Danish girl names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
Sister, The Teuton, Army, Brotherly
The Pure, Dear, Pretty, Beloved
Crown, The Crowned, Victorious, Garland
Aurelia, Golden-Haired, Aureus Meaning Golden
That Feeds on Flower
Sea of Bitterness, Bitter, Anna, Rebelliousnesses Wished for Child
My God is Perfect, The Oath
Midwife, The Exalted One, Wet Nurse, Sublime
He (God) Was Gracious, Grace, Friendly, Wisdom
New, Victory
Indication of the Gender of the Claudian
Form of Natalie, Birth, Christmas Babies, Natal Day
From Germany, Sister, Germane, Power
The Pure
Christ-bearer, Disciple of Christ, Christian Woman
Sixth, Blind, A Feminine Form of Cecil
The Pearl, Variant of Margaret
Noble Spear Man, Moustachioed, Wearing a Moustache, Bearded
Islanders, Wisdom, To be Clever, Island
Bright Ruler, Shining, Illustrious and Skillful, Rule
Wisdom, Graceful, God Would Multiply, Skill
Rebellion, Sea of Bitterness, Wished for Child, Maria
Shining, Light, Daylight Babies
Indication of the Gender of Caecilier
My God is Perfect
Ruler, Safety, Power, Peace
Midwife, Sublime, The Exalted One, Wet Nurse
Hello, God, Anna, House
All and Peace
Horn, Raven
Victory of the People
Christian, Belonging to Christ, Anointed
The Blessed
Graceful, Mercy, Gracious, Friendly
Of Noble Figure, Of a Noble Kind
Friendly, Mercy, Form of Anna, Midwife
He (God) Will Add, God Would Multiply
The Exalted One
The Exalted One, Sublime
Violets Bloom, Violet
Fight, Tribe, Clan
Enclosure, Fence, Protection, Fight
From the Name Susan, Lily, To be Clever, Merciful
Grace, God is Gracious, Mother, Eagle
Form of Anna, Mercy, Grace, God has Favoured Me
The Exalted One, Sublime
The Exalted One, Strength, Force, Sublime
Light Skinned, The Element Fionn Which Means White Fair, Laplander, Fair-haired Courageous One
Famous, Nordic God Ingwio, Well-Known
Belonging to Christ, Anointed, Beautiful Christian, Christ-bearer
God has Favoured Me, Mercy, Grace, Favour
Thunder, Struggle, Thor, Battle
Follower of Christ, Diminutive of Christian
Commanding, Struggle, Battle, Remedy
Joy, Allesse
God is Merciful, Gracious
Homeland, Power, House, Rich
Little Frenchman / Franke
The Pearl
Powerful, Ingeborg, Army, Beautiful
Beautiful God
Inspired By the Ancient Roman Family of Caecilier, To be Clever, Wisdom, Knowledge
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
A Combination of Marie and Anne, Rebelliousnesses Wished for Child, Maria, Bitter
Protector on the Battlefield, Reign, Protection, Mighty Mountain
Father and Peace
A Period of Time, Planet Earth, Virgin, Goodness
To be Clever, Knowledge, Modesty, Sagacity
Warrior, Battler, Fight, War
Lord Krishna, Raise of Sun, Moon
Of Death, Beloved, Pearl, Calf
Christian, The Anointed One, Variant Form of Christine, Stone Church
God is Merciful
God has Favoured Me, Favour, Graceful, Mercy
Victory of the People
Good, Life
Light, Shining, Illustrious
God has Favored Me, He (God) Was Gracious, Answer to My Prayer
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
The Pure, Heavenly, Small Grass of Life
Dim Sighted, The Way for the Blind, Sixth
Hospitable, Welcoming, Guest, Stranger
Sister, From the Same Blood, Warrior, Brother
Honorable, Wolf
Consecrated to God, Form of Elizabeth
Hermes, Stone, Complete, Earthly
God's Promise, My God has Sworn, Variation of Elizabeth
Gift of God
Worker at the Large House or Manor, Lithe
Thor, Peace Or Beautiful
Resurrection, Surrender, Risen One
Woman from Jehud, Judäerin
A Loyal Woman, Happy
Who is Like God?
Superiority and Greatness.
The Blessed
Marie, Hostage and Luminous, Famous, Louise
Wealthy Ruler, Mighty, Inherited Property, Patrimony
From the God Mars, Mistress of House, Lady, The Pearl
Scathe, Harm, Damage and Loss and Death
Diminutive of Ann, Slender, Knowledge, God had Gracious
Anna, Liese, Elisabeth
Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, Battle Maid, War, Noble
Angelicus Meaning Angelic Like an Angel, Scent, Daughter of a Great Father, Sense
Gracious Gift of God
Grace, He (God) Was Gracious, Graceful, Mercy
Brother, The Teuton, Of a Noble Kind, Man
Blind, A Feminine Form of Cecil
Sublime, Strength
Knowledge, One who is Merciful and Foreseeing, Noble Friend, Sagacity
Lively, Alive
War, Battle, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle, Noble
The Exalted One, Sublime
Blind One, Dim Sighted, Sixth
God's Promise, Pledged to God, Noble, Nobility
Rich, Homeland, Ruler, Power
Gift and God, Woman of the Sea, Bountiful, From Doris
Graceful, Grace, Favor, He (God) Was Gracious
Gerd, Enclosure, Strength of the Spear, To be Guarded
Noble, War, Battle Maid, From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Blessed, Happy
God is Gracious, Little Jean, Female Version of John
Indication of the Gender of Caecilier
Friendly, Mercy, Form of Anna, Midwife
Of Death, Beloved, Pearl, Calf
Fight, Battle, White, War
Stem End of Laurentum, Laurel Wreath
Sagacity, My God is Abundance, Learning, Merciful
The Pure
Midas and Croesus, Beauty, Lydia was an Area of Asia Famous for Its Two Rich Kings, Noble Kind
The Blessed
The Peaceful
War, Fight, Battle
From the Fortified Hill Or Castle
Knowledge, Merciful, Gracious, Sagacity
Anointed, Belonging to Christ, Christian
The Anointed One, Wisdom, Disciple of the Christ, Christian
The Pearl
Thryd, Composition from Mild, Gentle Strength, Sweet and Honor
Fight, Victory
My God is Perfect
Powerful as an Eagle, Enlightened One, High in Hebrew, Adler
Christian Follower of Christ, Anointed
Safe Haven
Maid-Servant, Tern, Sea Swallow
Merciful, Love, Learning, Knowledge
12Th Child from Danish Dusin = Dozen
Sublime, The Exalted One, Wet Nurse, Midwife
Priceless, Might, Form of Anna, Favour
Sagacity, Full of Knowledge and Wisdom, To be Clever, Learning
Earthworker, Bauer, Farmer
Rich or from Hadria, Victor, River, Goddess Lakshmi
Mercy, Leader, Who Takes Pleasure In New Joys, Favour
The Crowned, Crown
White, Battle, War, Fight