastazjaGirl Names Beginning with Ed, Form of Edward, Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Defender, Wealth Protector, Wealthy Guardian, Full of Grace and Lily
AnishaGirl Pure, Grace, Continuous, Day, Supreme, Variant of Anne or Agnes
AnitiaGirl Daughter of a Great Father, Angel Sent, Scent, Sense, Angelic, Angel, Messenger, Grace, Favour
AnjaGirl Infamous, Noble Man, He (God) Was Gracious
AnnaliesaGirl Mother, God-like
AnnamariaGirl Noble, Female Version of Albert from the Old German, Bright, Noble Famous, Gracious, Grace, Offering with Both Ends
AnnmariaGirl Gift of God's Favor, Blend of Ann and Janet, Grace, Favour
AnushaGirl Following Desires, The Universe, Beautiful Morning, A Star
ArethaGirl Combination of Anna and Belle, Beautiful, Graceful, Easy to Love, Woman of Virtue
AriadnaGirl Combination of Anna and Belle, Beautiful, Graceful, Easy to Love, Most Holy Woman
AricelaGirl Eagle Valley, Valley of the Eagle, Great Forest, Burning with Enthusiasm
ArlethaGirl Pledge, Variant of Carlene and Charlene, Eagle
ArnieshaGirl River, Clay, War Like, Constant, Christian Woman, Holy, Pure, Anointed, Little One, Follower of Christ, An Instrument, Good, Grace, Favour, Without Guile, Leader
ArnishaGirl Pledge, Variant of Carlene and Charlene, Eagle
ArthaGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
AshaGirl Heavenly Messenger, Angel, Messenger from God, Hope, Aspiration, Wish, Desire, Woman, Divine Law and Order, Righteousness, Light of Hope, Life
AshlaGirl Meadow of Ash Trees
AsiaGirl Combination of Anna and Belle, Beautiful, Graceful, Easy to Love, EastAsia
AspasiaGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes, Welcome
AyanaGirl Ethiopian name meaning Beautiful Flower, believed to have been introduced during the Norman Conquest
AyashaGirl Little One
AyeshaGirl Daughter of the Prophet, Woman, Life, Aisha was the Name of the Favourite Wife of the Prophet Mohammed, Small One
AyishaGirl Heavenly Messenger, Angel, Messenger from God, WomanAlive
AyshaGirl Warm, Burning with Enthusiasm, Woman
AzucenaGirl Madonna Lily, From the Hare's Meadow
BahaBoy Surname, Full Moon, Beautiful, Magnificent, Brilliance, Value, Price, Worth
BarbarellaGirl Bearlike, Elf Ruler, Ruler of the Elves, Blond Ruler, Rules with Elf-wisdom
BarthaGirl Majestic, Dignity, Grandeur, Great, Magnificent, Worthy of Respect, Holy, A Old Monk, Brother of Rama
BashaGirl Stranger, King, Emperor, Noble, Daughter of God
BathshebaGirl Daughter Of The Oath, Noble, Bear, Rock, Noble Strength, Stone
BeliciaGirl Warm, Burning with Enthusiasm, Stranger, King, Emperor, Noble, Daughter of God
BeneciaGirl Captivating, Bound, Form of Rebecca, Tied, Joined
BeniciaGirl Defender, Nobility, The Supreme Spirit, Mother, Noble Kind, True to All, Swift, Speedy, Ornament, Decoration, Brings Rain, Embellishing, Adorning, Decorative, Answered Prayer, To Pray for
BerniciaGirl Battle Maid, Prayer, Warrior Maid, Bringing Victory
BernishaGirl Warm, Burning with Enthusiasm
BerthaGirl Intelligent, Famous, Shining, Noble, Glorious, Bright or Glorious
BethaGirl Life
BethshebaGirl God is My Oath, Diminutive of Elizabeth, House, God's Promise
BetiaGirl House of God, Daughter of Jehovah
BianchaGirl Blessed, Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict, Happy
BianciaGirl Bright, Highborn, Brilliant, Day-bright, Fame, Strength, Bright as an Angel, Shining Intellect, Renowned Northerner, Famous, Will, Desire, Noble, Shining, Devotion, Prayer, Earth, Strong Big Heart
BirthaGirl Noble, Bear, Rock, Noble Strength, Stone
BlanchaGirl Majestic, Dignity, Grandeur, Great, Magnificent, Worthy of Respect, Holy, A Old Monk, Brother of Rama, White
BrishaGirl Bright Fame, Strange, Foreign
BuenaventuraBoy A Stag, Male Deer
BunaGirl Captivating, Bound, Form of Rebecca, Tied, Joined
BusraGirl Good, Fair of Face, Charming, Cute Like Rabbit
CaciaGirl Good, Fair of Face, Charming, Cute Like Rabbit, Happy News, Glad Tiding, Glad, Good News
CalanthaGirl Rhythm, A Rhythmic Flow of Sounds, Variant of Cady
CameshaGirl From the Twisting Valley
CapriciaGirl Derived from the Flower Name Camelie
CarisiaGirl Blond, Yellow Gold, Fair-haired
CarlethaGirl Bent Nose, Crooked Stream, Crooked Nose, Clan
CarliciaGirl Virginal, Unblemished, Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Attendant for a Temple
CarlisiaGirl Friend, Beloved
CarmishaGirl Place Name, Near the Castle, Of the Dark Ones, Little and Womanly, The Dark One, Man
CashaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CassaundraGirl Song of Joy, Song of Happiness, Womanly, Form of Carolyne
CathaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CatiaGirl Manly, Feminine Variant of Charles, Carl, Little One Dark Haired, Maybe The Pure
CatriciaGirl Song of Happiness, Strong, Free, Joy, War Horn, Song of Joy, Female Version of Charles or Carl
CelestiaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CeliciaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CeredigBoy Cherished
CesiaGirl Place Name, Near the Castle, Of the Dark Ones, Little and Womanly, The Dark One, Man
ChantasiaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CharishaGirl Beloved, Friend, Dear One, Precious Jewel, Renowned, Cane
CheresaGirl Charity, Grace, Kindness, Brotherly Love
CheritaGirl Abbreviation of Cecilia, Blind
ChrisannaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
ChristannaGirl The Ancient Country, From China, Musical Instrument
ChristeenaGirl Follower of Christ, Anointed
CiaranBoy ['Kærın], Irish name meaning: little friend, small mistress. In Ireland very popular.
CiearaGirl A Christian, A Follower of Christ, Anointed, Anointed Christian
CiearraGirl A Christian, A Follower of Christ, Anointed, Anointed Christian
CiliciaGirl Beautiful Christian, Follower of Christ
CindiaGirl Moon, Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda
CintiaGirl Beautiful Christian, Follower of Christ, Spanish and Italian form of Cynthia. In Germany rare.
CinziaGirl Moon, Abbreviation of Cynthia and Lucinda, Woman From The Mountain Kynthos On Delos Island
ClarethaGirl Little and Womanly, Tiny and Feminine, Carl, Female Version of Charles Manly, Man Warrior, Pure
CleanthaGirl Flower of Glory
ClementiaGirl Mildness
CleonaGirl Lame, Female Version of Claude, Disabled, Limping
ConchaGirl Ford Near the Cliff, Name of a Place, Near a Slope, Conception
CorabellaGirl Girl
CorenaGirl Victory of the People, Necklace, Victorious, Variant of Nicolette
CorettaGirl From the Round Hill, Little Maiden, Seething Pool, Ravine
CorinthiaGirl Bright, Clear, Similar to the Latin Clara, Famous
CoritaGirl Bright, Clear, Similar to the Latin Clara, Famous
CorrettaGirl Resolute Protector, Will-helmet, Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection, Protect, Determination, Beautiful
CrescentiaGirl Court Attendant, Dweller by the Dark Stream, Court-dweller, Domain of Curtis, From Courtenay, Snub Nosed, Courtly, Courteous, Royal Attendant, The Growing
CynthaGirl Virginal, Unblemished, Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Attendant for a Temple
CyntiaGirl Follower of Christ, Anointed, Variant of Christian, Christian
DajahGirl Flower, Girl, Eye of the Day, Day's Eye
DakotahBoy From the Crane Valley, Friend
DaliciaGirl Eye of the Day, Day's Eye
DalishaGirl Eye of the Day, Day's Eye
DanieshaGirl Heifer, Gentle, Calf
DanishaGirl From Denmark
DarciaGirl God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel
DarnishaGirl Great, Hidden
DarshaGirl Bright, Grapes, Perceive, Vision, Wine, See
DashaGirl Darling, Beloved, Variant of Darrell
DatiaGirl God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel, Bright, Grapes, Perceive, Vision, Wine, See
DavishaGirl God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel, Bright, Grapes, Perceive, Vision, Wine, See
DeandriaGirl Strong and Womanly, Blend of Deanne and Variants of Andrea and Sandra, Protector of Man
DeangelaGirl Daybreak, Sunrise, The First Appearance of Daylight
DeberaGirl Bright, Beautiful
DeberahGirl Bright, Beautiful
DejaGirl Already, Place Name, Valley, Occupational Name, Church Official, Divine
DeleciaGirl Hollow, Valley, Variant of Diana, Divine
DeliciaGirl Delight, Pleasure, Bright, Beautiful
DelilahGirl Lame, Preserving, Disabled, Limping, JoyousMaybe Feeble
DelishaGirl Gives Pleasure, Delight, Happy and Make Others Happy
DeneishaGirl From the Yew Tree Valley, Rich, Song, Small Valley, Meadow, Bright, Noble
DeneshaGirl Court Attendant, Dweller by the Dark Stream, Court-dweller, Domain of Curtis, From Courtenay, Snub Nosed, Courtly, Courteous, Royal Attendant
DenishaGirl Sunny Day, Shining One, Bright Like Daytime, Bright Nobility, Modern, Dedicated To Dionysos
DianthaGirl Blend of Diana and Anthea, Flower of the Gods
DinishaGirl Just Welcome
DociaGirl Ancient, Primitive, Venerable
DoreathaGirl Divine, Heavenly, Mythological Ancient Roman Divinity Diana was Noted for Beauty and Swiftness, Greek Goddess of the Moon, Celestial Hunter, Virgin Goddess
DorethaGirl Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus, Fear, Raging Woman, Delight, Divine, Swarthy
DorithaGirl Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus, Fear, Raging Woman, Delight, Divine, Swarthy
DorothaGirl Gift of God, Variant of the Greek Dorothy
DorthaGirl Gift of God, Variant of the Greek Dorothy
DoshaGirl A Thirteenth-century French Saint, Flower, Place Name, Dolphin, From Delphi
DrusellaGirl Manly, Abbreviation of Andrew
DuhaGirl Form of Donald, Brown Stranger, World Leader, Man, Great, Chief, Forenoon, Early Morning
DulciaGirl Sweetness
EarlenaGirl Noble Woman, Shield
EarthaGirl Earthy, Born of the Earth, Child of the World
EdithaGirl Joyous, Prosperity, Battle, Strife for Wealth
EdythaGirl Prosperous in War, Spoils of War, Prosperity, Battle
EeshaGirl Goddess Parvati, Purity
EgberthaGirl Brilliant Sword
EidythaGirl Prosperity, Battle
ElberthaGirl Noble, Shining
EliciaGirl Abbreviation of Elisabeth, Of A Noble Kind
ElijaBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname, English form of Elias (meaning My God is Yahweh).
ElijahBoy Illustrious Pledge, Trusted, Shining Pledge, Bright Promise, Bright Oath, BeautyfulMy God Is Yahweh
ElisahBoy/Girl God is My Oath, God's Promise, Consecrated to God Abbreviation of Elisabeth, Spanish Form of Elizabeth Consecrated to God, Dedicated to God
ElishaBoy/Girl My God Is Salvation, Abbreviation of Elisabeth, Jehovah is God, My God is SalvationGod Is Help
ElissiaGirl Light, Form of Eleanor, Sun-ray, Shinning Light, Variant of Helen, Woman with Intelligence, Pure, Intelligent, Light, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope
ElshaGirl God is Light, God Gives the Laurel, The Crown of Victory, Famous in War, Sun Ray, Shining Light
ElthaGirl Light, Sun Ray, Shining, Form of Eleanor, Variant of Helen, Feminine of Alexander, Defender of Mankind, Sun, The Bright One
EmanualBoy God is Among us
EmanuelaGirl Elf Wise Friend, Fair Bow, God Is With Us
EmeraGirl Nobleman, Chief, Leader
EmeraldaGirl Elf Strength
EnriquetaGirl Awe, Fear, Edge of a Sword, Terror
ErishaGirl Earth, Speech
ErneshaGirl Friend of the Elves, Female Version of Elvin, Noble Friend, Magical Being, Doe, Marked, A Black Antelope, The Zodiac Sign of Capricorn, Kernel
ErthaGirl Earth, Worldly
ErycaGirl Ireland, Poetic Name for Ireland, Peace
EsmaraldaGirl Prosperous in War, Joyous, Prosperity, Battle, Rich Gift, Strife for Wealth, Rich in War, Goddess Parvathi, Close to God
EthaGirl Industrious, Hardworking, Variant of the French Emmeline
EunaGirl Divine, Window of Florance, From the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Heavenly
EzmeraldaGirl Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver
FaleciaGirl Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver
FaliciaGirl Hazelnut, Evelyn, Life
FalishaGirl Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver, Happiness
FantasiaGirl Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver
FarihaGirl Happy, Turquoise, Unique, Love, Happiness
FeleiciaGirl Strong as a Boar, Passover
FeliciaGirl Lucky, Successful, Great Happiness, Happy, Fortunate, Enjoying Good Luck, The Lucky
FelishaGirl Hazelnut, Evelyn, Life, The Lucky
FeliziaGirl Noble, Born Lucky, Well-born, Woman Known to have Magical Powers, Latin origin, meaning: the Happy, feminine form of Felix.
FiliciaGirl Auspicious Speech, Good Repute, Sweet Spoken
FilishaGirl Big
FlorentiaGirl Florence, Blooming, Flowering, In Bloom, Blossoming
FlorettaGirl Trust, Belief, Faithful, Loyalty, Hope, Confidence, One of the Virtues, Faith, Charity, Flower
FranciaGirl Free, From France, Modern Variants of Frances
FrejaGirl Peaceful Ruler, Mistress
FurahaGirl Elf, Power
GabijaGirl To Cover, Famous, Bright, Shining, Clear, Diminutive of Clarence
GaeaGirl Free, From France, Modern Variants of Frances, Goddess of Love, Queen of the Gods, Beloved, Lady, Noble Woman, High-born Lady, Mistress
GelsominaGirl A Fern Plant, Darling, Feather
GeorgiaGirl Farmer, Earth Worker
GerthaGirl Hazelnut, Life, Desired, Life Giving, Light
GiorgiaGirl Mighty with a Spear, Blend of Geri Plus Marilyn, Spear Ruler, Farmer
GlennishaGirl Mighty with a Spear, Form of Gerald, Spear Warrior, Sacred Name, Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome, Brave with the Spear, Spear Rule
GraciaGirl Beauty of Form, Charm, Love and Protection of God, Unmerited Favor, Graceful, Favor, Blessing, Good will
GraehamBoy From the Gray Home
GrahamBoy Warring, Warlike, Gray Homestead, From the Gray Home, Gravel Home, Grand Gravel Home, Gravelly Homestead, Maybe Grey House
GratiaGirl Grace, Favor, Blessing
HafsahGirl Valley, Valley in the Mountains, From Glen, Glen is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, To CollectGathering
HarshaBoy From the Hare's Land, Meadow of the Hares, Surname, Joy, Delight, Happiness, Golden, Pleasure
HawaGirl Hazelnut, Life, Light, Life Giver, A River, True Believer, LovingLive
HermilaGirl Brahma, Happiness
HerthaGirl Earth, On the Earth, Fertility Goddess
HiawathaBoy He Who Combs, Strong Fighter, Army Ruler, Leader of an Army
HoratiaGirl Female Version of Horace, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius, Time Keeper
HortensiaGirl Derived from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius, Of the Garden
HypatiaGirl Highest, Supreme, Young, Sanctuary, Safe Harbor, Bear-calf
IanthaGirl To Prick, Common Name Given Christmas Girl Babies, Holly Tree
IeashaGirl Watchman, Guardian of the Home, High Guard, Woman
IeashiaGirl From the Glen, Valley, Glen, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Woman
IeeshaGirl Ruler of an Enclosure, Home Ruler, Estate, Mistress of the Home, Woman
IeshaGirl White Haired, The Hollow, Flood, Gray-haired, Gray, Sacred, Gray Haired, Alive
IgnaciaGirl Fire
IgnatiaGirl Industrious, Loving One, Fire
IleshaGirl A Huntsman, Hunter
IlijaBoy Ruler of an Enclosure, Home Ruler, Estate, Mistress of the Home, My God Is Yahweh
IrishaGirl To Prick, Holly Grove, Shrub with Red Berries, Evergreen
IsabelitaGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon
IshaGirl One who Protects, Goddess Durga, The Female Energy, Woman, Faculty, Power, Another Name of Durga
IsiaGirl Famous Elf, A Compound of the Names Lou and Ella, Renowned in Battle, Famous Warrior, Feminine of Louis, Renowned Warrior
IssiahBoy Rainbow, Flower, Radiance
JacinthaGirl From the Glen, Valley, Glen, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Island
JahnayaGirl Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows
JajaBoy God's Gift, Honored One, Warrior, Powerful
JakeishaGirl Gift from God, Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious
JaliciaGirl Victory, Bird Name, A Blue Songbird, Jay Bird, A Blue, Crested Bird
JameishaGirl Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows
JameshaGirl From the Glen, Valley, Glen, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Island
JameshiaGirl From the Glen, Valley, Glen, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Island
JamieshaGirl Supplanter, Held by the Heel, Heel Grabber, One who Supplants
JamishaGirl Supplanter, Pet Form of James Used as a Woman's Name, Holder of the Heel, Variant of James, He who Supplants
JanaeaGirl Female Version of James, Supplant, Replace, Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
JaneciaGirl Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Heart, Soul
JaniciaGirl God is Gracious, Gift from God
JanishaGirl Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Heart, Soul, Di-speller of Ignorance
JaschaBoy God's Gracious Gift, Form of Jane, Polish, Russian short form of Jadwiga (meaning: fight), also a Russian boy name.
JashaGirl He Descends, Descending One who Rules
JaylahGirl The name Jaylah came from Jay which was used previously in honor of John Jay but later used as a short form of names with J initials. Jay is combined with la and is a modern day coinage. Other spelling is Jayla
JedadiahBoy Gift from God, Merciful, The Lord is Gracious
JedediahBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper, God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain
JedidiahBoy Supplanter, Beloved of the Lord, Beloved Of Yahweh
JenishaGirl Preety Girl
JeorjiaGirl Farmer, Modern Phonetic Variant of Georgia
JeremiaBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper, God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain, A Healer, A Healing, The Lord is Salvation, To Heal, Hebrew origin, meaning: God increases. Known as a biblical prophet. Namesakes: Jeremias Gotthelf, a Swiss writer.
JeremiasBoy Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Yahwe Uplifts
JerushaGirl Dove, Married
JessahGirl Blue Jay, He who Supplants, The Lord is Salvation, Victory, Blue Crested Bird, A Bird in the Crow Family, Win, Name of Bird
JeylaGirl Jasmine Flower
JezikaGirl The Lord is Gracious
JoandraGirl Youthful, Jove's Child, Variant of Gillian from the Masculine Julian
JoaquinaGirl Dove, Married
JoesiahBoy Persecuted
JohneciaGirl God is Gracious, Merciful, God's Gracious Gift
JohneshaGirl God is Gracious, Merciful, God's Gracious Gift
JonathaBoy Son of John, From John's Farm
JoneishaGirl God will Add, A Well-established Compound of Jo
JorjaGirl Farmer, Modern Phonetic Variant of Georgia
JoyiaGirl God will Add, He will Increase, Feminine of Joseph, Jehovah Increases, God is Merciful
JuanishaGirl Cheerful, Merry
JulishaGirl God is Gracious, Abbreviation of Names Like Joanna and Josephine, It is also Used as a Prefix in Compound Names Like Jobeth and Jolisa, He will Enlarge
KaciaGirl Brave, Alert, A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc, Similar to the Irish Name Casey, Vigorous, Acacia Tree
KadeejaGirl Brave, Alert, A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc, Similar to the Irish Name Casey, Vigorous, Watchful
KadejahGirl Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
KadeshaGirl Brave, Alert, A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc, Similar to the Irish Name Casey, Vigorous, Watchful
KadishaGirl Rejoicing, Joy
KaleeshaGirl Combination of Kay with Lee, Keeper of the Keys
KalishaGirl Mighty Warrior, Stream, Keeper of the Keys, Pure
KamaraGirl Combination of Kay and Lynn, Keeper of the Keys, Pure
KameshaGirl Good Think, Clever, Just, Upright, Righteous, True, Judicious, Fair, Lord of Desire
KaneeshaGirl Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, A Flower Name and Place Name, Rowan Tree
KaneishaGirl Most Beautiful, Fortress, Modern Variant of Callie, Fairest, Singing Lark, Lovely, Black
KaneshaGirl Pure, Keeper of the Keys, Name of a Demi God, Plant, Youthful, Beautiful, An Atom, Powerful
KanethaGirl Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, A Flower Name and Place Name, Rowan Tree
KanieshaGirl Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, A Flower Name and Place Name, Rowan Tree
KanishaGirl One with Beautiful Eyes
KapriciaGirl Fanciful, Form of Caprice
KaprishaGirl Fanciful, Form of Caprice
KareemahGirl Rejoicing, Joy
KarensaGirl Son of John, From John's Farm
KarishaGirl Charcoal
KashaGirl Boiled or Baked Buckwheat, Perhaps
KatashaGirl Pure, Shining in the Life, Shining, Holy City, Name of a Blossoming Tree that Symbolized Resurrection, Splendid
KathaGirl Tell, Distress, Form of Catherine, Pure
KatiaGirl Pure, Form of Catherine, Maybe The Pure
KatishaGirl Son of John, From John's Farm
KatrennaGirl Pure, Clear, Virginal
KealohaBoy The Loved One, Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
KeashaGirl Pure, Unsullied
KechaGirl Dear, Darling
KeeanaGirl Dear, Darling
KeeshaGirl Life, Woman, Great Joy, Abbreviation of Lakeisha, Cassia Tree, Cinnamon
KeishaGirl Her Life, Woman, Alive and Well, Great Joy, Cassia, Favourite, Favorite One
KeithaGirl Pure One, Form of Catherine, Clear, Summer Forest, Abbreviation of Katherine
KenishaGirl A Person with Beautiful Life, Gorgeous Woman, Beautiful and Prosperous, A Beautiful Life, Flower
KenneshaGirl Island, Ship Island, Brave, Victory Ship
KerianaGirl Island, Ship Island, Brave, Victory Ship
KeshaGirl Hair
KeturahGirl Incense
KetziaGirl Pure, Unsullied
KeyshaGirl Fearless Leader, Royal Ruler
KiciaGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
KieshaGirl Valley of the River Kent, Royal Valley, Surname Referring to Kent in England, From the Bright Valley
KinishaGirl Youthful, Downy-bearded, Variant of Julia, Jove's Child, Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Star Crossed Love
KirianaGirl Youthful, Downy-bearded, Variant of Julia, Jove's Child, Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Star Crossed Love
KishaGirl Favorite, Great Joy, Abbreviation of Lakeisha, Rainfall
KlarisaGirl Warrior Chief, Noble, Chief, Regal Hill, Brave King, Golden, One from the Meadow, From the Royal Fortress Meadow, Chief War, Armlet, Noble or Brave, What
KlarrisaGirl Warrior Chief, Noble, Chief, Regal Hill, Brave King, Golden, One from the Meadow, From the Royal Fortress Meadow, Chief War, Armlet, Noble or Brave, What
KlarysaGirl White Wave, Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer, White Spirit, Race of Women, Fair, Smooth, White and Smooth, Soft
KlaryssaGirl Handsome, Form of Kenneth, Sprung from Fire
KorettaGirl God of Fertility and Peace, Beautiful, He who is Foremost, God of Peace and Prosperity
KrisiaGirl Small and Dark-skinned, Dark, Swarthy, Little Dark One, Black, Little Black One, Black Irish
KristannaGirl Small and Dark-skinned, Dark, Swarthy, Little Dark One, Black, Little Black One, Black Irish
KristeenaGirl Christian, Follower of the Christ, Anointed One
KrystanGirl Follower of Christ, Christian, Recipe, Creation
KrysteenaGirl Land Belonging to Cyneburg, Cyneburga's Land, Cyneburg's Field, Royal Fortress Meadow, Divine
KyrstaGirl Anointed, Christian, Follower of Christ
LaciaGirl Follower of Christ, Christian
LacreciaGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LacretiaGirl Narrow, Channel, Strait, Near the Chapel, A Place-name Referring to the Narrows, A Wood, A Church, Fair and Handsome, Crowned with Laurel, Victory
LacriciaGirl Small and Dark-skinned, Dark, Swarthy, Little Dark One, Black, Little Black One, Black Irish
LacrishaGirl Cheerful, Derived from Lacey which is a French Nobleman's Surname Brought to British Isles After Norman Conquest
LahomaGirl Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Fraction of Time
LajessicaGirl Incense
LakeciaGirl Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Fraction of Time, Woman
LakeeshaGirl Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Fraction of Time, Joyful or Happy
LakeishaGirl Combination of La and Keisha, Woman, Cassia Tree, Favorite One
LakeshaGirl Life, Lakeisha and Its Variants are Rhyming Forms of Leticia, Joyful, Happy
LakesiaGirl Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Fraction of Time
LaketiaGirl Bold War-leader, Warrior Chief, Woman
LakeyshaGirl Warrior Chief, Noble, Chief, Regal Hill, Brave King, Golden, One from the Meadow, From the Royal Fortress Meadow, Chief War, Armlet, Noble or Brave, What, Woman
LakiciaGirl Bold War-leader, Warrior Chief, Woman
LakieshaGirl Joyful, Happy, Lakeisha and Its Variants are Rhyming Forms of Leticia
LakishaGirl Joyful, Happy, Woman, Alive, She who Lives, Lakeisha and Its Variants are Rhyming Forms of Leticia, Favorite One
LakrishaGirl Bold War-leader, Warrior Chief
LaneciaGirl Incense, Beautiful Woman, Variety, Beauty, Talkative, Lovely, Desirable, Graceful
LaneishaGirl Youthful, Down-bearded Youth, Jove's Child, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded
LaneshaGirl Strong Women
LanishaGirl Strong Women
LaquishaGirl Renowned Land, Abbreviation of Names Like Roland
LareinaGirl Sorrowful, From Lorraine, The Queen
LareshaGirl Famous Land, Abbreviation of Names Like Roland
LarethaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LarysaGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LatachaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LataciaGirl Derived from Lacey which is a French Nobleman's Surname Brought to British Isles After Norman Conquest, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman, Cheerful One
LataishaGirl Derived from Lacey which is a French Nobleman's Surname Brought to British Isles After Norman Conquest, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman, Cheerful One
LatanjaGirl Attendant
LatarishaGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LatarshaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LatashaGirl Combination of the Popular Prefix La with the Name Tasha, Based on Natasha, Christ's Birthday, Surprise
LataushaGirl Attendant
LatayshaGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LateashaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LateciaGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LateeshaGirl From Normandy, France, Lacy, Lace-like, Cheerful, Form of Larissa, Name of a City, Mythical Woman
LateishaGirl Joyful, Happy, Modern Form of Medieval Name Letitia
LateshaGirl Joyful, Happy, Modern Form of Medieval Name Letitia
LatiaGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LaticiaGirl Joyful, Happy, Modern Form of Medieval Name Letitia, Gladness, Happiness
LatieshaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LatishaGirl Joyful, Happy, Modern Form of Medieval Name Letitia, Joy and Happiness, Gladness
LatisshaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good-looking, A Small Song Bird, Rock, Comely, Light, Idol, Image
LatitiaGirl Girl, A Little Lass
LatoshaGirl Rare Excellence, Precious Stone, A Gem, Play Thing, Delight, Jewel, Joy, Small Creeper, Sweet Like Flower
LatreciaGirl Girl, A Little Lass
LatriciaGirl Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
LaurethaGirl Crowned with Laurels, Form of Lawrence
LeahaGirl He will be Praised, Form of Judith, Admired, Jewish, A Women from Judea, Praise
LeandraGirl Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree, The Bay, Laurel Plant, Maybe Man Of The People (?)
LeciaGirl Fortunate, Short Form of Alicia, Felicia, Letitia, Happy, Joy, Truth
LecretiaGirl Shakespearian King, Of the Meadow
LeeshaGirl Joy, Mother of the Romans, Women of Rome, The Vine
LeighaGirl Pure, Clear, Virginal, Meadow
LeishaGirl Happiness, Beautiful Angel
LeithaGirl Tired, Weary, Meadow, Delicate, Bringer of Good News, Fatigued, Meadow Pasture
LekeeshaGirl Joy, Mother of the Romans, Women of Rome, The Vine, Woman
LekeishaGirl He Beholds, Rich, God's Grace, God Sees, Foresighted, Wealthy, Sweetheart, Night Beauty, Nocturnal, Nightfall, Beloved, Dark-haired Beauty, Holy, Blessed, Dark Beauty, Woman
LekesiaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good Looking, Little Rock, Rock, Comely, Light, Buoyant, Float, Buoyant or Float
LekishaGirl Attractive, Fair, Good Looking, Little Rock, Rock, Comely, Light, Buoyant, Float, Buoyant or Float, Life, Woman
LenorahGirl Girl, A Little Lass
LeonaGirl Lioness, Feminine of Leon, Brave as a Lioness, The Lion
LeshaGirl Woman
LetashaGirl He Beholds, Rich, God's Grace, God Sees, Foresighted, Wealthy, Sweetheart, Night Beauty, Nocturnal, Nightfall, Beloved, Dark-haired Beauty, Holy, Blessed, Dark Beauty
LeteciaGirl From the Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Garden of Hollies, The Gray Castle
LeteshiaGirl Fortified Place, From Leicester
LetetiaGirl Shakespearian King, Of the Meadow
LethaGirl Happiness, Joy, Grace, Favor, Marcy, Yahweh is Gracious, God has Favoured Me, Merciful
LeticiaGirl Happiness, Joyful, Happy, Gladness, Delight
LetishaGirl From the Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Garden of Hollies, The Gray Castle
LetisiaGirl Praise, Praised, Jewish, Admired, A Women from Judea
LetitiaGirl Joyful, Happy, Happiness, Gladness, Delight
LetiziaGirl From the Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Garden of Hollies, The Gray Castle, Joy
LetticiaGirl Mother of the Romans, Woman of Rome, Purified, Derived from the Roman Given Name Levinia
LiciaGirl Truthful, Abbreviation of Alicia, Sweet, Honest, Noble Kind and Felicia, Happy, Lucky, Fortunate
LinnaeaGirl Tender Beauty, Variant of Linda Lime Tree, Linden Tree, Beautiful, Pretty
LishaGirl Full of Mystery, Derived from Alicia, Sweet, Honest, Truth, Happy, Darkness Before Midnight, Felicia
LitiaGirl From the Linden Tree Meadow
LitishaGirl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LjiljanaGirl Lily, From the Linden Tree Meadow, Maybe Lily
LorellaGirl Brave, Lion-bold, Brave People, Lion-man, Leo, Italian diminutive of Lora.
LuciaGirl Bringer of Light, Light, The Light of India, Latin origin, feminine form of Lucius (meaning: the daylight babies, also: the Shining).
LucreciaGirl Crowned with Laurels, Symbolic of Honor and Victory, Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree
LucretiaGirl Profit, Wealth, Rich, Wealthy, Succeed, Rewarded, Princess
LucreziaGirl Crowned with Laurels, Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, The Bay, Laurel
LyciaGirl From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
LytishaGirl From the Island of the Lime Tree, A Lake, A Place of Linden Trees
MadihaGirl From the High Tower, Woman from Magdala, Variant of Madeleine, Worthy of Praise
MahaGirl To Make, Gazelle, Wild Cow, Resembling the Moon, Beautiful Eyes, Shining, Great, Large Eyes
MaishaGirl Crowned with Laurels, Modern Variant of Lora and Laurie Referring to the Laurel Tree, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory, The Bay, Laurel, Light, Little and Womanly, Variant of Helen, Life
MaiyaGirl To Make, Maybe Wet Nurse
MajaGirl Maiden, Sea of BitternessMaybe Wet Nurse
MalaquiasBoy Woman of Magdala, From the High Tower, Angel, Messenger
MalchijahBoy Pearl, Scottish Form of Margaret, Most Power Full
MaliciaGirl Maiden
MalishaGirl Woman from Magdala, Tower, Women of Magdala, From the High Tower
ManervaGirl Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
ManishaGirl Goddess of Mind, Desire, Wish
ManuelitaGirl From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
MarciaGirl Warlike, From the God Mars, Dedicated to Mars, Protector of Man, Martial One, War Like, Defence, Of the Sea, Pr
MargarethaGirl Pearl, Russian Form of Margaret, The Pearl
MargarettaGirl Pearl
MarguitaGirl Surname Used as a Given Name, Boundary Hill
MarhtaGirl Bitter, One with Big Eyes
MariciaGirl Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River, Sea
MarihaGirl Variant of Mary Bitter, Bitter, Beloved, Joyful
MariquitaGirl From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
MarishaGirl A Variation of Mary, Bitter, Of the Sea, Rebellion, Overthrow, From the God Mars
MaritaGirl Combination of Mary and Ellen, Bitterness, Wished for Child, Star of the Sea, Modern, Maybe Bitterness
MarjaGirl Variant of Mary Bitter, Beloved, Maybe Bitterness
MarkeishaGirl Pearl, Child of Light, Latinate Form of Margaret, Daisy Flower
MarkeshaGirl Pearl, Child of Light, Latinate Form of Margaret, Daisy Flower
MarkieshaGirl Sea of Bitterness, Bitter Sea, Wished-for Child, Rebellion, Beloved, Beautiful, Variant of Mary
MarkishaGirl War-like, Mars, From the God Mars, Dedicated to Mars, Horse
MarlishaGirl From the Hero's Meadow, Manly
MarnishaGirl From the Lake Meadow, Combination of Maria and Magdalene, From the Meadow Near the Lake, Form of Marilyn, Bitter
MarquetaGirl From the Hill Near the Lake, Bitter, Variant of Marlene Woman from Magdala, Person from Magdala
MarquishaGirl Bitter, Sea of Bitterness, Feminine of Marlon, Variant of Marlene Woman from Magdala
MarshaGirl Warlike, Dedicated to God Mars, A Star's Name, Martial, From the God Mars, Respectable, War Like, Defence, Of the Sea, Dedicated To Mars
MarthaGirl Lady, Mistress, Mistress of the House, Dedicated to Mars
MartiaGirl Steward, A Law Enforcement Officer's Title, Horse-keeper, Steward of Horses, Shoeing Smith
MashaGirl Sea of Bitterness, Variant of Mary, Bitter, Often Used as English Surname, Maybe Bitterness
MathaGirl From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise, Balm, Lemon Balm, Mint, Crops Field, Honoured, God's Gift, Injunctions, Is Considered, Opinion, Mother
MelanthaGirl Flower, Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
MeliciaGirl Woman of Magdala, From the High Tower, Religious Gathering, Dark, Black
MelissiaGirl Pearl, Mistress, Mistress of the House or Lady, Bitter, Dedicated to Mars, Feminine of Martin, Warlike, Pearl, A Lady, Spanish Form of Martha Lady
MellishaGirl Pearl, Mistress, Mistress of the House or Lady, Bitter, Dedicated to Mars, Feminine of Martin, Warlike, Pearl, A Lady, Spanish Form of Martha Lady
MerciaGirl Compassion, From Mercia, Mercy
MerissaGirl Of the Sea
MerolaGirl Little Famous One
MichaBoy/Girl Shining, Sea Bright, Who Is Like God?
MieshaGirl Dark, Black, Dark Skinned, Sweet
MiguelaGirl Lover of the Sea, Famous Friend, Sea Lover, From the Town by the Lake, Sea Hill, Who Is Like God?
MijaGirl Famous, Shining Sea, A Bird, Sea Bright, Form of Merle, Sea-bright, Maybe Bitterness
MirthaGirl Admirable, Wonderful, She who Must be Admired, Worthy of Admiration
MischaGirl Like the Lord
MishaBoy/Girl Feminine of Michael, Like the Lord, Variant of Melissa, Bee, Lord Krishna's Devotee, Smile, Teddy Bear in Russian, Who Is Like God?
MishailaGirl Woman from Magdala, Tower, Women of Magdala, From the High Tower, Like a God
MonishaGirl Sweet, Lord Krishna, Lord of Mind, Intellectual
MorticiaGirl Admirable, Aristrocratic Lady, Wonderful, Peace, The Ocean, The Limit Boundary, Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection, Lord Krishna's Devotee, High-born Girl, Prosperous, Silent, Intelligent, Beautiful, Nicely
MuniraGirl Blackbird, Small Falcon, A Bird, Able, Black Bird, Sea Bright, Happiness, Radiant, Luminous, Brilliant, Illuminating
MyeishaGirl Admirable, Aristrocratic Lady, Wonderful, Peace, The Ocean, The Limit Boundary, Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection, Lord Krishna's Devotee, High-born Girl, Prosperous, Silent, Intelligent, Beautiful, Nicely
MyeshaGirl Bitter, Little Blueberry, Woman
MyieshaGirl Son of More, Sea-strength, Moor, Dark Skinned, Wish, Desire, Hope, Overflowing Spring, Lord is with You, Great Life
MyishaGirl Blackbird, Small Falcon, A Bird, Able, Black Bird, Sea Bright
MyrtiaGirl Bad Settlement, Leader, Hillside, Town by the Mill, From the Industrious One's Town, From Malleville
NabihaGirl Foggy, Misty, Intelligent
NadijaGirl Pearl, Child of Light, Latinate Form of Margaret, Daisy Flower
NadyaGirl Woman from Magdala, Tower, Women of Magdala, From the High Tower, Hope
NakeetaGirl Pearl, Child of Light, Latinate Form of Margaret, Daisy Flower
NakeishaGirl Happiness, Joy, Grace, Favor, Marcy, Yahweh is Gracious, God has Favoured Me, Gracious, Merciful
NakeshaGirl Admirable, Wonderful, She who Must be Admired, Worthy of Admiration, The Lord of Heaven, Variant of Nakeisha
NakishaGirl Admirable, Aristrocratic Lady, Wonderful, Peace, The Ocean, The Limit Boundary, Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection, Lord Krishna's Devotee, High-born Girl, Prosperous, Silent, Intelligent, Beautiful, Nicely
NaomiaGirl Bitter, Little Blueberry
NastasiaGirl Who is Like God, Form of Michael Like God, A Bird, Hope
NatachiaGirl Sea Nymph, Daughter of Nereus, In Greek Mythology the Nereids were Mermaids and Deities of the Seas
NataciaGirl Merciful, Female Version of Myles, Bestower of Joy, Ganga, Goddess Durga, A Holy Cow, Daughter, One who Brings Joy
NatajhaGirl Woman from Magdala, Tower, Women of Magdala, From the High Tower, Ocean, King of Flowers, Lotus
NatashaGirl Child Born at Christmas, Rebirth-from Anastasia, A Flower, Christ's Birthday, Form of Natalie, Born On Christmas
NatasiaGirl Admirable, Wonderful, She who Must be Admired, Worthy of Admiration, Prosperous, Great, Famous, Astonishing, Wonderful
NatiaGirl Woman from Magdala, Tower, Women of Magdala, From the High Tower
NatishaGirl Grace, Favour, Variant of Anne, Star, Birthday, Christmas Day
NatoshaGirl Gift from God, God has Given, Given, Husband, Controller, God, Giver, Gift, Given by God
NeeshaGirl Gift from God, God has Given, Given, Husband, Controller, God, Giver, Gift, Given by God, Night
NehaGirl Form of Willamina, Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection, Resolute, Strong, Love, Will-helmet, Mother, Bitterness, Child of the Red Earth, Belonging to One, Graceful, Comfort, Tranquil, To be Contented, Form of Naemi, Love Rain, Love and Affection, A Flower, Love, One who Loves and is Loved, Rain, Sweet Girl, Cherished Beauty, Sweet Rain, Loving
NeishaGirl Night
NemanjaBoy Not Deceiving, Victorious, Conquerer of the People
NeshaGirl Champion, Feminine of Neil, Victor, Night, Music
NetiaGirl Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Derived from the Greek Helen, Form of Cornelius, Diminutive of Eleanor
NiciaGirl Son of a Champion, New York Governor and American Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, South African Activist Nelson Mandela, Solemn, Son of Neil
NieshaGirl Pure
NinjaGirl Name Ending, Name Ending Used as an Independent Name, Grace, Beyond-price, Invaluable, House Owner
NishaGirl Night, Vision, Dream
NoheaBoy/Girl Wealthy Guardian, Sanctuary, Voice, Call, Born of Sunday
NuhaGirl Wealthy Guardian, Sanctuary, Voice, Call, Born of Sunday, Intelligence, Mind, Consoled, Fate, Fortune, Supreme Power
OciaGirl Adviser, Solitary, Alone, Unique, A Wise Counsellor, Saint, Nun, Timekeeper, Noble, Aristocratic
OdysseusBoy To Hate, From the Wealthy Man's Mountain, From the Mount of the Rich Man, Mountain Belonging to the Ruler, Of the Mountain, From Montgomery
OlatokunboGirl Born on Christmas, Christ's Birthday, Natal Day, Form of Natalie, To be Born-from Natalia
OlethaGirl Light, Nimble
OliveaGirl Woman from Magdala, Woman from Kynthos, The Biblical Mary Magdalene Came from Magdala Area Near the Sea of Galilee, Fat, A Mixed Caste, Call, Voice
OlivijaGirl Woman from Magdala, Tower, Women of Magdala, From the High Tower
OreanaGirl Winged, Verity, Truth, Small Winged One, Olive Tree
OrtensiaGirl Adviser, Solitary, Alone, Unique, A Wise Counsellor, Saint, Nun, Timekeeper, Noble, Aristocratic
OshaGirl Adviser, Solitary, Alone, Unique, A Wise Counsellor, Saint, Nun, Timekeeper, Noble, Aristocratic, Nike
OthaBoy Holy, Ancestor, Relic, Eagle
PagetGirl Little Page, Work Strength, Of a Thousand Saints, English Cognate of Melisande, Highborn Power, Strong Work, Industrious, Brave, Strong Worker, Eyes
PanagiotaGirl Fortune, Born Eighth, Wealthy, Great, Famous, All Holy
ParticiaGirl Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous, The Supreme
PashaBoy Holy, Ancestor, Relic, Eagle, Net, Snare, A Turkish Name, A Lord, Bond
PatriciaGirl Noble Patrician, Female Version of Patrick, Noblewoman, Nobleman
PatrishaGirl The Name of an English River, Pale Green, Fair, Pale-skinned
PatriziaGirl Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Nobleman
PatrycjaGirl Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous, The Supreme, Graceful, Name of a Flower, Flow of Water, Nobleman
PhaliciaGirl To Endure, Patience, One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation, Enduring, To Suffer
PheliciaGirl Little Rock, Little Peter
PhiliciaGirl Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye, Face, Voice, Flower, A Diminutive of Penelope, Weaver
PhyliciaGirl Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye, Face, Voice, Flower, A Diminutive of Penelope, Weaver
PhylliciaGirl Strongly Beloved, Friend of Strength, Greatly Loved, Powerful, Loved One, Love Strong
PhyllishaGirl Strongly Beloved, Friend of Strength, Greatly Loved, Powerful, Loved One, Love Strong
PoojaGirl Worship
PorcshaGirl Most Beautiful, The Little Finger, Pink Coloured, Sweet, Pinkish
PorschaGirl Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye, Face, Voice, Flower, A Diminutive of Penelope, Weaver
PorscheGirl Most Beautiful, The Little Finger, Pink Coloured, Sweet, Pinkish
PorshaGirl Poppy, Flower Name, From the Flower, Pig
ProvidenciaGirl Small, Humble, String, Little, Lover, Beloved
PrudenciaGirl Caution, Discretion, Prudent
PurezaGirl Purity, Pure
RadhaGirl The Fifth, From the Queen's Estate, Fifth in Order, Success, Prosperity, The Beloved of Lord Krishna, Lord Krishna's Lover
RaenishaGirl Fifth, Derived from Roman Clan Name, From the Place Owned by the Fifth Son
RaquelaGirl Wolf's Shield, Variants of Randolph, Surname
RashaGirl House Wolf, Strong Defender, Shield Wolf, Young Gazelle, Pleasant
RayneshaGirl Bobbin Worker, Web, Thread, Eye, Face, Voice, Flower, A Diminutive of Penelope, Weaver, Dew, Expressive, Nectar, Full of Essence
RaynishaGirl Wolf Counsellor, Wolf, Form of Ralph Wolf Counsel, Strong Defender, Wise Wolf, Wise Counsel, Power Holder
ReathaGirl Blackbird, Small Falcon, A Bird, Able, Black Bird, Sea Bright
RefugiaGirl Most Beautiful, The Little Finger, Pink Coloured, Sweet, Pinkish
RehemaGirl Ardor, Ardent, Fiery, Zealous
RenathaGirl From the Raven Ford, Great, Intelligent, Powerful Boy, Smart, Sun, Lord Surya (Sun), Fire
ReneishaGirl Counselor, Variant of Raymond
RethaGirl Advice, Decision, Decision and Protector, Wise Guardian, Counsel Protection, Might Protector, Virtue
RexannaGirl Wolf Counsellor, Wise Protector, Wise Wolf
RheetaGirl Poppy, Earth, In Greek Myth, Rhea was an Earth Mother, Following, Victor, To Flow, River, Stream, Flower Name for Poppy, Warrior
RichiaGirl Dominant Ruler
RickiaGirl Queen, Form of Regina
RobertaGirl Bright Fame, Famous One
RoberthaGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working
RobynnaGirl Bright Fame
RonishaGirl Citizen of Roman, Man from Rome
RoshawnaGirl Brave One, Strong Ruler, A Teutonic Name from the European Middle Ages, Dominant Ruler, Powerful Leader
RuthaGirl Small, Humble, String, Little
SabihaGirl Beautiful, Graceful, Forenoon
SabreenaGirl Small, Humble, String, Little
SabrenaGirl Beautiful Girl, Royal, Highest Lady, The Wife of a King, Queen
SachaBoy/Girl Form of Quentin, Born Fifth
SaishaGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, God
SaliciaGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour
SamanthaBoy/Girl Bordering, Listener, Flower, Told by God, Beautiful Flower, God Heard
SamathaGirl Guards Wisely, Strong Defender, Protecting Hands, Decision Protector, Red, Red Haired, King, Listener of God
SamenthaGirl Small, Humble, String, Little
SamihaGirl Red Haired, Roe Deer, Savior, Wish, Magnanimous, Desire
SammanthaGirl Combination of Rose and Mary, Name of the Herb, Bitter Rose
SanchaGirl Small, Humble, String, Little, Lord Indra
SanciaGirl Advice, Decision, Decision and Protector, Wise Guardian, Counsel Protection, Might Protector
SanderaGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour
SanjaGirl Defender of Man, Man's Defender, God Universal Creator, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
SarhaGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour
SashaBoy/Girl Defending Men, Man's Defender, Defender and Helper of Mankind, Feminine of Alexander
SavanhaGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Truth, Faithful
SavannhaGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour
ScotiaGirl Red Haired, Headland, Red, Surname, Wood, Rose
SemanthaGirl Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Noted Protector, Similar to Rose, Horse, Fame, Pretty Rose
SephiraGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink
SequoyiaGirl From Selina, Lunar Glow, Goddess of the Moon, Moon, Light, Heaven
SereenaGirl A Treeless Plain, From the Open Plain
ShamiraGirl Swordsman, Knife, Single Edged Knife, SweetProtector
ShaquitaGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God, Blessed
SharrondaGirl Told by God, God has Listen, To Hear, Sun, His Name is God, Sun Child, Little Sun, Strong Person, Heard of God, God
ShathaGirl Aromatic, Eternal, She was a Narrator of Hadith
ShayleaGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy
SheritaGirl Little and Womanly
SiciliaGirl Lord Indra
SimchaBoy Happiness, Joy, King, Principal One, Member of Royal Family, Love, Chief, First
SirianaGirl Seer, Oracle
SoheilaGirl Wild Man, Untamed, Searcher, Sweet, Charming, Pleasant, Gentle, Delicate, Star
StaciaGirl To Endure, Patience, One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation, Enduring, To Suffer
StaishaGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful
StarishaGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess
StashaGirl Prophetess, Seer, Oracle, Strong
StayshaGirl Sun Child, Bright Sun
SteshaGirl From the Village on the Ledge
SuhaGirl Tempestuous, Storm, Stormy Weather, Violent Weather, Name of a Star, Rejoicing, A Raga
SuhaylaGirl A Metal Element, White, The Color Silver, Silver, Smooth, Soft, Fluent, Soft (Ground), Flowing (Style)
SuzettaGirl Lily, Variant of Hebrew Susannah
SylvannaGirl From the Forest
SylwiaGirl Star
SymanthaGirl Of the Woods, Wood, Forest, From the Forest
SyndiaGirl Deer Wood, From the Deer Forest
TabathaGirl To Endure, Patience, One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation, Enduring, To Suffer, Gazelle
TabbathaGirl Of High Quality, Pure, Genuine, First-rate, A
TabethaGirl To Endure, Patience, One of the Many Qualities and Virtues that the Puritans Adopted as Names After the Reformation, Enduring, To Suffer
TabithaGirl Gazelle, Roe, Beauty, Grace, Roe-buck, Small Deer
TabythaGirl Wide Meadow, Saint Denis, Follower of Saint Denys, Bright Fame, Woman from Sidon, Place Name
TaciaGirl Well-behaved, Polite, One with Good Morals, Gracious, Feeling, Intelligent, Well Behaved
TahaBoy Drummer, Brilliant, Shining, A Ray, Encampment, Well, Best, Pure, Skilful, Another Name for the Prophet Muhammad, Pious, Name of a Surah in the Quran, Name of a Surah in Holy Quran
TahshaGirl Lily, Form of Susan
TaishaGirl Steward, Stuart and Stewart are Clan Names of the Royal House of Scotland, Surname, House Guard, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu
TaisiaGirl Small, Humble, String, Little
TajaGirl Crown, To Mention, Short Form of Anastasia
TajiaGirl Praise, Heart, Courageous and Praise, Father
TakishaGirl Crown, Jewel
TalethaGirl Gazelle
TaliciaGirl Crown, Jewel
TalishaGirl Wide Meadow, Saint Denis, Follower of Saint Denys, Bright Fame, Woman from Sidon, Place Name
TalithaGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods, Little Girl
TamathaGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink
TameshaGirl Gazelle, Roe, Beauty, Grace, Roe-buck, Small Deer
TamishaGirl Wide Meadow, Saint Denis, Follower of Saint Denys, Bright Fame, Woman from Sidon, Place Name
TammeraGirl Resurrection, Fruitful, Shall be Reborn, Form of Anastasia, Giving Fruit
TanaiaGirl Lion, Leather-tanner, New
TaneeshaGirl Ambition
TaneshaGirl Lily, Form of Susan, Born on Monday, Born On A Monday
TanieshaGirl Reddish Orange, Small Orange Fruit, From Tangiers
TanishaGirl Lily, Form of Susan, Night, Ambition, Born on Monday, Born On A Monday
TanishiaGirl Born on Monday
TanjaGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink
TannishaGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods
TanyshaGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods
TarashaGirl Everlasting Life, Name of a Flower
TarhaGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, From Tamar
TarishaGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods, Childlike, Melody
TarshaGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods
TashaGirl Forest, From the Forest, Woodland, Maid, Woman of the Woods, Born on Christmas Day, A Short Form of Natsha, Young Girl, Form of Natalie
TatiaGirl Steward, Stuart and Stewart are Clan Names of the Royal House of Scotland, Surname, House Guard
TayshaGirl Wide Meadow, From St Denis
TeanaGirl Variant of Tiana, Follower of Christ
TeannaGirl Variant of Tiana, Follower of Christ
TeeshaGirl A Green Field, The Warm Sandy Color of a Lion's Coat, Golden Brown
TehilaGirl Praise, Gift of God, Form of Theodore, Divine Gift, Courageous People, Wealthy Protector, God's Gift
TeishaGirl A Penelope, Wife of Odysseys, White Shoulder, Fionnula, Dream Weaver, Duck, Hard Working, Deep Pink, From Tamar
TelishaGirl Gift of God, Diminutive of Edward, Wealthy Spearman, Wealthy Protector
TenayaGirl Little One, A Green Field, The Warm Sandy Color of a Lion's Coat
TeneeshaGirl Gift of God, Wealthy Spearman, Wealthy Protector, Courageous People, People's Ruler, Form of Theodore, Divine Gift, Protector of Wealth
TeniciaGirl Fairy Princess, Abbreviation of Tatiana which is Feminine of the Roman Family Clan Name Tatius, Giant, Fairy Queen, A Fairy Queen-of Tatiana, Name of a Princess, Daughter
TenishaGirl Gift of God, Wealthy Spearman, Wealthy Protector, Courageous People, People's Ruler, Form of Theodore, Divine Gift, Protector of Wealth
TereaGirl Silence, An Abbreviation of Anastacia
TeresiaGirl Gift of God, Form of Theodore, Divine Gift, Courageous People, Wealthy Protector, God's Gift, Maybe The Hunteress
TerresiaGirl Silence, An Abbreviation of Anastacia
TeshaGirl Prayer, Form of Synclair, A Clear Sign, From Saint Clair Sur Elle, Survivor
TheodosiaGirl Grace, Doe, Ewe, Wise Protection, Variation of Raymond, Female Sheep, Star in the Sky, Moon, Goddess of the Moon, Light, Heaven, Shine, Beautiful, Army
TheresiaGirl Graceful Rose, Maybe The Hunteress
TiaishaGirl Lily, Variant of Hebrew Susannah
TieraGirl Earth
TieshaGirl Joy, Happiness, Abbreviation of Leticia, Latisha
TinishaGirl From Tilden, Matilda, Mighty in War, Battle-mighty, Battle Strength, Powerful in Battle, Tinkle
TirzaGirl Gift of God, Supreme Gift, Royalty Jewels, Life, biblical name of Hebrew origin, meaning: Grace, grace.
TishaGirl Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Noted Protector, Similar to Rose, Horse, Fame, Pretty Rose, Frighten, Be Nervous, Strong-willed, Joy, Happiness, Gladness
ToiaGirl One who has Gone Before, Powerful in Battle
TonieshaGirl Twin
TonishaGirl Flourishing, One who is Extremely Priceless and Praiseworthy, Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
ToshaGirl Contentment, Satisfaction, Born at Christmas, Abbreviation of Natasha, Christ's Birthday, Be Adequate
TraciaGirl Contentment, Satisfaction, Born at Christmas, Abbreviation of Natasha, Christ's Birthday, Be Adequate
TreciaGirl Gift of God, Supreme Gift
TreshaGirl Warrior, Summer, Harvest, Courageous, Brave, Place of Thracius
TrichiaGirl Twin, Form of Thomas, Honest
TriciaGirl An Aristocrat, Noble Woman, Form of Patricia, Of Nobility, Nobleman
TrishaGirl Victory, Noble, Abbreviation of Patricia, Noble Woman, Patrician, Desire, Thirst, Female Version of Patrick, Aristocratic the Three Goddesses Shakthi, Aristocratic, Nobleman
TrisiaGirl Follower of Christ, Anointed, Strong, Healthy, By that, With that
TryshaGirl Twin, Form of Thomas, Honest
TyeshaGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
TyishaGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
TyshaGirl Follower of Christ, Anointed, Strong, Healthy, By that, With that
UlissaGirl Cut in Two, Divided in Two
UmojaBoy Virile, People's Ruler
UrijahBoy From the City, Yahweh Is My Light
UshaGirl Light, Lighting, Joy, Happiness, Sun Rise, Dawn
UsraGirl Cut in Two, Divided in Two, First Light
UzziahBoy My Power Is YAHWEH, France, Brave, Place Name, From Thracia, Place of Thracius, Theresa, Harvester, Reaper
ValentiaGirl Beloved, Diminutive of Gertrude, Strength of a Spear, Strength
ValeriaGirl Twin, The Healthy
VaneciaGirl Lives in the Valley, Valley, Usually with a Stream, Strong, Healthy
VaneshaGirl A River in England, River
VaneshiaGirl High Rank, Glory, Prestige, Sea Jewel, Wealthy, Little Bear, Inherited Estate, Wolf Power, Well Spoken, Abbreviation of Eulalie, Pure
VanessiaGirl A River in England, River
VanjaGirl Thunder Ruler, Puller, Follower of Thor, Stubborn, Derivative of the Scandinavian God of Battle Tyr, Tuesday was Named for Tyr, Wave, Yahweh Is Gracious
VarshaGirl Strong, Courageous, Healthy, Gods Gift, Blessing, Goddess Parvati, Year, Rain, Sweet Girl
VeetaGirl High Rank, Glory, Prestige, Sea Jewel, Wealthy, Little Bear, Inherited Estate, Wolf Power, Well Spoken, Abbreviation of Eulalie
VeneciaGirl Beloved, Diminutive of Gertrude, Strength of a Spear, Strength
VeneshaGirl Strong, Courageous, Healthy, Gods Gift, Blessing, Goddess Parvati, Year, Rain, Sweet Girl
VenessiaGirl Small, Little
VenetiaGirl Woman of Venice
VeneziaGirl Twin, Lovely, Beautiful
VeniciaGirl Butterfly, Diminutive of Vanessa, The Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood, God is Gracious, Merciful
VenishaGirl Dedicated
VenishiaGirl Butterfly, Diminutive of Vanessa, The Mystic Goddess of an Ancient Greek Brotherhood, God is Gracious, Merciful, Holy River
VernaGirl God is Merciful, Gift of God, AlderTrue
VernishaGirl Twin
VincentiaGirl Goddess of Love and Beauty, Love
VineshaGirl Twin
VinishaGirl Conquering, Prevailing, Victorious, Leader, Goddess of Love, Humble
ViridianaGirl Twin
WajihaGirl Little Violet, Purple, Beautiful Woman
WaneetaGirl Full of Life, Alive, Lively, Variant of Vivien, The Lady of the Lake in Malory's Mort Darthur, Life
YehoshuaBoy Pleasant Stone, Town of Victory, From the Friend's Town, Wine's Town, Joyful Stone, Homestead
YeshuaBoy Pleasant Stone, Town of Victory, From the Friend's Town, Wine's Town, Joyful Stone, Homestead
YousraGirl Hospitality, Welcoming, Guest, Stranger, Wisdom, ReconcilingWealth
ZackariahBoy Curly Haired, Foot-soldier
ZariahGirl Hospitality, Welcoming, Guest, Stranger, Wisdom
ZavieraGirl Bird Name, A Wren is a Small Brown Songbird, Sweet Smelling, Jasmine Flower, Fragrant Flower, Flower, Jasmine
ZechariahBoy YAHWEH Remembers, Archer, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Yew Tree, Diminutive of Yvonne
ZuwenaGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Brave Warrior Woman
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M