Swedish girl names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
Daylight Babies, Shining, Light
One who Gives Cows, God, Goddess
The Whole World, Singer, Happy, Abraham's Wife
The Brave
Maiden, Virgin Girl
The Torch
Native of Magdala
Follower of Christ, Christian, Anointed, Christ-bearer
Happy, Cheerful, Joy of My Father, Stranger
Well-Behaved, Guided, Moral, Grace
The Limping, Disabled, Preserving, Lame
Region of Asia Minor, Woman from Lydia
Leader Female Version of Earl, Warrior, Nobleman, Noble Woman
Home, Rich, Homeland, House
Feminine of Eugene, Noble, Well-Born, Sweet Spoken
Name of a Poem, Light, Brightness, Shining
Dear One, Expensive, Precious Jewel, Pure
An Eagle
Winner, Victoria Which Means Victory, Victor Conqueror, Triumphant
The Pure, Dear, Karen and Kathleen, Virginal
Start, Recite Read
Fruitful Land, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fruit Garden, Bright Red
Indication of the Gender of Caecilier, Moon
God is My Oath, Lisa, Mercy, Grace
Cinnabar, Form of Daniel, Dane, Red
Female Version of Charles or Carl, Man, Vigorous, Husband
Who is Like God?, Who is Like God
The Pure
India, Hundred Camels, Land of Hindus, Female Deer
God is Merciful
God is Salvation, Prophet, Wish Desire, Another Name for Vishnu
Light, Beautiful Woman, Bond, Youthful
Who Born in May, Princess of the Sea, Heavenly
Beautiful, Pretty, Variant of Linda Lime Tree, Tender Beauty
Eternal Salvation, Successful, Success, Little Sister
Pure, Torture, Clear
Praised, A Women from Judea, Judäerin, Praise
Woman from Sebasta, The Element Sebastos Which is of the Meaning Respected Venerable Augustus, Exalted, From Sebaste
Fawn Hind
Illustrious and Fighter
Gift and God
Industrious, Dearly Loved, God's Love, The Beloved
Greatest, Very Great
Strength, House, Struggle, Path of the Sun
Home and Sweet
The White, Blanc Meaning White Bright Beautiful
Sacred Wood, Crooked Mouth, God Protects My House, Apple Tree
He (God) Was Gracious
Moor, from Mauretania, The Moor, Muir Meaning Sea, Dark-skinned
Victory, Victorious
Blind, A Feminine Form of Cecil
Victory of the People
Rose, Joyful Thought, Cape, A Girl's Name
Leo, The Lion
Excellence, Best, Virtuous, Woman of Virtue
Pretty, The Pure, Dear, Beloved
He (God) Was Gracious, Invaluable, Pure, Graceful
My God is Perfect
He who Shines, Pure, Bright
Wolf, She-Wolf
A Native of Brittany, From Britain, Brit
Kind, The Word Alma with the Meaning Soul, Honorable, Brave
Brilliant, Radiance, Skilful, Praise
Kindness, Blessing, Grace
Laurel, Form of Lawrence, Crowned with Laurels
Foot-soldier, Curly Haired, To Be Strong, Man from Troyes
The Pearl
God is Merciful, He (God) Beholds
Woman from Hadria, Etruscan, Dark, Square Room
Unsullied, The Pure
Christ-bearer, Disciple of Christ, Christian Woman
Priceless, Inestimable, Invaluable, Beyond Praise
Victory of the People
Similar to the Latin Clara, Brilliant, Most Illustrious, Clear
Foreign Land, A Forest, Desert
Eloquent, To Talk Well, Good Word
Variant of Jenny which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer, White Wave
Born Again
Learning, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Wisdom, Knowledge
Bringer of Light, Lou, Shining, Precious
Hope, Caller, Generous, Eternal Salvation
Gift and God, English
Victory Bring the End, Shining
Judge and God
Noble Friend, Diminutive of Alvin
Tamer, Subdue
Of the Sea, Surname, Great and Bright
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Sagacity, Knowledge, Dearly Loved
The Pure, Torture
The Rock, The Stone
Ash, Cendre, Little Cinders
Princess of the Sea, Honey, Sweet
Bay, From Laurentum Stem End
The Steadfast, Constancy, Constant, Perseverance
Elisabeth, Hello, God, Anna
the Other, Foreign, The Element Eleos Which Means Mercy Pity, Light
Shield Wolf, Strong Defender, Wonderful
Peaceful Ruler, Rich, Lucky, Hardy
One Possessed with Many Qualities, Pure
An Aristocrat, Of Nobility, Nobleman, Noble Woman
Plain, Arrow
Bringing Victory, True, Severe, Faith
Abbreviation of Christine, Anointed
Money, God's Gift of Love, Beautiful, Goddess Saraswati / Lakshmi
From the Royal Fortress Meadow
The Pure, Dear, Pretty, Beloved
Stern, Love
Coined from, Very Colorful Diurnal Butterfly, Star, English
Variation of Elizabeth, Pledged to God, God's Promise
Archer, Yew Wood, Diminutive of Yvonne
Hardy, Home, Homeland, Brave
Victory of the People
Form of Eve, Good News, Winner, Living One
Very Great, Greatest
An Aromatic, Symbol of Victory, Botanical Name, The Myrtle is a Dark Green Shrub with Pink or White Blossoms
The Victor, Victory
Happy, was Thus Popular In Medieval Europe Especially Among Roman Catholics, The Same Latin Root Word As the Catholic Concept of Beatification
Christian Woman, Follower of Christ, Anointed
The Lord is Gracious, Variant of Jane
Army, Man, Son of Harry, Tamil Music Director Harris
Woman from the Mountain Kynthos on Delos Island
Lily, Variant of Hebrew Susannah
God's Servant, Hair, Victims, Offering
Composition from Rulers, Hard, Ruler
Victor, Noble Friend, Hairless, Conqueror
God is My Salvation
God is My Judge, Feminine Variant of Daniel
Bright, Luminous, Form of Clara, Shining
God of Wine, Divine
Adelheid, Of Noble Figure, Tale
One who Unites, Flash of Lightning, Derived from the Roman Given Name Levinia
Serene, Peaceful
God Would Multiply, Form of Sophie, Skill, Graceful
Eldest of All, Greatest
Bitterness, Bitter, Princess of the Sea
Pierces, Pierce the Vale
Fearless Leader, High Summit Greatest Champion, Royal Chieftain, Keen Power
From Carew Castle, Little and Womanly, Song of Joy, Precious Jewel
Form of Dorothy, Gift of God
He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful
Wealth and Light, Light
My God has Sworn
Star, Unruly, Sea of Sorrow, Bitter
Sturdy, Fruitful, Form of Drew
As innocent as a lamb
Messenger of God, Grace, Shining, Brilliant
Niko Which Means Victor, Victory of the People
Will and Helmet, Resolute, Brave, Protect
Pet Form of Victoria, The Victor, Victorious, Victory
Too: the Fire of Births, The Handsome, Beautiful and Wealthy, Surname
Lovable, Adorable, She who Must be Loved, In Love
Dedicated to Jupiter
The Pearl
Madam, Lady
Bitterness, Princess of the Sea
My God is Perfect, Form of Elizabeth
Noble Race
Blessed, Happy, Similar to Benedict, Right-hand Son
The Wind
Rose, Anemone, Lily, From the Name Susan
Risen One, Surrender
Princess, Stylish
The Bright, Wished of Chld, Famous in Battle, Born at Daybreak
Love, Gracious
Shielding, Armor, Coat of Mail, Armour, Protection
Shining, Victory Bring the End
God Would Multiply, He (God) Will Add