Danish girl names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
Lady, Full of Life, Alive
Fight, Wisdom, Composition, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing
Yahweh is Gracious, Life, Beloved, Sing
Gift of God, Safety, The Lord is Gracious, Protection
Grace, Favour, Blend of Ann and Janet
Fight, War, Merciful, Battle Maid
The Pearl, Child of Light, Friendly, He (God) Was Gracious
Knotted Cord, Tied, Moderator, Beguiling
My God is Perfect
Might, My God has Sworn, 'Struggle' Namesake, Composition Of: 'Power'
Struggle, Path of the Sun, Hall, Strength
Ings Warrior Cared for By Ing, God of Fertility and Peace, He who is Foremost, Powerful
To be Clever, Sagacity, Wisdom, Knowledge
Hard, Home, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Rich
Alone, Lone Warrior, One, Army
12Th Child from Danish Dusin = Dozen
Wisdom, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, To be Clever, Sagacity
My God is Perfect
Brown, Black
Protection, Peace, Safety, Beautiful Originally Meaning: Loved
Restrained, Strict, Severe, Seriousness
The Pure
Mighty Soldier, Might, Strength, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Learning
Like a Bear, Son, Youngster, A Nickname and Given Name
Grace, Form of Anna, Favour, Priceless
Sagacity, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Noble, To be Clever
Wisdom, Merciful, Mercy, Grace
Picket, Milestone
Humble, Weak, Female Version of Paul, Little
Learning, Struggle, Wisdom, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing
Follower of Christ, The Anointed One, Christian
Merciful, Sagacity, Wisdom, Learning
Fight, Sister, Enclosure, Man
Possession, Wealth and People, Struggle
Thor, Struggle
'Struggle' Namesake, Strength, Composition Of: 'Power', Fight
My God is Perfect, Something Special
Learning, Merciful, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Sagacity
Form of Anna, Mercy, Priceless, He (God) Was Gracious
Earthworker, Farmer, Bauer
Power, Bitterness
A Gentle Woman
God is Gracious, Grace, Mercy, Friendly
Bitterness, Midwife, Beauty, Wet Nurse
Favour, Mercy, Priceless, Grace
The Pearl, Graceful, Mercy, Favour
Christian, Belonging to Christ, The Anointed One
God is Merciful, Rosina, Explorer of Knowledge, Sinai
God Adds
Stem End of the Bay Tree, Laurel
Graceful, Mercy, Gracious, Friendly
Favour, Priceless, Grace, Form of Anna
Battle, War, Noble, Hill
Something Special
Midwife, My God is Perfect, Wet Nurse
Possession, Prospers in Battle, Wealth and People, Little Wealthy One
The Way for the Blind, Dim Sighted, Sixth
Holy, Truth and Reason, Of Death, Wished of Chld
Inspired By the Greek God Apollo
Farmer or Son of the Earth, Bright, Rule, Hill
Beautiful God
Champion, Victory of the People, Victorious Person
A Saint's Name, Severe, Stern, Restrained
Gift of Yahweh
Priceless Inestimable, That Feeds on Flower
Sun, Sea
Power, Bitterness
View, Name, Name, Good Reputation, Prestige
Jehovah has been Gracious, Abbreviation of Jonathan, New Moon, New, Young
Battler, Wisdom, Learning, War
To be Clever, Knowledge, Learning, Wisdom
The Pearl, Child of Light, Friendly, He (God) Was Gracious
Warrior, Battler, Fight, War
Sagacity, Times, Stone Wall, Gift
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
A Commanding Heroine, Remedy, Battle for Help
From Laurentium, Laurel, Stem End of Laurentum
Sweet Bay Tree
Wealth, Fright Warrior, Born Eighth, Possession
The Exalted One
Daughter of Paulus
From the Same Blood, Sister, Brotherly, My God has Sworn
Restrained, Strict, Severe, Seriousness
White, War, Battle, Rose
Jehovah has been Gracious, Gift of God, Battle, Noble
The Pure
The Pure
Heritage of the Ancestors, Happy, Ancestor's Descendant
White, The Albanian, Man from Alba
Favour, Friendly, Grace, Form of Margaret
Strength, Sublime
A Commanding Heroine, Remedy, Battle
Form of Margaret, A Pearl
Thors Rock
Follower of Christ, Christian
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Sagacity, Anointed, Belonging to Christ
Shy, Reserved, Unfriendly
Grass, Enchanting, Charming, Pleasant
Ingeborg, Warrior, He who is Foremost, Army
Ruler, Peace
Elf, Wise Counselor, Magical Being Strength
Having the Grace of the God Ing
Adal Which Means Noble Honorable, Secret, Shape
Strength, Force, Sublime, High, Mighty, Exalted
Might, Flute, 'Struggle' Namesake, Strong
Alive, War Fortress, Life, Different
Fight, Priceless, Grace, Strength
Judge, "Strong", Justified, God has Judged
Secret Sign, Sagacity, Composition, To be Clever
Beloved, Dear
Noble, Battle, War
Nordic God Ingwio, Warrior, He who is Foremost, Beautiful
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, To be Clever, Fight, Wisdom
Learning, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Wisdom, Sagacity
Something Special
A Commanding Heroine, Remedy, Battle
He who is Foremost, God of Weather, Knowledge, Merciful
Composition Of: 'Power', 'Struggle', Fight, Strength
Struggle, Thor
The Blessed
Battle Maid, Noble, War
Battle, Remedy, A Commanding Heroine
Christian Woman, Disciple of the Christ, The Anointed One
Sagacity, Peace of God, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Learning
Sagacity, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Learning, Merciful
Ingeborg, God of Peace and Prosperity, Powerful, Beautiful
Possession, Wealth, Eight
Knowledge, Learning, To be Clever, Council
A Saint's Name, Rigor, River in England, Restrained
Name, Good Reputation, Prestige, Name, View
Noble and Fight
To be Clever, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Learning, Knowledge
Luminous, Bright, Clear, Love
Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, To be Clever, Brave with the Spear, Enclosure
Merciful, To be Guarded, Islanders, Enclosure
Sagacity, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Wisdom, Learning
God is Merciful, Jehovah has been Gracious
Strong, Something Special, Lion-bold, Flute
The One from Mauritania, Moorish
The One from Mauritania, Moorish
Rich, Power of the Home, Mighty, Wealthy Ruler
View, Name, Name, Good Reputation, Prestige
View, Name, Name, Good Reputation, Prestige
Red Earth, Beautiful Jade, Voice, Man
Merciful, To be Clever, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Learning
Sagacity, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, To be Clever, Learning
Merciful, Wisdom, Learning, To be Clever
Noble Hound, Holy Clearing
Knowledge, Nobel, Merciful, To be Clever
Form of Anna, Mercy, Grace, God has Favoured Me
Exalted High, Light Bringer, Tall, Wisdom
Exalted High, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Tall, Eagle
The Blessed
One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Knowledge, Sagacity, Wisdom
The Exalted One
A Commanding Heroine, Battle, Remedy
A Commanding Heroine, Remedy, Battle for Help
Blessed, Guardian of Prosperity, Wealthy Defender, Rich
My God has Sworn, Wisdom, Knowledge, To be Clever
Little Frenchman
Lord, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, To be Clever, Learning
He who is Foremost, Master, Lord, God of Weather, Fertile
Learning, Wisdom, Spear, Stone Wall
Merciful, Knowledge, Wisdom, Learning
From the Protected Farm, Learning, Sagacity, Wisdom
Learning, Spear, Sagacity, Stone Wall
Knowledge, To be Clever, Sagacity, Wisdom
Merciful, Sagacity, To be Clever, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom