Danish girl names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
The Small, Humble, Female Version of Paul, Little
Mercy, Grace, A Combination of Marie and Anne, Rebelliousnesses Wished for Child
Sixth, Blind
Beautiful Dawn
Fight, Battle
Friendly, Gracious, Priceless, Grace
Vigilance, Struggle
Variant of Jane, Yahweh is Gracious, Little Jean
House, Strength, Hall
Anna, Graceful, Gracious, Grace
Knowledge, Happiness, Learning, Merciful
Erasmios, Gracious
To Flow, Sixth Month, Secret Lore, Rune
Little White Dove, Little Dove, Seedúfa
A Gentle Woman
Belonging to Christ, Anointed, Beautiful Christian, Christ-bearer
The Pure, Unsullied
Friend, The Word Wine Which is of the Meaning Friend
Brotherly, Brother, From the Same Blood, Germane
Well Born, Kindly
The Element Alaida Which Means Little Winged Girl, Of a Noble Kind
God is Gracious, Variant of Jane
Fairy Princess, Of the Family, Hortus
Spear, Force
God's Promise, My God is Abundance, House
House Owner Lord of the Manor, Rich, Powerful, Homeland
Sagacity, Princess of the Sea, Great Mother, Merciful
Blessed, Good Person
Mistress, Ruler, Peace, Loving Wife
Safe Harbor, Sanctuary, Boy, Enclosure
Grace, Graceful, Gracious, God has Favoured Me
A Saint's Name, Severe, Stern, Restrained
Fight, War, Battle
Diminutive of Ann, Fire, Lovely Eyed, -Nina
Gorgeous Splendid Magnificent
Battle, Elf
War, Fight, Battle
Protection, Olive, The Word Lifr Which Means Life
Daughter of the Oath
Horse, Lily, Swallow, Moth
Flourishing, John, Paradise Garden, Heaven
Native of Lydia
From the Same Blood, Brotherly, Warrior, Army
To Love
Food, He (God) Was Gracious, Favour and Grace, Grain
Yahweh is Gracious
Bitterness, Name of a Saint, Jewel, Hebrew Meaning
Thunder, Spear, Thor
New Moon, New, Young, Warlike
To be Clever, War, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Fight
The Pearl
Gracious Gift of God
Lion and Strong, Hard
Vanishing, Fragility
Variant of Lillian Derived from the Flower Name Lily, Beauty, Fleur De Lys, Favour
River, Follower of Christ, Anointed, Little One
Name of a Saint, Jewel, The Pearl
Knowledge, Wisdom, Sagacity, Learning
God is My Joy
Shrub, Ivy Plant, God's Gift, A Creeper
My God is Perfect
Sublime, The Exalted One
God's Gift, Anna, Maria
War, My God is Perfect, Battle Maid, Noble
He (God) Was Gracious
Lady, Mistress
He (God) Was Gracious, Man, The Teuton, Warrior
Noble and Fight
About: the Spreading, People, Tribe Woman, Jennifer
Wished of Chld, God is Fullness, Calf, Of Death
Lady, Mistress
Gift of God
A Wise Counsellor, Counsel, Recluse, Anchorite, Monk B) = Alone, Lonely
With Dark Red Lips, Soul, Apple, Educated
Defender of Men, Protector, Noble
Conqueror, Conquer, Victorious, Victory
Goddess Durga, God has Shown Favour, He (God) Was Gracious, Kind Hearted
Shiny, Bright, L, Land
Sagacity, Learning, Yahweh is Gracious, Knowledge
A Kind of Clay
Race and Woman, Abbreviation of Virginia, God is Gracious, Pure
Happy, Fertile Land without Rock and Stone, His Name is God, Precious
Wet Nurse, Midwife, Purple, Full of Life
Venerable, The August, Eye, Revered
Desire, Helmet, Moon, Stars
The Blessed
He (God) Was Gracious
Imitating, Emulus, Rivaling
Illustrious and Fighter
My God is Abundance
My God has Sworn, God's Promise
Woman from Jehud, Judäerin
Burst of the Sun
Milde, Gentle Adviser, Thryd, Composition from Mild
White, War, Battle, Rose
Ings Warrior Cared for By Ing, Nordic God Ingwio, Army, Beautiful
Grace, God has Shown Favour, Eagle, He (God) Was Gracious
God has Shown Favour, He (God) Was Gracious, Different, Sweet Faced
The Exalted One, Sublime
Strength, The Exalted One, Saint, Power
Tendon, Thread, Sinew
Yahweh is Gracious
Resurrection, Surrender, Risen One
Pure, From the North, Far Off, Hundred
Wealth and People, Wealth
Wisdom, God Would Multiply, Form of Sophie, Skill
Beautiful God
Little French / Franconian
From the God Mars, Supernatural Power, Love, Similar
Belonging to Christ, Sagacity, Merciful, Learning
Indication of the Gender of Caecilier
To Hide, To Keep a Secret
Honorable, Bright, Noble, Brilliant
Ruler, House
Midas and Croesus, Beauty, Lydia was an Area of Asia Famous for Its Two Rich Kings, Noble Kind
Wisdom, Merciful, To be Clever, Knowledge
Big, Great, Who is Like God?
Princess of the Sea, Great Mother, Rebelliousness Wished for Child, Nurse
Variant of Margaret, Brave, Honest, Pearl
Inspired By the Greek God Apollo
Protection, Fence, Large, Enclosure
Army, Warrior, Brother, The Teuton
God is Merciful
-Tina, -Tine, Perseverance
Merciful, Learning, Lad, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom
My God is Perfect, God's Promise
Mill of the Shore, Remedy, Struggle, Help
Strength, Hall, House
Exalted High, Eagle, The Enlightened, Adler
My God is Abundance
Army, Man
Of Noble Figure, Of a Noble Kind
The Words Kuoni Which Means Brave, Fight, Tribe, Struggle
Spear, Force
Eagle, He (God) Was Gracious, Mercy, Grace
The Anointed One, Home, Power, Disciple of the Christ
God Beautiful, War, Gift
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Yahweh May Protect, Holder of the Heel, Supplanter
Merciful, To be Clever, Knowledge, Wisdom
Dim Sighted, The Way for the Blind, Sixth
Sagacity, To be Clever, Gift, Merciful
Strength, Sublime
Rock, Protection
Possession, Struggle, Powerful in Battle, One who has Gone Before
Beautiful, Victory and Liberator
Adal Which Means Noble Honorable, Secret, Shape
Victory, Secret, Rune, Mystery
Having the Grace of the God Ing
Only Fighting, Alone, One, Rule
Resembling a Swan, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Kind, Capable, Noble, Scholarly
Warrior, Virile, Protrude, Man
Knowledge, Christian Woman, To be Clever, Anointed
Villager of Galilee Where Lived Mary Magdalene
Luck, Happiness
Force, Reign
Honorable, Bright, Noble, All and Illustrious
Erasmios, Gracious