Norwegian boy names starting with

Updated: April 10th, 2024

Here are 4219 norwegian boy names that starts with .

Thunder God, Thors Hostage
Thunder God, Thunder
Exalted High, The Enlightened, Adler, Blessed One
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Counsel from the Elves, The Element Alfr Which Means Elf Supernatural Being, Nature Spirit, All and Peace
Game, Play, Fight
Dedicated to Hermes, Complete, Universal, Well Born
Elf, Nature Spirit, All and Peace, Counsel from the Elves
Brightness of the Land, Brilliant, Homeland, Bright
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Talktive Person, Crow, Passionate, Cloud
Point of a Spear, Wealth, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Hard, Natural Spirit, Strong Wolf
Hostage, Diminutive of Audrey, Prosperous, Wealth
Battlefield, Stone
Rule, Advice
Home, Rich, Power, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Hostage, Race in Life
Fine, Stone of Victory, Smooth
From the Manor, Worker at the Large House or Manor
Brown, Bear
One Life, Once in a lifetime, Immortal
Presiding One
Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Safety, Protection, Peace
Peaceful Wolf, Peace
One who Wields a Rock-Hard Spear
Spear, Stone Wall
Worker at the Large House or Manor, From the Manor
Grace of God Baal
Well Born, Messenger, Dedicated to Hermes, The Elements Heilagr Meaning Prosperous Successful Holy Blessed
Dear, The Pure, Abbreviation of Katherine, Beloved
A Descendant of the Wolf
The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Descendant, Heritage
Army, Brother, Brotherly, Warrior
Warrior from the Start
Sun, Bear, Brown
Skull, Head, Grim, Cruel, Atrocious
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Wolf
Heritage, Descendant, The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent
Passionate, To Learn, One who Instruct, Impulsive
Winner, Happiness, Luck
Stone, Luck, Happiness
Happiness, Winner, Luck
Earth, Earthworker, Farmer, German Form of George
Resolute, Protect, Very Famous, Bold
Happiness, Luck, Stone
Be a Man / Soldier, Brave
Olive Tree, Elf Army
Happiness, Stone, Luck
Eagle, Rule
Winner, Happiness, Luck
Sea, Ocean, Sea Giant, Water Man
Happiness, Luck, Winner
A Prefix, Auspicious Mahurat, An Atom, To Gain
Tall, Eagle Power, Exalted One, Prevail
Brave, Hard, Bärenstarke, Bear and Strong
Wolf, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Sagacity, Learning, Mistress, To be Clever
Eagle, Wisdom, Sagacity, Learning
Happiness, Winner, Luck
Wolf, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Form of Dorothy, Gift
Hired Farmh, Brave Man
Consecrated to God Abbreviation of Elisabeth, God's Promise
Nordic God Ingwio, Hard
Wealthy Guardian, Guardian of Prosperity
Luck, Happiness, Stone
Bear, Brown
Sublime, The Exalted One
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Wolf
Eight, Wealth, Possession
Bear, Originally a Diminutive of Etheidreda from the 16th Century, Brown, Wealth
Red Haired Defender, Counselor-protector
From a Surname and Place Name, Heathery Clearing
Knowledge, To be Clever, Tall, He Who Comes After
Black Irish, Warrior and Assault, Little Dark, Darkskinned
Point of a Weapon, Wealth, Conquering
God of Weather, Fertile, Master, Lord, He who is Foremost
Person, White and Smooth, Fair
Learning, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, To be Clever, Wisdom
Counselor-ruler, King's Adviser, Advice, Rule
End of the Forest Tribe, Trees, Sylvan, Wooded
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Brown, Bear
Of Clare, Clear, Bright, Famous
Hail! Welcome! Farewell!
Prevail, Famous Ruler, Fame, Composition Glory
Descendant of Biǫrn
Spanish Form of Elizabeth Consecrated to God, God's Promise
White and Smooth, Fair, Protection, Peace
God is Merciful, Abbreviation of Jonathan, Jehovah has been Gracious
Raven, Horn
Ancestor's Descendant, Happy
Yellow, Pale, Hail! Welcome! Farewell!
Moment Especially for Performing Rituals, An Atom, To Gain, Auspicious Mahurat
Day, Diminutive of Vincent, Conquering
Peace, Safety, Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved
Guardian of Property, Rich, Blessed
Well Born, Complete, Stone, Universal
Islanders, Island, Protection, Peace
Holy Name
Enclosure, Fold and Hierde, Strong Lock, Herdsman In Charge of the Sheep Or Cattlefold
Earthworker, Bauer, German Form of George, Farmer
Fate, Doom, War, Times, Gift, Warrior
Eagle, Wolf
Chaste, The Pure, Good, Lamb As Well
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Messenger, Dedicated to Hermes, Well Born, Universal
White and Smooth, Fair Phantom, Person, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Descendant, Heritage
Man from Laurentum, Laurel Wreath
Earth, Earthworker, Farmer, German Form of George
Knowledge, The Peaceful, Wisdom, Merciful
Sigr, Vidr
Happiness, Stone, Luck
Tall, Lofty, Garland in Tamil, Enlightened One
Noble, Bright, Honorable, Brilliant
Peace, Safety, Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved
He who is Foremost, God of Weather, Master, Lord, Fertile
Game, Play, Fight
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Wolf
Battle, Fight
Disciple of the Christ, Anointed Christian
A Descendant of the Wolf
Eight, Wealth, Possession
From the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar, Warrior, Strong Counselor, Powerful Army
Town of Thorns, From the Thorny Thicket, Surname, Thornton Variant
Stone, Variant of Augustine, Majestic, Dignity
Hagnos Meaning Pure Chaste, Diminutive of Audrey, Good, Prosperous
A Prefix, Spear, Stone Wall, An Atom
Sublime, The Exalted One
Renowned Northerner, Day-bright, Bright, Brilliant
Beloved One, Dearly Loved, Courageous Hero who Killed Goliath King of Israel
Laplander, The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Fair, Light Skinned
Times, Gift
Light, Eyes
River, Life
Dedicated to Hermes, Complete, Universal, Stone
Complete, Earthly, Well Born, Messenger
From the Moor Town, From the God Mars
God is with Us, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Awe Protection
Luck Priest, Holy Protection
Earth, Earthworker, Farmer, German Form of George
Wealth, Great, Famous, Fortune
Hearts Feelings, Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books, Main, The Humble
Sign, Wolf, Shield
Red Haired, Red-headed, Ruddy Complexioned