Norwegian boy names starting with

Updated: April 10th, 2024

Here are 4219 norwegian boy names that starts with .

Cauldron, Helmet, Kettle, Stone
The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Heritage, Descendant
Stone Wall, Spear
Wolf, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Thunder, King, Tower, Watchtower
Stone, Thunder
Love, Descendant, Heritage, The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent
Love, Unn Which Means Love
Fiery Torch, Sword Blade, Purple, Firebrand
Game, Play, Fight, Lithe
Lithe, Game, Play, Fight
Famous Ruler, Prevail, Renamed and Govern, Composition Glory
Strong, Brave, Desire, Hardy
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Knowledge, To be Clever, Lamb As Well
Eagle Ruler, Adler, Exalted High, Tall
Enlightened One, Prevail, Exalted High, Eagle Power
Exalted High, Powerful as an Eagle, Prevail, He Who Comes After
Wolf, Powerful Eagle
Tall, High Mountain, The Enlightened, Powerful as an Eagle
Eagle and Elder, High in Hebrew, Lofty, The Enlightened
He Who Comes After, Blessed One, Eagle Power, Garland in Tamil
Eagle Ruler, Prevail, Enlightened One, Rule
Sword, Beacon, Proud, Fiery Torch
Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Peace, Safety, Protection
Point of a Weapon, Wealth
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Wolf
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Wolf
Peace, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Protection, Safety
Gerd, Spear Hard, Prosperous, Wealth
Prosperous, Goth, from Gautland, The Goth, Great
Prosperous, Hostage, Diminutive of Audrey, Wealth
Wealth, Helmet, Kettle, Diminutive of Audrey
Prosperous, Wealth, Diminutive of Audrey
Prosperous, Diminutive of Audrey, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf, Wealth
Bold and Friend, Brave
Composition, Rule, Shiny, Bright
Born of the Right Hand, Stone Wall, Benjamin, Blessed
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Sublime, The Exalted One
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Boy, Youth, Young
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, To be Clever, Wisdom, Knowledge
Hardy, Brave, Bear
Noble, Honorable, Brilliant, Shining
The Exalted One, Sublime
Bärenstarke, Brave, Bear, Hardy
Bear, Modesty, Brown
Bear, Wolf, Brown
Brown, Modesty, Bear
Bear, Brown
Bärenstarke, Hardy, Bear, Hard
The Element Biarga Meaning to Help, Helpers, Mountain
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Brown, Bear
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Helpers, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Messenger, Stone
Illustrious, Honorable, Bright, Shining
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Wolf
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Wolf
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Wolf
Counsel from the Elves, Fiery Torch, The Element Alfr Which Means Elf Supernatural Being, All and Peace
Mercy, Form of Anna, Friendly, Grace
The Milk of Cows and Ewes Immediately After Calving and Lambing, Spike
Strong, Vigilant, War, Battle Maid
Strong, Vigilant, War, Battle Maid
The Word Dagr with the Meaning Day, Shy, Reserved, Unfriendly
Day, The Word Dagr with the Meaning Day
Offspring, Heritage of the People
Germane, Warrior, From Germany, Army
Dedicated to Dionysos, God Dionysus Sanctified
Brave Man, Hired Farmh
Brave Boar, Hard
A Messenger from Heaven, Angil, Angel, Light, Shining, Illustrious
One, Alone, Rule
Rule, Blessed One, Exalted High, Garland in Tamil
Descendant, The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Heritage
Warrior, Folk, War Band, People
The Element Fionn Which Means White Fair, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Laplander, Blonde
White, Light Skinned, Fair-haired Courageous One, Blonde
White, Light Skinned, Fair-haired Courageous One, Blonde
Blonde, White, Fair, Laplander
Laplander, The Element Fionn Which Means White Fair, Fair-haired Courageous One, Blond
Light Skinned, The Finn, Blond, White
Peace, Peaceful Wolf
Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Safety, Peace
Fertile, God of Weather, He who is Foremost, Master, Lord
God of Weather, Fertile, Master, Lord, He who is Foremost
Fertile, He who is Foremost, Master, Lord, God of Weather
Arabian Jasmine
Firebrand, Spear Hard, Beacon, Gerd
Goth, from Gautland, The Goth, Great
Great, Goth, from Gautland, The Goth
The Goth, Great, Goth, from Gautland
Fiery Torch, Stone Wall, Firebrand, Sword Blade
Spear, Game, Play, Fight, Stone Wall
Descendant, Spear, Heritage, The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent
Wolf, Stone Wall, Spear
Powerful, Home, Spear, Stone Wall
Protection, Safety, Spear, Peace
Stone Wall, Spear
Spear, Stone Wall
Stone Wall, Spear
Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Guardian
Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Guardian
Bright, Pledge, Shiny, Hostage
Stone Wall, Heritage, Spear, Descendant
Holy Name
Strength of a Spear, Brave, Hardy
Diminutive of Gertrude, Hardy, Brave
Spear, Stone Wall, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Guardian
Stone Wall, Spear
The Goth, Great, Goth, from Gautland
Glowing One
Stoop, Slope, Leaning Mountain-Peak
Lion Cub, God
Grim, Shiny
Grim, Shiny
Grim, Cruel, Atrocious, Cauldron, Helmet, Kettle
Grim, Cruel, Atrocious, The Element Úlfr with the Meaning Wolf
Spear Brave, Gerd, To be Guarded, Enclosure
Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Peace, Protection, Safety
Careful, God, Protector, Protection
The Word Leifr with the Meaning Heir Descendent, Descendant, Heritage
Good Wife
Protection, Protector, God, Careful
Fight, One who is Unspoiled
Fight, Protection, Peace, Safety
Adviser, Fight
Safety, Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Peace
Fight, Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Safety
Guard, High, Defender
One who Sings Ballads, Minstrel, A Singer-poet, Poet
River, Yahweh is Gracious
High, Son
Worker at the Large House or Manor, From the Manor
Field of Heather, Clearing, Heath, Wood
Worker at the Large House or Manor, Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved, Safety
From the Manor, Worker at the Large House or Manor
Snake, Serpent, From the Manor
From the Manor, Safety, Protection, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved
Wolf, From the Manor
River, Modesty
Kettle, Worker at the Large House or Manor, Cauldron, Helmet
Wealthy Defender, Guardian of Prosperity, Rich, Blessed
Law-powerful, Powerful in the Law, Good Worship, Boar Battle
Powerful, Ruler, Rich, Homeland
Complete, Hermes, Stone, Messenger